Mass Killings: The Blame

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!

You only join today I notice, you better get used to it because people use much worse things than faggot at this forum. If you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh we do not have any, so get used to it already.

It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.

No but I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT dressed in black :smoke:
"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!

You only join today I notice, you better get used to it because people use much worse things than faggot at this forum. If you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh we do not have any, so get used to it already.

It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.

Amusing what Liberals will use in place of well thought out arguments.
You, of course, a perfect example of my point.

I think we on the Right in this thread have all posted some well thought out comments that of course all the Leftists have been unable to respond to in any constructive way, just the usual one liners and things they have copy and pasted from what they have found on the Internets, the only one even though she's Far Left and misguided therefore about the whole gun issue is Coyote at least she does attempt to discuss, you can disagree if you want but this is my personal opinion.
Inspirational. A speech no child should have to make. Lets hope Fox show it so that orange shit can see it.

^^^^ She is a skinhead. WTF?!

And, did you catch her last name, she must be an illegal and a damn socialist.

[Sarcasm Alert]

Well in that clip of her screeching she sounded basically like a Commie SJW, yes her name is Ellen Gonzalez I already have mentioned Mexico in another post in this thread, good thing she's in Florida and not Mexico or she already would have been shot dead by the Mexican Drug Cartel or used as a Drug Mule and then shot dead by the Mexican Drug Cartel.
You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!
It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...

Also, using the word "faggot" is another clue that she is not a liberal.

I see your point.....Liberals believe that there are 'thought crimes' that need be penalized.

Could you point out the article of the Constitution that suggests such an endeavor?

You do know what the Constitution is....don't you?

Now...if only Liberals saw fit to penalize real crimes.

"Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime"
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime | Breitbart

Here's a thought crime for you....Let's ban AR-15s so that mentally ill Repug fucktards like you can't own them.

How you like them apples, fucktard?
The only way they will end is if we turn communist or supporters leave the organization.

If you want to get mad at anybody, get upset with the millions of people that are the NRA. The NRA is only a gathering place. The people are actually the NRA.
It's a confused issue. America loves violence. Might makes right mentality I kick your ass that makes me right. NRA is a bygone institution, and they help school shooters. They do, let's don't kid ourselves here. As a American, I don't wan't any more school shootings. You want WANT more school shootings?

The NRA did NOT do the shootings. Sheesh.
No they didn't , nope. Everything else, though, they fund activist that help mass shooters in other ways, and help people defend mass shooters legally or morally, kudos , jolly good work!

So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.
It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!
"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...

Also, using the word "faggot" is another clue that she is not a liberal.

I see your point.....Liberals believe that there are 'thought crimes' that need be penalized.

Could you point out the article of the Constitution that suggests such an endeavor?

You do know what the Constitution is....don't you?

Now...if only Liberals saw fit to penalize real crimes.

"Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime"
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime | Breitbart

Here's a thought crime for you....Let's ban AR-15s so that mentally ill Repug fucktards like you can't own them.

How you like them apples, fucktard?

Are you unable to respond to people without the personal insults?
It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!
"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...

Also, using the word "faggot" is another clue that she is not a liberal.

I see your point.....Liberals believe that there are 'thought crimes' that need be penalized.

Could you point out the article of the Constitution that suggests such an endeavor?

You do know what the Constitution is....don't you?

Now...if only Liberals saw fit to penalize real crimes.

"Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime"
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime | Breitbart

Here's a thought crime for you....Let's ban AR-15s so that mentally ill Repug fucktards like you can't own them.

How you like them apples, fucktard?

Gads, you're an imbecile....
noun: thought-crime
  1. an instance of unorthodox or controversial thinking, considered as a criminal offense or as socially unacceptable. Google

And curb your're not speaking to your family.
A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!

You only join today I notice, you better get used to it because people use much worse things than faggot at this forum. If you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh we do not have any, so get used to it already.

It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.

No but I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT dressed in black :smoke:

"Right-Wing Totalitarian"...code words for racist and homophobe.

Do you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh darling? Are you offended? :abgg2q.jpg:

Nah...I'll just keep calling you what you are.
"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!
I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...

Also, using the word "faggot" is another clue that she is not a liberal.

I see your point.....Liberals believe that there are 'thought crimes' that need be penalized.

Could you point out the article of the Constitution that suggests such an endeavor?

