Mass Killings: The Blame

No but I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT dressed in black :smoke:

"Right-Wing Totalitarian"...code words for racist and homophobe.

Do you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh darling? Are you offended? :abgg2q.jpg:

Nah...I'll just keep calling you what you are.

Nobody cares what you think sugar pants, run along now and stroke yourself while you are reading The Communist Manifesto or lurking on Twitter Feeds or whatever, there is no need in general for anyone to waste anymore time responding to your low IQ idiocy.

Hey SassyIrishLass I think we have a new one another of those Leftists with an IQ of 240 or whatever :rolleyes-41:

I already read the Communist Manifesto this morning. Now I'll just amuse myself insulting you racist, homophobe gun nuts some more.

I was shocked to learn that a homophobe like you would also be a gun enthusiast. Deeply shocked.

I'm sure she won't sleep all night worrying about how deeply shocked you are. :bigbed:
You only join today I notice, you better get used to it because people use much worse things than faggot at this forum. If you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh we do not have any, so get used to it already.

It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.

No but I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT dressed in black :smoke:

"Right-Wing Totalitarian"...code words for racist and homophobe.

Do you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh darling? Are you offended? :abgg2q.jpg:

Nah...I'll just keep calling you what you are.

It's not my fault you are a Meth Head or a Crack Head or whatever, not my fault also that you have swallowed that much Jungle Juice that it's rotted your brain.
It’s a very very easy argument. Guns are part of America and have been throughout its history. Mass shootings weren’t. Something has changed and it isn’t the 2nd amendment.
Another reason to eradicate liberalism.
sure they always have been. why do you lie so much? Is that your talent?
The NRA did NOT do the shootings. Sheesh.
No they didn't , nope. Everything else, though, they fund activist that help mass shooters in other ways, and help people defend mass shooters legally or morally, kudos , jolly good work!

So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.

Is this a joke? The NRA has terrified every Repug in Congress to the point that none of them have the spine to do the right thing, which is ban assault weapons like the AR-15.

We did do that--for ten years. It was called the Assault Weapons Ban. Do you know what it accomplished? Not a damn thing.
Inspirational. A speech no child should have to make. Lets hope Fox show it so that orange shit can see it.

She is NOT ALONE! A real grass movement is afoot; the usual promises to pray for 'them' has fallen on deaf ears, members of Congress who failed in their promises after the Vegas Massacre will soon have young, vibrant, well spoken and well funded opponents in the coming primaries.

Let the voters know, these members of Congress are culpable for the deaths by firearm of innocents attending school, concerts, theaters, and even church.

Opinion | The Congress Members Receiving the Most N.R.A. Funding

How will this pan out for trump ? Surely he will have to do something ?

I don't think so, Trump was born entitled and I suspect he believes he's covered in Teflon. Of course that veneer he feels he has is on some level vulnerable, for he knows what Putin&Co. know, and he's embarrassed by it and/or criminally culpable of crimes in his past.

His Consciousness of Guilt is obvious in his constant drum beat that no collusion occurred.

Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition:

"Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something)."

However it is not sufficient evidence to indict or impeach The President, but it can be introduced to a Federal Grand Jury along with the testimony of of those already noted in the press, and others who might provide other damning evidence in the future.

As more interview are conducted, more evidence will be collected and new person's identified to interview. Which is why Trump supporter seek to obstruct the investigation and why real patriots seek to learn the truth.
Here's a thought crime for you....Let's ban AR-15s so that mentally ill Repug fucktards like you can't own them.

How you like them apples, fucktard?

Are you unable to respond to people without the personal insults?

I see...personal insults are bad, but disparaging groups of people is OK. Got it, lightweight.
Careful, she has friends on here.

Careful for what? Are you stirring it again?

It should not unpack its bags yet, Trump The Mad King I mean.

It's very important that such obvious fools remain on the board.

They serve as an example and a cautionary tale: no one would wish to be such an example.
It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.

No but I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT dressed in black :smoke:

"Right-Wing Totalitarian"...code words for racist and homophobe.

Do you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh darling? Are you offended? :abgg2q.jpg:

Nah...I'll just keep calling you what you are.

Nobody cares what you think sugar pants, run along now and stroke yourself while you are reading The Communist Manifesto or lurking on Twitter Feeds or whatever, there is no need in general for anyone to waste anymore time responding to your low IQ idiocy.

Hey SassyIrishLass I think we have a new one another of those Leftists with an IQ of 240 or whatever :rolleyes-41:

And you can bet he's either wealthy, has his own business, or is comfortably early retired.
The NRA did NOT do the shootings. Sheesh.
No they didn't , nope. Everything else, though, they fund activist that help mass shooters in other ways, and help people defend mass shooters legally or morally, kudos , jolly good work!

So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.
They bribe politicians to look away when they should be making the country safe. They are enablers.

And your evidence of this is????????????

That's what I thought.
I see your point.....Liberals believe that there are 'thought crimes' that need be penalized.

Could you point out the article of the Constitution that suggests such an endeavor?

You do know what the Constitution is....don't you?

Now...if only Liberals saw fit to penalize real crimes.

"Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime"
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime | Breitbart

Here's a thought crime for you....Let's ban AR-15s so that mentally ill Repug fucktards like you can't own them.

How you like them apples, fucktard?

Are you unable to respond to people without the personal insults?

I see...personal insults are bad, but disparaging groups of people is OK. Got it, lightweight.
Careful, she has friends on here.

Careful for what? Are you stirring it again?

