Mass Killings: The Blame

What is the explanation….seems to be more and more mass killings….

1. Guns???

If guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
No….it’s not inanimate objects that are the ultimate cause.

….there were lots of guns in earlier times….the .45 cal handgun was available….it’s called the 1911 because it was developed in 1911…and it has been ubiquitous since World War I.

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.

2. Well, there was the St Valentine’s Day Massacre….and the Texas Tower…but, today we have incidents like the school shooting, and I heard on the news that Chicago sends police to funerals, where people are shooting others who they claim caused the the death they were memorializing.

And this….
“6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.”
6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.

It’s practically commonplace today.

But, no… not the availability of guns….it’s the degradation of the culture.

It's something else.....something that didn't begin with the start of this nation.

I guess America just has a lot more crazy people than everyone else, if guns aren't the problem. That could very well be true, judging by how mentally disturbed Repugs like you think.

I'm just following your incoherent Repug "logic", that's all....

Morons like you are a tabula rasa in the sense that you know nothing....less than nothing.

But....I'm here to instruct dunces like you:

Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe

1) In his address to the nation after the Planned Parenthood attack, Obama claimed: “I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings: This just doesn’t happen in other countries.

Senator Harry Reid made a similar statement on June 23rd: “The United States is the only advanced country where this type of mass violence occurs. Let’s do something. We can expand, for example, background checks. … We should support not giving guns to people who are mentally ill and felons.

We prefer not to make purely cross-sectional comparisons, but this claim is simply not true. The data below looks at the period of time from the beginning of the Obama administration in January 2009 until the end of 2015. Mass public shootings – defined as four or more people killed in a public place, and not in the course of committing another crime, and not involving struggles over sovereignty."
UPDATED: Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe - Crime Prevention Research Center

Now, say 'thank you.'

The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.

You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management
I guess America just has a lot more crazy people than everyone else, if guns aren't the problem. That could very well be true, judging by how mentally disturbed Repugs like you think.

I'm just following your incoherent Repug "logic", that's all....

Morons like you are a tabula rasa in the sense that you know nothing....less than nothing.

But....I'm here to instruct dunces like you:

Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe

1) In his address to the nation after the Planned Parenthood attack, Obama claimed: “I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings: This just doesn’t happen in other countries.

Senator Harry Reid made a similar statement on June 23rd: “The United States is the only advanced country where this type of mass violence occurs. Let’s do something. We can expand, for example, background checks. … We should support not giving guns to people who are mentally ill and felons.

We prefer not to make purely cross-sectional comparisons, but this claim is simply not true. The data below looks at the period of time from the beginning of the Obama administration in January 2009 until the end of 2015. Mass public shootings – defined as four or more people killed in a public place, and not in the course of committing another crime, and not involving struggles over sovereignty."
UPDATED: Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe - Crime Prevention Research Center

Now, say 'thank you.'

The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.

You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

Lets attempt to get you back on track. You made a comment on gun control and DC crime rate - does that jog your memory?

Let me know when it does and we'll move on to the next point. Until then discussion is futile.

Why are you loathe to answer this query?

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Are you a supporter of Hegel....or Thoreau?

Discussion is futile and leaves me wondering why you brought up DC murder rates and gun control :dunno:

Let me know when you are capable of discussing what you brought up.
Inspirational. A speech no child should have to make. Lets hope Fox show it so that orange shit can see it.

Good thing that Emma Gonzalez is in Florida, if she would have been in her Ancestral Home Mexico she probably already would have been shot dead by one of Mexico's Drug Cartels already. She should be happy she is in the American nation, unlike Mexico it not being in the control of Drug Cartels, so she gets to live and be a skinhead Bull Dyke screeching into a microphone demanding that the ENTIRE American population is disarmed, perhaps she should turn her attention to Mexico and screech and demand that the Mexican Government disarmed all the Drug Cartels and put a stop to them using Mexican girls who look like Emma Gonzalez as Drug Mules etc before they shoot them.

She sounds American to me.
What has Mexico got to with an American shooting up a school in Florida ?
Morons like you are a tabula rasa in the sense that you know nothing....less than nothing.

But....I'm here to instruct dunces like you:

Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe

1) In his address to the nation after the Planned Parenthood attack, Obama claimed: “I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings: This just doesn’t happen in other countries.

