Mass Killings: The Blame

No they didn't , nope. Everything else, though, they fund activist that help mass shooters in other ways, and help people defend mass shooters legally or morally, kudos , jolly good work!

So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.

Is this a joke? The NRA has terrified every Repug in Congress to the point that none of them have the spine to do the right thing, which is ban assault weapons like the AR-15.

What about Abortion on Demand? How many Democrats are on the payroll of Planned Parenthood? Abortion on Demand kills approx one MILLION a year of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb and are ripped from it and yet they are crying crocodile tears about deaths caused by guns, cannot have it both ways all of a sudden Leftists CARE about the sanctity of LIFE but still fanatically support Abortion on Demand.

Here's the big difference - banning abortion will not save lives. If abortion is made illegal again, women will just get illegal abortions again like they did prior to Roe vs Wade.

It's irrefutable that banning guns will save lives. There are not nearly as many gun deaths in Europe as there are in this country. That is a simple, obvious fact. And there were not as many mass murders in this country prior to the assault weapons ban that ended in 2004.
Are you unable to respond to people without the personal insults?

I see...personal insults are bad, but disparaging groups of people is OK. Got it, lightweight.
Careful, she has friends on here.

Careful for what? Are you stirring it again?

Why hasn't westwall posted in this thread, he's not only intelligent he is also a gentleman we would like his opinion on the gun situation with the Leftist Maniacs wanting to blame guns and not discuss the root cause that is what the Leftist Maniacs do not want to discuss.

I wonder where the Paris 2015 killers got their assault weapons from.

The same place the 911 killers and OKC killer did.
Are you unable to respond to people without the personal insults?

I see...personal insults are bad, but disparaging groups of people is OK. Got it, lightweight.
Careful, she has friends on here.

Careful for what? Are you stirring it again?

Why hasn't westwall posted in this thread, he's not only intelligent he is also a gentleman we would like his opinion on the gun situation with the Leftist Maniacs wanting to blame guns and not discuss the root cause that is what the Leftist Maniacs do not want to discuss.

I wonder where the Paris 2015 killers got their assault weapons from.

That's a childish, juvenile counter-argument. That was terrorist related. Regardless, mass murders in Europe are exceedingly rare compared to this country.
Here's the big difference - banning abortion will not save lives. If abortion is made illegal again, women will just get illegal abortions again like they did prior to Roe vs Wade.

Oh, so your claim here is that if we made abortions illegal, women will go out and get an illegal abortion. But if we banned guns, the criminals will just find something better to do?

It's irrefutable that banning guns will save lives. There are not nearly as many gun deaths in Europe as there are in this country. That is a simple, obvious fact. And there were not as many mass murders in this country prior to the assault weapons ban that ended in 2004.

Quit bringing up other countries. We are a very diverse country unlike many others. If you extract murders by minorities, our murder rate is very similar to those other countries you speak of.
I see...personal insults are bad, but disparaging groups of people is OK. Got it, lightweight.
Careful, she has friends on here.

Careful for what? Are you stirring it again?

Why hasn't westwall posted in this thread, he's not only intelligent he is also a gentleman we would like his opinion on the gun situation with the Leftist Maniacs wanting to blame guns and not discuss the root cause that is what the Leftist Maniacs do not want to discuss.

I wonder where the Paris 2015 killers got their assault weapons from.

That's a childish, juvenile counter-argument. That was terrorist related. Regardless, mass murders in Europe are exceedingly rare compared to this country.

No it's not. So terrorist related makes it somehow alright? What sort of moral equivalence is that?

You think America has the monopoly on mass shootings? Like it doesn't happen anywhere else?
Careful, she has friends on here.

Careful for what? Are you stirring it again?

Why hasn't westwall posted in this thread, he's not only intelligent he is also a gentleman we would like his opinion on the gun situation with the Leftist Maniacs wanting to blame guns and not discuss the root cause that is what the Leftist Maniacs do not want to discuss.

I wonder where the Paris 2015 killers got their assault weapons from.

That's a childish, juvenile counter-argument. That was terrorist related. Regardless, mass murders in Europe are exceedingly rare compared to this country.

