Mass delusions for Republicans


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
This is what the republican party has become , bible thumping kooks , lunatics, half dead depends wearers and hoveround cowboys

Mad conspiracy theories are nothing new in American politics.

Historian Rick Perlstein’s book “Before the Storm” describes a similar paranoid outbreak in 1963. A California GOP senator complained about an avalanche of “‘fright mail,’ mostly centering on two astonishing, and astonishingly widespread, rumors: that Chinese commandos were training in Mexico for an invasion of the United States through San Diego; and that 100,000 U.N. troops — 16,000 of them ‘African Negro troops, who are cannibals’ (sic) — were secretly rehearsing in the Georgia swamps under the command of a Russian colonel for a U.N. martial-law takeover of the United States.”

Back then it was President John F. Kennedy, an Irish-Catholic Democrat, who afflicted the John Birch Society with fear of The Other. Today, it’s President Obama scaring an Austin-based talk radio and Internet conspiracy theorist called Alex Jones.

Richard Hofstadter’s classic 1964 essay “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” explains: “I call it the paranoid style simply because no other word adequately evokes the sense of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind.”

Commentary Mass delusions for Republicans - May 10 2015

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I'm patient, at some point when liberals have messed things up even worse, they will discover a religious cowboy conservative can save the day.
guno. there IS a reason why you are what you are.
Just your general white trash and NOT people living in trailers as there are some damn NICE retirement areas here In Arizona that ARE trailer based. I'm talking your base white democrats the hood rat want to bees. Your skin head type of democrat.

MOST of your ex-convicts are long standing proud democrats as well. I'm am talking white trash that has CHOSEN to live the feral negro lifestyle. They hate other white people who try and get ahead and they diss God at the drop of a hat. You see them here in the "Loon Platoon".

You see your base WND walking down the street with his underwear outside of his pants and point and think. "Oh my God a thug!" Back in MY day you looked and thought "Someone let their retard out". Democrats have taught youth this. That in order to be equal one must live and act like the feral negro.

Liberal democrat teachers in public schools have taught in order to be equal you MUST get abortions or do drugs and drink and do time or at least "walk paper". This is a direct attack on the white populace in their morals values and ethics.

I mean Godless homo sex habits are being taught and protected in the schools. You are being told by liberal leaders AND teachers that a BOY dressed as a GIRL has the right to use a girls bathroom. Who we kidding here huh? Just exactly when did a leader or a school get the RIGHT to put a demented pervert in the SAME bathroom with YOUR child. AND tells YOU that you have to accept it?

Now we all know where this "level the playing field" crap came from but noting is being leveled it's being LOWERED. The ENTIRE mental and moral fabric of our nation be it education or moral standards are being LOWERED daily by white trash liberal democrats.

Look at the white trash mental standards of the "Loon Platoon" on THIS very board for proof. Their cop killing rants are sickening. 90% of their "SUPPOSE" victims in the last year have been thugs and nothing more. How many cops have died in the line of duty working tp protect those areas FROM thugs?

Do you see them writing for removing MORE thugs from the populace? Of course not. They THINK some "touchy Feely" program will lower crime when the fact is removing criminals is the ONLY thing that lowers crime.

The white trash liberal democrat has been LOWERING the social and educational and moral standards for EVERY race in this country. And like I said one only has to look at the "Loon Platoon" on this board to see PROOF.
Well, lets see what the O. P. is about here.

First, he is letting all of us Heartland Folks that he really knows some stuff. He is familiar with some essay written half a century ago about the sometimes paranoid reactions of people.

He was going to show why the Republican Party consists of: "bible thumping kooks , lunatics, half dead depends wearers and hoveround cowboys" but he wandered off into this essay from the 60's that he is so proud of...he seemed to let hate divert him...and so if he had a point, I'd say he forgot to make it.
This is what the republican party has become , bible thumping kooks , lunatics, half dead depends wearers and hoveround cowboys

Mad conspiracy theories are nothing new in American politics.

Historian Rick Perlstein’s book “Before the Storm” describes a similar paranoid outbreak in 1963. A California GOP senator complained about an avalanche of “‘fright mail,’ mostly centering on two astonishing, and astonishingly widespread, rumors: that Chinese commandos were training in Mexico for an invasion of the United States through San Diego; and that 100,000 U.N. troops — 16,000 of them ‘African Negro troops, who are cannibals’ (sic) — were secretly rehearsing in the Georgia swamps under the command of a Russian colonel for a U.N. martial-law takeover of the United States.”

Back then it was President John F. Kennedy, an Irish-Catholic Democrat, who afflicted the John Birch Society with fear of The Other. Today, it’s President Obama scaring an Austin-based talk radio and Internet conspiracy theorist called Alex Jones.

Richard Hofstadter’s classic 1964 essay “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” explains: “I call it the paranoid style simply because no other word adequately evokes the sense of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind.”

Commentary Mass delusions for Republicans - May 10 2015


I'd take them over your worthless ass any day. he make fun of others and what does he do? sits for hours and hours on a message board. scouring the sewers of the Internet so he can post the garbage here. what a hateful POS loser
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I'm patient, at some point when liberals have messed things up even worse, they will discover a religious cowboy conservative can save the day.
"mess things up" :eusa_eh: Worse than Shrub (R) did? You should do stand up


Interesting how the Bush jr era began with a massive disaster and ended with an even bigger one.

Wanting a 3rd Bush in the Whitehouse is like wanting to get beaten up because it feels so good when it stops. :cuckoo:

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