Senator Harry Reid made a similar statement on June 23rd: “The United States is the only advanced country where this type of mass violence occurs. Let’s do something. We can expand, for example, background checks. … We should support not giving guns to people who are mentally ill and felons.

We prefer not to make purely cross-sectional comparisons, but this claim is simply not true. The data below looks at the period of time from the beginning of the Obama administration in January 2009 until the end of 2015. Mass public shootings – defined as four or more people killed in a public place, and not in the course of committing another crime, and not involving struggles over sovereignty."
UPDATED: Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe - Crime Prevention Research Center

Now, say 'thank you.'

The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.

You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

Lets attempt to get you back on track. You made a comment on gun control and DC crime rate - does that jog your memory?

Let me know when it does and we'll move on to the next point. Until then discussion is futile.

Why are you loathe to answer this query?

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Are you a supporter of Hegel....or Thoreau?

Discussion is futile and leaves me wondering why you brought up DC murder rates and gun control :dunno:

Let me know when you are capable of discussing what you brought up.

Why are you loathe to answer this query?

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Are you a supporter of Hegel....or Thoreau?
Inspirational. A speech no child should have to make. Lets hope Fox show it so that orange shit can see it.

Good thing that Emma Gonzalez is in Florida, if she would have been in her Ancestral Home Mexico she probably already would have been shot dead by one of Mexico's Drug Cartels already. She should be happy she is in the American nation, unlike Mexico it not being in the control of Drug Cartels, so she gets to live and be a skinhead Bull Dyke screeching into a microphone demanding that the ENTIRE American population is disarmed, perhaps she should turn her attention to Mexico and screech and demand that the Mexican Government disarmed all the Drug Cartels and put a stop to them using Mexican girls who look like Emma Gonzalez as Drug Mules etc before they shoot them.

She sounds American to me.
What has Mexico got to with an American shooting up a school in Florida ?

She doesn't seem that TRAUMATISED in the below picture does she also her friends do not either:


^^^^ Laughing and having a good time in front of the cameras, the Official Screeching Performance in front of the other camera for show. I mean if you had just been in the situation where some maniac shot up peoples in front of you and you survived the entire massacre how would you be just a few days after? Would you be TRAUMATISED and SHOCKED and UPSET or would you be laughing and having a good time in front of the camera for the Presstitutes?
Inspirational. A speech no child should have to make. Lets hope Fox show it so that orange shit can see it.

Good thing that Emma Gonzalez is in Florida, if she would have been in her Ancestral Home Mexico she probably already would have been shot dead by one of Mexico's Drug Cartels already. She should be happy she is in the American nation, unlike Mexico it not being in the control of Drug Cartels, so she gets to live and be a skinhead Bull Dyke screeching into a microphone demanding that the ENTIRE American population is disarmed, perhaps she should turn her attention to Mexico and screech and demand that the Mexican Government disarmed all the Drug Cartels and put a stop to them using Mexican girls who look like Emma Gonzalez as Drug Mules etc before they shoot them.

She sounds American to me.
What has Mexico got to with an American shooting up a school in Florida ?

Back to this not being about guns and instead being about the root cause to the problem, of course Leftists do not want to discuss this, Leftists have NEVER wanted to discuss the root causes of societys failures that are the actual contributing Trigger to tragic situations like in Florida and the other happenings and the reason why Leftists HAVE to deflect and in this instance blame the gun is that they cannot blame the root cause because that would then shine the floodlight on Leftists championing of the disregard to ALL personal responsibility.
Inspirational. A speech no child should have to make. Lets hope Fox show it so that orange shit can see it.

Good thing that Emma Gonzalez is in Florida, if she would have been in her Ancestral Home Mexico she probably already would have been shot dead by one of Mexico's Drug Cartels already. She should be happy she is in the American nation, unlike Mexico it not being in the control of Drug Cartels, so she gets to live and be a skinhead Bull Dyke screeching into a microphone demanding that the ENTIRE American population is disarmed, perhaps she should turn her attention to Mexico and screech and demand that the Mexican Government disarmed all the Drug Cartels and put a stop to them using Mexican girls who look like Emma Gonzalez as Drug Mules etc before they shoot them.

She sounds American to me.
What has Mexico got to with an American shooting up a school in Florida ?