No it's not. So terrorist related makes it somehow alright? What sort of moral equivalence is that?

You think America has the monopoly on mass shootings? Like it doesn't happen anywhere else?

The Leftists always have to attempt the moral equivalence thing, they always fail though because their examples are ridiculous.
Inspirational. A speech no child should have to make. Lets hope Fox show it so that orange shit can see it.

^^^^ She is a skinhead. WTF?!

And, did you catch her last name, she must be an illegal and a damn socialist.

[Sarcasm Alert]

Well in that clip of her screeching she sounded basically like a Commie SJW, yes her name is Ellen Gonzalez I already have mentioned Mexico in another post in this thread, good thing she's in Florida and not Mexico or she already would have been shot dead by the Mexican Drug Cartel or used as a Drug Mule and then shot dead by the Mexican Drug Cartel.

You really seem to enjoy your bigotry, and prejudgment of people by their looks or surname; people who you don't know and have never meant. That in itself is, IMO, pathological.

However, maybe someone hurt you physically or emotionally and you carry that fear/hate with you wherever you go, and transfer you emotions to others who may remind you of your tormentor.
'We don't want your guns, we just want you dead'

The US has the largest prison population in the world.Your society has failed and yet you give these people guns.

Yes, that's because most of the rest of the world just kills them rather than feed them, and of course you have zero clue as to how many are in Red Chinese prisons, they don't even call them 'prisons' to begin with, so you're just parroting the standard 'talking point' and don't have any idea whether it's true or not. Our crime rate is also dropping steadily, has been for decades, precisely because of sending vermin to prison, in fact, but don't let facts bother you any, Tommy, since you have less than zero credibility, same as the rest of the faux 'progressives' here and their fake news campaign.

Incorrect. If there is a mass killings by guns in other countries. I can guarantee you and I will be notified. Unless you don’t watch foreign news but I do every day.

True crimes rates is dropping ....... tell me how many mass killings do we had in last 5 years? Using AR15.
This year alone we have total
of 18 school shootings because of easy access to guns.

Can you explain that?
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Guns make it easier to kill a whole lot of people very fast.
Also save a bunch of people very fast.

Doesn't seem to work that way very often...

NRA/Gun Proponent's answer to every mass shooting: more guns, less restriction. We've seen decades of deregulation to what result? Increased mass shootings.

The only way to prevent maniacs going into a school and doing a gun massacre is to have hardcore security in ALL American schools, to have at least two of the existing school security armed and to allow the teachers also to be armed that in all classes the teachers have fast access to a gun in the event of some situation where the school security is taken down by immediate rapid fire BEFORE they can react and so security is breeched and the maniac is IN the school and on the hunt for students to kill and then a teacher can just take him down and this avoids a massacre.

In that school in Florida that security guard or whatever he was who first attempted to stop the maniac he was NOT armed, he was the first to die, IF he had of been armed he would have prevented the school massacre because instead of attempting to just fight down the maniac he could have shot the POS in the head and then there would not have been 17 dead students and he himself would also still be alive.

Because you know EVEN IF you ban assault weapons, if they WANT to kill they will get what they NEED to kill and they will buy an assault weapon on the Black Market. The solution to a problem is never to ban, look how well Prohibition did NOT work in America, alcohol was illegal to buy so they had the Speak Easy things and Bootlegging illegal booze and the result was Prohibition created MORE ALCOHOLICS than you had pre-Prohibition and you had MORE illegal booze in circulation than you had legal booze in circulation pre-Prohibition.

1. How about when kids are dismissed from class outside the school? How are you going to stop those massacres there? Or people attending the open areas venues.

2. If maniacs get their guns from black market..... Then..... why is it so easy for these maniacs to purchase this type of guns legally? Right now you don’t even need the black market.

Alcohol, cars or hammers are not made for mass killings but AR15 does.

Buying guns from black market is not that easy to the general public unless you have a real connections to hard cores.

Currently we even have a president EO allowing mentally disturbed people able buy guns.

My suggestion. Close all those loopholes at gun shows, make background checks standard all over US, And STOP selling these lunatics favorite weapons of mass killings the AR15 to the public.

