Mass Mailing and Enthusiasm Gap

I think it is pretty safe to say that Biden has very little enthusiasm. Does it not seem a little dirty to use mass mail sytems to get ballets to people that would likely never go to the polls? Then you get people coming to the door offering to pick them up. They all but sign the ballots for the people who don't give a crap. Do you think people who wouldn't go vote for Biden will turn in the mass mailed ballots? Doe anyone see why the ballots should not be requested? If a person is afraid of Covid, they can still request ballots. The mass mail system just seems like blatant harvesting for a very unpopular candidate.

If there was excitement for the would seem as though putting a ballot in everyone's hand is a sure way to take part in the celebration....

Gee; wonder why you're worried that the "exciting" candidate may be disadvantaged by more people voting. LOL
The thing is, Trump voters were already going to vote. They ARE already going to take part. That is why I'm asking if it makes sense to send ballots to the candidate whose voters would never request them.
I think you underestimate the revulsion so many of us have for Trump. I'm not so excited about voting for Biden as I'm excited about voting against Trump.

How hard should it be to vote? Why not close 1/2 the polls in Blue areas, I mean if those Dems really want to vote they'll find a way. Right?

In the five years since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down key parts of the Voting Rights Act, nearly a thousand polling places have been shuttered across the country, many of them in southern black communities.​
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights found Democracy Diverted: Polling Place Closures and the Right to Vote that states with a history of racial discrimination have shuttered hundreds of voting locations since the court ruled that they did not need federal approval to change their laws. The report did not have comparisons with polling places in other regions.​
The report comes as Republican-led states impose a range of other restrictions, from shorter voting hours to photo-ID requirements. As turnout has surged in recent elections, voters in cities like Phoenix, Arizona and Atlanta, Georgia, have endured hours-long waits to cast their ballots.​
I'm not downplaying people voting against someone they hate, I'm just saying if they hate Trump that much, shouldn't they request a ballot?
I've requested mine so it is certainly doable. Such arguments seem disingenuous from people like Trump, who has expressed interest in making it harder for people to vote for their political advantage.
I think it is pretty safe to say that Biden has very little enthusiasm. Does it not seem a little dirty to use mass mail sytems to get ballets to people that would likely never go to the polls? Then you get people coming to the door offering to pick them up. They all but sign the ballots for the people who don't give a crap. Do you think people who wouldn't go vote for Biden will turn in the mass mailed ballots? Doe anyone see why the ballots should not be requested? If a person is afraid of Covid, they can still request ballots. The mass mail system just seems like blatant harvesting for a very unpopular candidate.

If there was excitement for the would seem as though putting a ballot in everyone's hand is a sure way to take part in the celebration....

Gee; wonder why you're worried that the "exciting" candidate may be disadvantaged by more people voting. LOL
The thing is, Trump voters were already going to vote. They ARE already going to take part. That is why I'm asking if it makes sense to send ballots to the candidate whose voters would never request them.
I think you underestimate the revulsion so many of us have for Trump. I'm not so excited about voting for Biden as I'm excited about voting against Trump.

How hard should it be to vote? Why not close 1/2 the polls in Blue areas, I mean if those Dems really want to vote they'll find a way. Right?

In the five years since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down key parts of the Voting Rights Act, nearly a thousand polling places have been shuttered across the country, many of them in southern black communities.​
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights found Democracy Diverted: Polling Place Closures and the Right to Vote that states with a history of racial discrimination have shuttered hundreds of voting locations since the court ruled that they did not need federal approval to change their laws. The report did not have comparisons with polling places in other regions.​
The report comes as Republican-led states impose a range of other restrictions, from shorter voting hours to photo-ID requirements. As turnout has surged in recent elections, voters in cities like Phoenix, Arizona and Atlanta, Georgia, have endured hours-long waits to cast their ballots.​
I'm not downplaying people voting against someone they hate, I'm just saying if they hate Trump that much, shouldn't they request a ballot?
I've requested mine so it is certainly doable. Such arguments seem disingenuous from people like Trump, who has expressed interest in making it harder for people to vote for their political advantage.
How has Trump politically tried to impede voters? The democrats have been chanting interference for 4 straight years, and they are the party who thinks voter ID is racist. If you ask both sides to do the same thing, and it increases the security of our most important practice, why such resistance. I don't buy that democrats are to stupid to have IDs.
I think it is pretty safe to say that Biden has very little enthusiasm. Does it not seem a little dirty to use mass mail sytems to get ballets to people that would likely never go to the polls? Then you get people coming to the door offering to pick them up. They all but sign the ballots for the people who don't give a crap. Do you think people who wouldn't go vote for Biden will turn in the mass mailed ballots? Doe anyone see why the ballots should not be requested? If a person is afraid of Covid, they can still request ballots. The mass mail system just seems like blatant harvesting for a very unpopular candidate.

If there was excitement for the would seem as though putting a ballot in everyone's hand is a sure way to take part in the celebration....