Why hasn't westwall posted in this thread, he's not only intelligent he is also a gentleman we would like his opinion on the gun situation with the Leftist Maniacs wanting to blame guns and not discuss the root cause that is what the Leftist Maniacs do not want to discuss.
No they didn't , nope. Everything else, though, they fund activist that help mass shooters in other ways, and help people defend mass shooters legally or morally, kudos , jolly good work!

So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.

Is this a joke? The NRA has terrified every Repug in Congress to the point that none of them have the spine to do the right thing, which is ban assault weapons like the AR-15.

We did do that--for ten years. It was called the Assault Weapons Ban. Do you know what it accomplished? Not a damn thing.

Actually, it did. There weren't nearly as many mass killings with assault weapons prior to 2004 (when the ban ended) as there are now. Mass murders like Columbine were still relatively rare, unlike now.

And there must be much more thorough background checks.
:lalala: Common sense solution, one in tune with the way this country was founded. :tongue-44:
When this country was founded there were no weapons like we hav e today. Should we legalize nukes?

When this country was founded, there were no typewriters or computers. Should we go back to using quill and ink and only those papers written by quill and ink be secure under the First Amendment?
:lalala: Common sense solution, one in tune with the way this country was founded. :tongue-44:
When this country was founded there were no weapons like we hav e today. Should we legalize nukes?

When this country was founded, there were no typewriters or computers. Should we go back to using quill and ink and only those papers written by quill and ink be secure under the First Amendment?

Do typewriters kill people?
No but I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT dressed in black :smoke:

"Right-Wing Totalitarian"...code words for racist and homophobe.

Do you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh darling? Are you offended? :abgg2q.jpg:

Nah...I'll just keep calling you what you are.

Nobody cares what you think sugar pants, run along now and stroke yourself while you are reading The Communist Manifesto or lurking on Twitter Feeds or whatever, there is no need in general for anyone to waste anymore time responding to your low IQ idiocy.

Hey SassyIrishLass I think we have a new one another of those Leftists with an IQ of 240 or whatever :rolleyes-41:

And you can bet he's either wealthy, has his own business, or is comfortably early retired.

^^^^ No probably on Food Stamps, also I think a faggot it got very upset at me Ray when I mentioned faggots that is when it appeared in this thread to have a Bedwetting Happening at me using the term faggot, I told it we have no Safe Space or Play Doh.
:lalala: Common sense solution, one in tune with the way this country was founded. :tongue-44:
When this country was founded there were no weapons like we hav e today. Should we legalize nukes?

When this country was founded, there were no typewriters or computers. Should we go back to using quill and ink and only those papers written by quill and ink be secure under the First Amendment?

Do typewriters kill people?

They can if someone beat someone across the head for I do not know, I think perhaps ten minutes with a typewriter then yes could kill them.
:lalala: Common sense solution, one in tune with the way this country was founded. :tongue-44:
When this country was founded there were no weapons like we hav e today. Should we legalize nukes?

When this country was founded, there were no typewriters or computers. Should we go back to using quill and ink and only those papers written by quill and ink be secure under the First Amendment?

Do typewriters kill people?
Depends in if it falls on a person's head from a long distance. However, that is not the point. The point is that the 2nd Amendment seems to require people have the same military weapons as the army, no matter how they evolved. That's what the United States v Miller pointed to.
The NRA did NOT do the shootings. Sheesh.
No they didn't , nope. Everything else, though, they fund activist that help mass shooters in other ways, and help people defend mass shooters legally or morally, kudos , jolly good work!

So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.

Is this a joke? The NRA has terrified every Repug in Congress to the point that none of them have the spine to do the right thing, which is ban assault weapons like the AR-15.

What about Abortion on Demand? How many Democrats are on the payroll of Planned Parenthood? Abortion on Demand kills approx one MILLION a year of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb and are ripped from it and yet they are crying crocodile tears about deaths caused by guns, cannot have it both ways all of a sudden Leftists CARE about the sanctity of LIFE but still fanatically support Abortion on Demand.
No they didn't , nope. Everything else, though, they fund activist that help mass shooters in other ways, and help people defend mass shooters legally or morally, kudos , jolly good work!

So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.
They bribe politicians to look away when they should be making the country safe. They are enablers.

And your evidence of this is????????????

That's what I thought.
Analysis | Have your representatives in Congress received donations from the NRA?
Trump got $30m as well.
Bought and paid for.
Here's a thought crime for you....Let's ban AR-15s so that mentally ill Repug fucktards like you can't own them.

How you like them apples, fucktard?

Are you unable to respond to people without the personal insults?

I see...personal insults are bad, but disparaging groups of people is OK. Got it, lightweight.
Careful, she has friends on here.

Careful for what? Are you stirring it again?

Why hasn't westwall posted in this thread, he's not only intelligent he is also a gentleman we would like his opinion on the gun situation with the Leftist Maniacs wanting to blame guns and not discuss the root cause that is what the Leftist Maniacs do not want to discuss.

I wonder where the Paris 2015 killers got their assault weapons from.
So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.
They bribe politicians to look away when they should be making the country safe. They are enablers.

And your evidence of this is????????????

That's what I thought.
Analysis | Have your representatives in Congress received donations from the NRA?
Trump got $30m as well.
Bought and paid for.

So what if they did? That's not a bribe. A bribe is paying somebody to do favors for you. The Republicans did no such thing. The NRA supports Republicans because their members support Republicans. Why would they support anti-gun Democrats?

Hil-Liar and DumBama both broke campaign fund raising records. Where do you suppose they got that money from--the homeless?

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