Mass Killings: The Blame

The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.



If anyone is wondering you now know that if the progressives have their way and make it so the mentally ill will not be able to purchase firearms they'll determine that anyone who wants a firearm will be deemed mentally ill.


The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.



If anyone is wondering you now know that if the progressives have their way and make it so the mentally ill will not be able to purchase firearms they'll determine that anyone who wants a firearm will be deemed mentally ill.



At this point all they're looking for is to put their foot in the door. If they could ever do what they say they want to do, they will soon find out it's a failure, and advance to step 2, then step 3, then step 4.

We DID try it their way. We had an assault weapons ban for ten years. The statics show that it didn't lower our violent crime rate. In fact, our violent crime rate has been decreasing since the early 90's. From then until now, more and more states have adopted Concealed Carry programs, and more Americans own firearms now than ever.

Liberals obviously never heard of the saying, if it it's not broke, don't fix it.
The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.



If anyone is wondering you now know that if the progressives have their way and make it so the mentally ill will not be able to purchase firearms they'll determine that anyone who wants a firearm will be deemed mentally ill.



At this point all they're looking for is to put their foot in the door. If they could ever do what they say they want to do, they will soon find out it's a failure, and advance to step 2, then step 3, then step 4.

We DID try it their way. We had an assault weapons ban for ten years. The statics show that it didn't lower our violent crime rate. In fact, our violent crime rate has been decreasing since the early 90's. From then until now, more and more states have adopted Concealed Carry programs, and more Americans own firearms now than ever.

Liberals obviously never heard of the saying, if it it's not broke, don't fix it.

We've been trying it their way with no 10 commandments and no corporal punishment in school for a while now, too. How's that working out? From my observations (Correct me if I'm wrong) Not so good.
The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.



If anyone is wondering you now know that if the progressives have their way and make it so the mentally ill will not be able to purchase firearms they'll determine that anyone who wants a firearm will be deemed mentally ill.



At this point all they're looking for is to put their foot in the door. If they could ever do what they say they want to do, they will soon find out it's a failure, and advance to step 2, then step 3, then step 4.

We DID try it their way. We had an assault weapons ban for ten years. The statics show that it didn't lower our violent crime rate. In fact, our violent crime rate has been decreasing since the early 90's. From then until now, more and more states have adopted Concealed Carry programs, and more Americans own firearms now than ever.

Liberals obviously never heard of the saying, if it it's not broke, don't fix it.

We've been trying it their way with no 10 commandments and no corporal punishment in school for a while now, too. How's that working out? From my observations (Correct me if I'm wrong) Not so good.

As I have pointed out multiple times in these discussions, most of these mass murders have one thing in common besides guns, and that is rejection.

People today can't handle rejection because they've been isolated from humiliation since young on. From the parent to the school to college. When they finally are rejected or humiliated, they don't know how to deal with negative emotions so for some, it's the end if the Fn world, and they get a gun and kill innocent people. And yes, the removal of corporal punishment is part of that shield we created.
It's almost as if the removal of corporal punishment coincides with the start of crazy stuff going on.

Owait, you're damn right it is. That plus the removal of God equals fail squared.
It's almost as if the removal of corporal punishment coincides with the start of crazy stuff going on.

Owait, you're damn right it is. That plus the removal of God equals fail squared.

That is the other aspect. I mean, when I grew up, we were always taught that no matter what you do, who isn't around, what you get away with, God is always watching. When you die, you are judged by your conduct on this planet. We were taught that punishment will be given and even damnation.

Younger people today believe that when you die, it's just like a dog dying. You just cease to live. There is no place to go except in the ground and all your problems go away. So if your life really sucks, and there is no better life to go to, why not get even with as many people as you can?
It's almost as if the removal of corporal punishment coincides with the start of crazy stuff going on.

Owait, you're damn right it is. That plus the removal of God equals fail squared.

That is the other aspect. I mean, when I grew up, we were always taught that no matter what you do, who isn't around, what you get away with, God is always watching. When you die, you are judged by your conduct on this planet. We were taught that punishment will be given and even damnation.

Younger people today believe that when you die, it's just like a dog dying. You just cease to live. There is no place to go except in the ground and all your problems go away. So if your life really sucks, and there is no better life to go to, why not get even with as many people as you can?


Another option is that much like Charles Manson he's receiving what he wants.