Also I do not recall school security guards or anybody encountering Cruz before or during the carnage. Can you help me find that? Because as far as I know there are armed security guards but never encountered Nicolas Cruz. See link below.

Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?

Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman - NY Daily News

Armed security guard at Florida school never encountered gunman during deadly rampage

RICH SCHAPIRO FEB 15, 2018 12:58 PM
An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.

" How are you going to stop those massacres there? Or people attending the open areas venues. "

Step one:

Prevent any Liberal or Democrat from ever gaining political power in this nation.

That would be a good start.

I thought the republicans are running this country. Then you have the NRA supporting these puppets law makers.

Let me know when you make sense.
Inspirational. A speech no child should have to make. Lets hope Fox show it so that orange shit can see it.

^^^^ She is a skinhead. WTF?!

And, did you catch her last name, she must be an illegal and a damn socialist.

[Sarcasm Alert]

Well in that clip of her screeching she sounded basically like a Commie SJW, yes her name is Ellen Gonzalez I already have mentioned Mexico in another post in this thread, good thing she's in Florida and not Mexico or she already would have been shot dead by the Mexican Drug Cartel or used as a Drug Mule and then shot dead by the Mexican Drug Cartel.

You really seem to enjoy your bigotry, and prejudgment of people by their looks or surname; people who you don't know and have never meant. That in itself is, IMO, pathological.

However, maybe someone hurt you physically or emotionally and you carry that fear/hate with you wherever you go, and transfer you emotions to others who may remind you of your tormentor.

If you REALLY felt like that was the case here, don't you think it is mighty cruel to post it to her?
Here's the big difference - banning abortion will not save lives. If abortion is made illegal again, women will just get illegal abortions again like they did prior to Roe vs Wade.

Oh, so your claim here is that if we made abortions illegal, women will go out and get an illegal abortion. But if we banned guns, the criminals will just find something better to do?

It's irrefutable that banning guns will save lives. There are not nearly as many gun deaths in Europe as there are in this country. That is a simple, obvious fact. And there were not as many mass murders in this country prior to the assault weapons ban that ended in 2004.

Quit bringing up other countries. We are a very diverse country unlike many others. If you extract murders by minorities, our murder rate is very similar to those other countries you speak of.

So Ray........... What is your solution to these massacres in US?
Inspirational. A speech no child should have to make. Lets hope Fox show it so that orange shit can see it.

^^^^ She is a skinhead. WTF?!

And, did you catch her last name, she must be an illegal and a damn socialist.

[Sarcasm Alert]

Well in that clip of her screeching she sounded basically like a Commie SJW, yes her name is Ellen Gonzalez I already have mentioned Mexico in another post in this thread, good thing she's in Florida and not Mexico or she already would have been shot dead by the Mexican Drug Cartel or used as a Drug Mule and then shot dead by the Mexican Drug Cartel.

You really seem to enjoy your bigotry, and prejudgment of people by their looks or surname; people who you don't know and have never meant. That in itself is, IMO, pathological.

However, maybe someone hurt you physically or emotionally and you carry that fear/hate with you wherever you go, and transfer you emotions to others who may remind you of your tormentor.

If you REALLY felt like that was the case here, don't you think it is mighty cruel to post it to her?

Not at all. We've all faced situations which impact us in many ways. She did not present as vulnerable, and she had no problem attacking those she didn't agree with. Her opinions were forceful, and like yours misguided. Maybe she and you will see some light by my comments.
^^^^ She is a skinhead. WTF?!

And, did you catch her last name, she must be an illegal and a damn socialist.

[Sarcasm Alert]

Well in that clip of her screeching she sounded basically like a Commie SJW, yes her name is Ellen Gonzalez I already have mentioned Mexico in another post in this thread, good thing she's in Florida and not Mexico or she already would have been shot dead by the Mexican Drug Cartel or used as a Drug Mule and then shot dead by the Mexican Drug Cartel.

You really seem to enjoy your bigotry, and prejudgment of people by their looks or surname; people who you don't know and have never meant. That in itself is, IMO, pathological.

However, maybe someone hurt you physically or emotionally and you carry that fear/hate with you wherever you go, and transfer you emotions to others who may remind you of your tormentor.