Back to this not being about guns and instead being about the root cause to the problem, of course Leftists do not want to discuss this, Leftists have NEVER wanted to discuss the root causes of societys failures that are the actual contributing Trigger to tragic situations like in Florida and the other happenings and the reason why Leftists HAVE to deflect and in this instance blame the gun is that they cannot blame the root cause because that would then shine the floodlight on Leftists championing of the disregard to ALL personal responsibility.

You havent made any case that it is anything other than a gun issue. Let me know when you have anything.
Inspirational. A speech no child should have to make. Lets hope Fox show it so that orange shit can see it.

Good thing that Emma Gonzalez is in Florida, if she would have been in her Ancestral Home Mexico she probably already would have been shot dead by one of Mexico's Drug Cartels already. She should be happy she is in the American nation, unlike Mexico it not being in the control of Drug Cartels, so she gets to live and be a skinhead Bull Dyke screeching into a microphone demanding that the ENTIRE American population is disarmed, perhaps she should turn her attention to Mexico and screech and demand that the Mexican Government disarmed all the Drug Cartels and put a stop to them using Mexican girls who look like Emma Gonzalez as Drug Mules etc before they shoot them.

She sounds American to me.
What has Mexico got to with an American shooting up a school in Florida ?

Back to this not being about guns and instead being about the root cause to the problem, of course Leftists do not want to discuss this, Leftists have NEVER wanted to discuss the root causes of societys failures that are the actual contributing Trigger to tragic situations like in Florida and the other happenings and the reason why Leftists HAVE to deflect and in this instance blame the gun is that they cannot blame the root cause because that would then shine the floodlight on Leftists championing of the disregard to ALL personal responsibility.

You havent made any case that it is anything other than a gun issue. Let me know when you have anything.

You have not made any case across FOUR THREADS now that is anything other than IT'S THE GUN THAT IS THE PROBLEM and NOTHING ELSE. Let me know when you have anything.
I guess America just has a lot more crazy people than everyone else, if guns aren't the problem. That could very well be true, judging by how mentally disturbed Repugs like you think.

I'm just following your incoherent Repug "logic", that's all....

Morons like you are a tabula rasa in the sense that you know nothing....less than nothing.

But....I'm here to instruct dunces like you:

Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe

1) In his address to the nation after the Planned Parenthood attack, Obama claimed: “I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings: This just doesn’t happen in other countries.

Senator Harry Reid made a similar statement on June 23rd: “The United States is the only advanced country where this type of mass violence occurs. Let’s do something. We can expand, for example, background checks. … We should support not giving guns to people who are mentally ill and felons.

We prefer not to make purely cross-sectional comparisons, but this claim is simply not true. The data below looks at the period of time from the beginning of the Obama administration in January 2009 until the end of 2015. Mass public shootings – defined as four or more people killed in a public place, and not in the course of committing another crime, and not involving struggles over sovereignty."
UPDATED: Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe - Crime Prevention Research Center

Now, say 'thank you.'

The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.

You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.
Morons like you are a tabula rasa in the sense that you know nothing....less than nothing.

But....I'm here to instruct dunces like you:

Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe

1) In his address to the nation after the Planned Parenthood attack, Obama claimed: “I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings: This just doesn’t happen in other countries.

Senator Harry Reid made a similar statement on June 23rd: “The United States is the only advanced country where this type of mass violence occurs. Let’s do something. We can expand, for example, background checks. … We should support not giving guns to people who are mentally ill and felons.

We prefer not to make purely cross-sectional comparisons, but this claim is simply not true. The data below looks at the period of time from the beginning of the Obama administration in January 2009 until the end of 2015. Mass public shootings – defined as four or more people killed in a public place, and not in the course of committing another crime, and not involving struggles over sovereignty."
UPDATED: Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe - Crime Prevention Research Center

Now, say 'thank you.'

The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.

You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!
Morons like you are a tabula rasa in the sense that you know nothing....less than nothing.

But....I'm here to instruct dunces like you:

Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe

1) In his address to the nation after the Planned Parenthood attack, Obama claimed: “I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings: This just doesn’t happen in other countries.

Senator Harry Reid made a similar statement on June 23rd: “The United States is the only advanced country where this type of mass violence occurs. Let’s do something. We can expand, for example, background checks. … We should support not giving guns to people who are mentally ill and felons.