We DID try it their way. We had an assault weapons ban for ten years. The statics show that it didn't lower our violent crime rate. In fact, our violent crime rate has been decreasing since the early 90's. From then until now, more and more states have adopted Concealed Carry programs, and more Americans own firearms now than ever.

Wrong again.

During the time of the Assault weapons ban, the number of mass shootings dropped. After Bush let it expire in 2004, they nearly tripled

That is the other aspect. I mean, when I grew up, we were always taught that no matter what you do, who isn't around, what you get away with, God is always watching. When you die, you are judged by your conduct on this planet. We were taught that punishment will be given and even damnation.

Okay, you were also taught Santa was watching you and you wouldn't get any presents when you were naughty. Then you noticed you got presents if you were naughty or not, and the more affluent kids got more presents even though you knew they were total douchebags.

so threatening people with imaginary fairies only goes so far.

Younger people today believe that when you die, it's just like a dog dying. You just cease to live. There is no place to go except in the ground and all your problems go away. So if your life really sucks, and there is no better life to go to, why not get even with as many people as you can?

Oh, bullshit. Kids don't commit mass murder because they don't have enough Jesus in their lives.
Okay, you were also taught Santa was watching you and you wouldn't get any presents when you were naughty. Then you noticed you got presents if you were naughty or not, and the more affluent kids got more presents even though you knew they were total douchebags.

so threatening people with imaginary fairies only goes so far.

It went far enough for people to sleep with their doors open, nobody needing a gun to go to the store at night, and no metal detectors or guards at the school. Christian religions don't promote materialism or jealous thereof. Liberalsm teaches that.

Oh, bullshit. Kids don't commit mass murder because they don't have enough Jesus in their lives.

It's one of the reasons. If people feared going to a bad place after death, it makes them think twice about doing the devils work. But if you believe you are just going to sleep like when you get a surgery, there is nothing to fear.
We DID try it their way. We had an assault weapons ban for ten years. The statics show that it didn't lower our violent crime rate. In fact, our violent crime rate has been decreasing since the early 90's. From then until now, more and more states have adopted Concealed Carry programs, and more Americans own firearms now than ever.

Wrong again.

During the time of the Assault weapons ban, the number of mass shootings dropped. After Bush let it expire in 2004, they nearly tripled


And during the same time, violent crime decreased, gun murders decreased, and assaults decreased.

But of course being a leftist, you actually believe that because there are AR's around, THAT'S what makes people become mass murderers. Very scary when there are people that think like you.
It went far enough for people to sleep with their doors open, nobody needing a gun to go to the store at night, and no metal detectors or guards at the school. Christian religions don't promote materialism or jealous thereof. Liberalsm teaches that.

Of course, it doesn't. It tried to keep the sheep happy by saying, "Don't worry, you'll get rewarded in the afterlife that we can't prove exists, and that rich douchebag who cancels your health insurance will get to burn in hell!"

Except people are smart enough today not to buy into those fairy tales. We have computers and space shuttles and shit.

It's one of the reasons. If people feared going to a bad place after death, it makes them think twice about doing the devils work. But if you believe you are just going to sleep like when you get a surgery, there is nothing to fear.

Except nobody believes that about Death. Death means you cease to be. The real problem with kids is that they think they are immortal, and they have no concept of death. Which is why they always took stupid risks, even when we were young.

And during the same time, violent crime decreased, gun murders decreased, and assaults decreased.

Except crime went down for demographic reasons. As the population gets older, it gets less inclined to commit crimes. But the number of mass shooting skyrocketed after Bush let the nuts have assault weapons again.

But of course being a leftist, you actually believe that because there are AR's around, THAT'S what makes people become mass murderers. Very scary when there are people that think like you.

No, I believe that with AR's around, you can shoot a lot of high powered shots in a very short amount of time, which is what makes it possible to be a mass murderer. If you are having to reload after every six shots, you just aren't going to kill as many people.

Here's the thing about the AR-15/M16. It is designed specifically so that it can be operated with very little training. The Army spends less than 2 weeks training on it. (As opposed to 8 weeks teaching you how to fill out supply requisitions.)
The Blame is twofold:

1. the shooter

2. the system that allows unstable individuals to obtain and possess firearms

Means, opportunity and motivation: The first two are easy to identify, the last not so simple.

This ^^^ is why gun controls need to be considered, and not efforts to scapegoat the mentally ill, most of whom are peaceful.


So now you're saying that the shooter wasn't mentally ill and that there'll be no insanity plea available during the trial.



Let me be very clear.