If you REALLY felt like that was the case here, don't you think it is mighty cruel to post it to her?

Not at all. We've all faced situations which impact us in many ways. She did not present as vulnerable, and she had no problem attacking those she didn't agree with. Her opinions were forceful, and like yours misguided. Maybe she and you will see some light by my comments.

Maybe you need to heed your comments yourself. ;)
Here's the big difference - banning abortion will not save lives. If abortion is made illegal again, women will just get illegal abortions again like they did prior to Roe vs Wade.

Oh, so your claim here is that if we made abortions illegal, women will go out and get an illegal abortion. But if we banned guns, the criminals will just find something better to do?

It's irrefutable that banning guns will save lives. There are not nearly as many gun deaths in Europe as there are in this country. That is a simple, obvious fact. And there were not as many mass murders in this country prior to the assault weapons ban that ended in 2004.

Quit bringing up other countries. We are a very diverse country unlike many others. If you extract murders by minorities, our murder rate is very similar to those other countries you speak of.

So Ray........... What is your solution to these massacres in US?

Not sure. Why do you think every problem has a solution?
This is one of several school shootings in the last fifteen years or so, yet nothing is ever done. There are no armed guards, there are no metal detectors in some cases like this latest one, and there are no armed school facility.

Schools are locally run and funded. It's up to the people of each community to step up to the plate--not the federal government. The underlying problem is how children are raised today. Until we can defeat liberalism, that's not going to change either.
The US has the largest prison population in the world.Your society has failed and yet you give these people guns.

Yes, that's because most of the rest of the world just kills them rather than feed them, and of course you have zero clue as to how many are in Red Chinese prisons, they don't even call them 'prisons' to begin with, so you're just parroting the standard 'talking point' and don't have any idea whether it's true or not. Our crime rate is also dropping steadily, has been for decades, precisely because of sending vermin to prison, in fact, but don't let facts bother you any, Tommy, since you have less than zero credibility, same as the rest of the faux 'progressives' here and their fake news campaign.

Incorrect. If there is a mass killings by guns in other countries. I can guarantee you and I will be notified. Unless you don’t watch foreign news but I do every day.

True crimes rates is dropping ....... tell me how many mass killings do we had in last 5 years? Using AR15.
This year alone we have total
of 18 school shootings because of easy access to guns.

Can you explain that?

I can explain that there were not 18 school shootings this year. It's typical liberal lying is all.
The US has the largest prison population in the world.Your society has failed and yet you give these people guns.

Like this one. Raffle AR15 to baseball kids.

We used to raffle movie tickets, dinner or concert tickets....... AR15........ What the hell is going on?

Missouri youth baseball team holds AR-15 raffle after Parkland shooting

What's going on is it's fake news. Nobody is targeting (excuse the pun) kids to get an AR-15. It's a traveling baseball team selling tickets to adults to raise money. The winner will not get the firearm until they pass a background check and of course, be of legal age.

FACT CHECK: Are Third-Graders Raffling Off an AR-15 After the Parkland Shooting?
The Blame is twofold:

1. the shooter

2. the system that allows unstable individuals to obtain and possess firearms

Means, opportunity and motivation: The first two are easy to identify, the last not so simple.

This ^^^ is why gun controls need to be considered, and not efforts to scapegoat the mentally ill, most of whom are peaceful.


So now you're saying that the shooter wasn't mentally ill and that there'll be no insanity plea available during the trial.


So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.

Is this a joke? The NRA has terrified every Repug in Congress to the point that none of them have the spine to do the right thing, which is ban assault weapons like the AR-15.

We did do that--for ten years. It was called the Assault Weapons Ban. Do you know what it accomplished? Not a damn thing.

Actually, it did. There weren't nearly as many mass killings with assault weapons prior to 2004 (when the ban ended) as there are now. Mass murders like Columbine were still relatively rare, unlike now.

And there must be much more thorough background checks.

Oh really? So from say, 1945 to 1994 there were more incidents (50 years) than from 2004-present? (14 years) I'm thinking no there were not. Prove me wrong, or you just issued a false statement.

No, that sort of thing was simply unheard of back then. People left their doors unlocked, too.

The first "assault weapon" was an STG-44. Boy.
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