You do know what the Constitution is....don't you?

Now...if only Liberals saw fit to penalize real crimes.

"Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime"
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime | Breitbart

Here's a thought crime for you....Let's ban AR-15s so that mentally ill Repug fucktards like you can't own them.

How you like them apples, fucktard?

Gads, you're an imbecile....
noun: thought-crime
  1. an instance of unorthodox or controversial thinking, considered as a criminal offense or as socially unacceptable. Google

And curb your're not speaking to your family.

Kat is not going to like all this personal insults type of thing, she already slapped that other one in this thread who was doing the personal insults to Coyote. So Kat thoughts on this Trump The Mad King who join today.
I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!
"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...

Also, using the word "faggot" is another clue that she is not a liberal.

I see your point.....Liberals believe that there are 'thought crimes' that need be penalized.

Could you point out the article of the Constitution that suggests such an endeavor?

You do know what the Constitution is....don't you?

Now...if only Liberals saw fit to penalize real crimes.

"Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime"
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime | Breitbart

Here's a thought crime for you....Let's ban AR-15s so that mentally ill Repug fucktards like you can't own them.

How you like them apples, fucktard?

Are you unable to respond to people without the personal insults?

I see...personal insults are bad, but disparaging groups of people is OK. Got it, lightweight.
Careful, she has friends on here.
"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!

You only join today I notice, you better get used to it because people use much worse things than faggot at this forum. If you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh we do not have any, so get used to it already.

It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.

No but I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT dressed in black :smoke:

I'm sort of exiled and disenfranchised, Lucy. It's complicated.

And I look good in black too. :beer:
It's a confused issue. America loves violence. Might makes right mentality I kick your ass that makes me right. NRA is a bygone institution, and they help school shooters. They do, let's don't kid ourselves here. As a American, I don't wan't any more school shootings. You want WANT more school shootings?

The NRA did NOT do the shootings. Sheesh.
No they didn't , nope. Everything else, though, they fund activist that help mass shooters in other ways, and help people defend mass shooters legally or morally, kudos , jolly good work!

So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.
They bribe politicians to look away when they should be making the country safe. They are enablers.
A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!
Also, using the word "faggot" is another clue that she is not a liberal.

I see your point.....Liberals believe that there are 'thought crimes' that need be penalized.

Could you point out the article of the Constitution that suggests such an endeavor?

You do know what the Constitution is....don't you?

Now...if only Liberals saw fit to penalize real crimes.

"Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime"
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime | Breitbart

Here's a thought crime for you....Let's ban AR-15s so that mentally ill Repug fucktards like you can't own them.

How you like them apples, fucktard?

Are you unable to respond to people without the personal insults?

I see...personal insults are bad, but disparaging groups of people is OK. Got it, lightweight.
Careful, she has friends on here.

Careful for what? Are you stirring it again?
You only join today I notice, you better get used to it because people use much worse things than faggot at this forum. If you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh we do not have any, so get used to it already.

It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.

No but I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT dressed in black :smoke:

"Right-Wing Totalitarian"...code words for racist and homophobe.

Do you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh darling? Are you offended? :abgg2q.jpg:

Nah...I'll just keep calling you what you are.

Nobody cares what you think sugar pants, run along now and stroke yourself while you are reading The Communist Manifesto or lurking on Twitter Feeds or whatever, there is no need in general for anyone to waste anymore time responding to your low IQ idiocy.

Hey SassyIrishLass I think we have a new one another of those Leftists with an IQ of 240 or whatever :rolleyes-41:
It's a confused issue. America loves violence. Might makes right mentality I kick your ass that makes me right. NRA is a bygone institution, and they help school shooters. They do, let's don't kid ourselves here. As a American, I don't wan't any more school shootings. You want WANT more school shootings?

The NRA did NOT do the shootings. Sheesh.
No they didn't , nope. Everything else, though, they fund activist that help mass shooters in other ways, and help people defend mass shooters legally or morally, kudos , jolly good work!

So I guess you have a link to them defending mass shooters? I can't wait to get home from work to read it. Please don't disappoint.
You are very literal Ray. Of course they never say that they condone mass shooters. But their actions enable these events to happen. Its obtuse to argue otherwise.

Their actions? What actions? Be specific please. Name one thing the NRA has done (as if they had any power) to enable mass murderers.