I couldn't give a rat's ass less, whether they throw-out the defense and crucify the little phukker in the town square, OK?

He knew what he was doing, mental illness notwithstanding.

All I really care about in this context is tightening down gun-access and possession so that bad people and people with badly-wired brains cannot get or keep guns.
...I can explain that there were not 18 school shootings this year. It's typical liberal lying is all.

You win.

There was one.

One in which seventeen schoolchildren died.

That is seventeen too many.

The solution is multifaceted.

Part of the answer is reasonable and increased security in our schools.

Part of the answer is legislating effective Federal standards and controls over firearms-related licensing, registration, vetting, tracking and transaction approvals.
That is the other aspect. I mean, when I grew up, we were always taught that no matter what you do, who isn't around, what you get away with, God is always watching. When you die, you are judged by your conduct on this planet. We were taught that punishment will be given and even damnation.

Okay, you were also taught Santa was watching you and you wouldn't get any presents when you were naughty. Then you noticed you got presents if you were naughty or not, and the more affluent kids got more presents even though you knew they were total douchebags.

so threatening people with imaginary fairies only goes so far.

Younger people today believe that when you die, it's just like a dog dying. You just cease to live. There is no place to go except in the ground and all your problems go away. So if your life really sucks, and there is no better life to go to, why not get even with as many people as you can?

Oh, bullshit. Kids don't commit mass murder because they don't have enough Jesus in their lives.

Yes they do. Yet another wrong JoeB131 post.

JoeB131, How does it feel to be the wrongest poster on USMB evah? At least you're consistent(ly wrong!) :21:
...I can explain that there were not 18 school shootings this year. It's typical liberal lying is all.

You win.

There was one.

One in which seventeen schoolchildren died.

That is seventeen too many.

The solution is multifaceted.

Part of the answer is reasonable and increased security in our schools.

Part of the answer is legislating effective Federal standards and controls over firearms-related licensing, registration, vetting, tracking and transaction approvals.

And what would that solve? The school shooter purchased his firearm legal thorough a background check. No loopholes, he didn't go to a gun show, buy it off the internet, or from a former owner who couldn't do a background check. He bought it fair and square.

The worst one before that was the Vegas shooter who did the same.

So what new licensing, registration and vetting would have stopped either of these killers from buying guns legally?
...I can explain that there were not 18 school shootings this year. It's typical liberal lying is all.

You win.

There was one.

One in which seventeen schoolchildren died.

That is seventeen too many.

The solution is multifaceted.

Part of the answer is reasonable and increased security in our schools.

Part of the answer is legislating effective Federal standards and controls over firearms-related licensing, registration, vetting, tracking and transaction approvals.

And what would that solve? The school shooter purchased his firearm legal thorough a background check. No loopholes, he didn't go to a gun show, buy it off the internet, or from a former owner who couldn't do a background check. He bought it fair and square.

The worst one before that was the Vegas shooter who did the same.

So what new licensing, registration and vetting would have stopped either of these killers from buying guns legally?
Licensing, registration, vigorous vetting, etc., will not stop seemingly sane people from going off the deep edge and doing crazy, violent things.

Licensing, registration, vigorous vetting, etc., WILL greatly reduce the number of weapons that mentally unstable folk and criminals are able to obtain openly.

The US suffers 30,000+ gun-related deaths every year.

You are talking about < 100 of those.

The Bigger-Fish-to-Fry is the 29,900... and taking a whack at substantively reducing THAT number.

In any event, the time has come to try to do just that.
Licensing, registration, vigorous vetting, etc., WILL greatly reduce the number of weapons that mentally unstable folk and criminals are able to obtain openly.

This guy was not judged as mentally unstable, therefore your idea wouldn't' have worked. The Vegas shooter the same. He was not diagnosed as mentally anything and bought his weapons legally through the background check system.

The Bigger-Fish-to-Fry is the 29,900... and taking a whack at substantively reducing THAT number.

And that's all it would be too---just taking a whack at it. We don't need to turn the entire country upside down to "take a whack" at anything. We either have something that will stop all mass shootings or we don't. I don't want our representatives to keep making regulation after regulation, law after law, and all along making it more miserable for law abiding citizens to buy or own guns. You know it won't work, I know it won't work, and it's just a foot in the door for liberals to keep piling on more regulations. Because you'll demand X, and when we have another shooting, you'll demand another X, and another X.

I say no. Democrats cannot be trusted.

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