We prefer not to make purely cross-sectional comparisons, but this claim is simply not true. The data below looks at the period of time from the beginning of the Obama administration in January 2009 until the end of 2015. Mass public shootings – defined as four or more people killed in a public place, and not in the course of committing another crime, and not involving struggles over sovereignty."
UPDATED: Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe - Crime Prevention Research Center

Now, say 'thank you.'

The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.

You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...
The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.

You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...

Also, using the word "faggot" is another clue that she is not a liberal.
The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.

You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!

You only join today I notice, you better get used to it because people use much worse things than faggot at this forum. If you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh we do not have any, so get used to it already.
The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.

You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...

Well I have been at this forum long enough for you to know I'm not a Liberal or I don't know perhaps we have not been in that many threads together?
You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!

You only join today I notice, you better get used to it because people use much worse things than faggot at this forum. If you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh we do not have any, so get used to it already.

It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.
The fact that you started this topic shows that, deep down, even someone as disturbed as you question the right of Americans to own military-style weapons like the AR-15. You're just too much of a coward to admit it on here.

You are mentally ill and deranged, like the vast majority of you gun enthusiasts.

You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!
You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...

Also, using the word "faggot" is another clue that she is not a liberal.

I see your point.....Liberals believe that there are 'thought crimes' that need be penalized.

Could you point out the article of the Constitution that suggests such an endeavor?

You do know what the Constitution is....don't you?

Now...if only Liberals saw fit to penalize real crimes.

"Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime"
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Removing Penalty for Using Gun in Crime | Breitbart
You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...

Also, using the word "faggot" is another clue that she is not a liberal.

Not only using faggot did you read where I said that skinhead girl is a Bull Dyke? Did you? :popcorn:I am waiting for the next opportunity because I'm going to use the term buttfuckers next :omg:
You may attempt to try to change the subject....that I began....but I will not allow it.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Now....just between us....don't you often wish you had an education, and knew who these individuals that I've mentioned, are?

It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

"I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him,...
...self control, discipline and personal responsibility, .....
....Home School, ...."

While I am not Sherlock Holmes....the above clues lead me to conclude that you are not a Liberal...

Well I have been at this forum long enough for you to know I'm not a Liberal or I don't know perhaps we have not been in that many threads together?

That was tongue-in-cheek, Lucy.
I was pointing out the anathema to the Liberals.
It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know. I just know that you are a mentally deranged gun nut.

How else do you explain why ordinary Americans should be allowed to own a killing machine like the AR-15? Sicko.

"It doesn't matter which scholars I know or don't know."

Actually it does.....unless you're satisfied at being a life-long imbecile.

I'd be more than happy to recommend a few books that would fill in your lacunae.....

...when you finally get around to reading a book....

Until then, you are the poster child for government schooling, which is based on the Mushroom Management curriculum....

"mushroom management
A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times:

1. Keep them in the dark.
2. Feed them full of s**t."
Urban Dictionary: mushroom management

I have guns if Mr. Lucy and me have an argument I don't shoot him, if I'm in the auto and someone in front does something moronic I don't stop the auto and get out and shoot them. This is in part all about self control, discipline and personal responsibility, these things are not very being taught in American homes or in American schools in the schools the predominantly Leftist teachers think it more important to teach the students about how there are 56 different Genders and about Transgenderism and all the faggot things and that also EVERYONE wins even when they lose they get a Participation Trophy, so these students are being confused in the mind and also are not learning that sometimes in the Real World things do not go the way you want them to and you are going to be confronted with some disappointments, so the Leftist teachers are mentally crippling these students who are totally unprepared for RL.

This would NOT happen in Private Schools which is why all children should either be sent to Private Schools or if the parents cannot afford it they should Home School, either way their children will be taught morals the difference between right and wrong, that sometimes you win and sometimes you are going to lose and all the horsecrap about 56 different Genders and Transgenderism and all the faggot things will not be put into their heads to confuse their minds.

A gun nut throwing around the word "faggot"....I'm completely shocked! I never would have thunk it!

You only join today I notice, you better get used to it because people use much worse things than faggot at this forum. If you need a Safe Space and some Play Doh we do not have any, so get used to it already.

It's just ironic how you talk about teaching children good moral values, but throw around the word faggot so casually.

Has anyone ever called you a Repug hypocrite and a worthless idiot piece of shit? I just did.

Amusing what Liberals will use in place of well thought out arguments.
You, of course, a perfect example of my point.

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