Is this a joke? The NRA has terrified every Repug in Congress to the point that none of them have the spine to do the right thing, which is ban assault weapons like the AR-15.
It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.

No but I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT dressed in black :smoke:

"Right-Wing Totalitarian"...code words for racist and homophobe.

Do you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh darling? Are you offended? :abgg2q.jpg:

Nah...I'll just keep calling you what you are.

Nobody cares what you think sugar pants, run along now and stroke yourself while you are reading The Communist Manifesto or lurking on Twitter Feeds or whatever, there is no need in general for anyone to waste anymore time responding to your low IQ idiocy.

Hey SassyIrishLass I think we have a new one another of those Leftists with an IQ of 240 or whatever :rolleyes-41:

LOL They all run around screaming how smart they are. Just giggle and pat them on the head
Back when you were a kid, not a lot of people owned guns, and they were mostly the hunting type.

Today we have more guns than we have people, and the guns are specifically the ones designed for killing people, which the NRA Hawks to the most unstable people in the country.

That's kind of like saying, "I remember when I was a kid, they didn't have to put safety seals on products!" Yeah, until someone figured out how to poison products and they needed them.

Would you care to see my chart one more time of violent crime decrease since the early 90's? Yes, that's in proportion to the states that adopted a Conceal Carry program and as your chart points out, more gun ownership.

Actually what changed were the number of guns, the lethality of guns and the fact that a loser like Cruz could get the whole country talking about him for days. that's what changed.

Frankly, I don't long for the days of brutal punishment for children.

Oh, so you're going to now blame your precious MSM? Good for you Joe. You're learning.

And what brutal punishment do you speak of? Getting spanked? Getting swatted in school? Getting grounded?

As I explained much earlier in the thread, we shield our children from humiliation. We buy psycho babble books that tell us how to raise kids (as if instinct isn't enough) that say never hit a child. Never say the word "no" to a child. We have time out instead.

The kid gets to school and never fails anything because he gets an E for effort. They don't keep score in sports games because they don't want the losing team to feel hurt. They don't even let kids choose teammates because the last ones to get picked are usually the weakest or the most disliked kids, and we don't want to give them a complex. Teachers don't hit children today, they send them to the office, and the coddling continues from there.

If the kid gets out of hand in a two parent home, he has 1-800-LOCK-UP-DAD to call if the old man gets physical. If it's a single parent home, mom doesn't have the strength or fortitude to take charge of her male children when they get around the teen years. The parents begin to fear the children instead of the other way around like it was when I was a kid.

We are raising eggshells Joe. And when they get older, they can't handle rejection which is a common denominator in many of these shootings. They can't handle it because they were never exposed to it. And when some can't negotiate negative emotions, they get a gun and kill anybody and everybody.

But no, it's the guns that are the problem--not us.
It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.

No but I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT dressed in black :smoke:

"Right-Wing Totalitarian"...code words for racist and homophobe.

Do you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh darling? Are you offended? :abgg2q.jpg:

Nah...I'll just keep calling you what you are.

Nobody cares what you think sugar pants, run along now and stroke yourself while you are reading The Communist Manifesto or lurking on Twitter Feeds or whatever, there is no need in general for anyone to waste anymore time responding to your low IQ idiocy.

Hey SassyIrishLass I think we have a new one another of those Leftists with an IQ of 240 or whatever :rolleyes-41:

I already read the Communist Manifesto this morning. Now I'll just amuse myself insulting you racist, homophobe gun nuts some more.

I was shocked to learn that a homophobe like you would also be a gun enthusiast. Deeply shocked. I never would have made that correlation.
I see your point.....Liberals believe that there are 'thought crimes' that need be penalized.

Could you point out the article of the Constitution that suggests such an endeavor?

You do know what the Constitution is....don't you?

Now...if only Liberals saw fit to penalize real crimes.

"Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime"
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime | Breitbart

Here's a thought crime for you....Let's ban AR-15s so that mentally ill Repug fucktards like you can't own them.

How you like them apples, fucktard?

Are you unable to respond to people without the personal insults?

I see...personal insults are bad, but disparaging groups of people is OK. Got it, lightweight.
Careful, she has friends on here.

Careful for what? Are you stirring it again?

It should not unpack its bags yet, Trump The Mad King I mean.

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