Gee; wonder why you're worried that the "exciting" candidate may be disadvantaged by more people voting. LOL
The thing is, Trump voters were already going to vote. They ARE already going to take part. That is why I'm asking if it makes sense to send ballots to the candidate whose voters would never request them.
I think you underestimate the revulsion so many of us have for Trump. I'm not so excited about voting for Biden as I'm excited about voting against Trump.

How hard should it be to vote? Why not close 1/2 the polls in Blue areas, I mean if those Dems really want to vote they'll find a way. Right?

In the five years since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down key parts of the Voting Rights Act, nearly a thousand polling places have been shuttered across the country, many of them in southern black communities.​
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights found Democracy Diverted: Polling Place Closures and the Right to Vote that states with a history of racial discrimination have shuttered hundreds of voting locations since the court ruled that they did not need federal approval to change their laws. The report did not have comparisons with polling places in other regions.​
The report comes as Republican-led states impose a range of other restrictions, from shorter voting hours to photo-ID requirements. As turnout has surged in recent elections, voters in cities like Phoenix, Arizona and Atlanta, Georgia, have endured hours-long waits to cast their ballots.​
I'm not downplaying people voting against someone they hate, I'm just saying if they hate Trump that much, shouldn't they request a ballot?
I've requested mine so it is certainly doable. Such arguments seem disingenuous from people like Trump, who has expressed interest in making it harder for people to vote for their political advantage.
How has Trump politically tried to impede voters? The democrats have been chanting interference for 4 straight years, and they are the party who thinks voter ID is racist. If you ask both sides to do the same thing, and it increases the security of our most important practice, why such resistance. I don't buy that democrats are to stupid to have IDs.
If you won't believe me would you believe Trump?

Trump says Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote
Donald Trump admitted on Monday that making it easier to vote in America would hurt the Republican party.​
The president made the comments as he dismissed a Democratic-led push for reforms such as vote-by-mail, same-day registration and early voting as states seek to safely run elections amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Democrats had proposed the measures as part of the coronavirus stimulus. They ultimately were not included in the $2.2tn final package, which included only $400m to states to help them run elections.​
“The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” Trump said during an appearance on Fox & Friends. “They had things in there about election days and what you do and all sorts of clawbacks. They had things that were just totally crazy and had nothing to do with workers that lost their jobs and companies that we have to save.”​
Democrats often accuse Republicans of deliberately making it hard to vote in order to keep minorities, immigrants, young people and other groups from the polls. And Republicans often say they oppose voting reforms because of concerns of voter fraud – which is extremely rare – or concerns over having the federal government run elections. But Trump’s remarks reveal how at least some Republicans have long understood voting barriers to be a necessary part of their political self-preservation.​
“I don’t want everybody to vote,” Paul Weyrich, an influential conservative activist, said in 1980. “As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”​
Trump’s Monday comments showed he saw voter suppression as part of his re-election strategy, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) said in a statement Monday. “Ensuring that Americans can vote during the Covid-19 crisis is fundamental to maintaining our democracy. It is shocking that Trump is essentially admitting that when the American people vote, Republican lose,” said Xochitl Hinojosa, a DNC spokeswoman. “Trump knows that suppressing the vote is the only way he and Republicans win in November.”​
Shortly after he was elected, Trump falsely claimed he would have won the popular vote had it not been for millions of illegal votes. There is no credible evidence to support the claim. In December, a Trump campaign aide was recorded saying: “Traditionally it’s always been Republicans suppressing votes in places.” The aide later told the Associated Press he was saying that Republicans have traditionally been accused of voter suppression.​
I think it is pretty safe to say that Biden has very little enthusiasm. Does it not seem a little dirty to use mass mail sytems to get ballets to people that would likely never go to the polls? Then you get people coming to the door offering to pick them up. They all but sign the ballots for the people who don't give a crap. Do you think people who wouldn't go vote for Biden will turn in the mass mailed ballots? Doe anyone see why the ballots should not be requested? If a person is afraid of Covid, they can still request ballots. The mass mail system just seems like blatant harvesting for a very unpopular candidate.

If there was excitement for the would seem as though putting a ballot in everyone's hand is a sure way to take part in the celebration....

Gee; wonder why you're worried that the "exciting" candidate may be disadvantaged by more people voting. LOL
The thing is, Trump voters were already going to vote. They ARE already going to take part. That is why I'm asking if it makes sense to send ballots to the candidate whose voters would never request them.
I think you underestimate the revulsion so many of us have for Trump. I'm not so excited about voting for Biden as I'm excited about voting against Trump.

How hard should it be to vote? Why not close 1/2 the polls in Blue areas, I mean if those Dems really want to vote they'll find a way. Right?

In the five years since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down key parts of the Voting Rights Act, nearly a thousand polling places have been shuttered across the country, many of them in southern black communities.​
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights found Democracy Diverted: Polling Place Closures and the Right to Vote that states with a history of racial discrimination have shuttered hundreds of voting locations since the court ruled that they did not need federal approval to change their laws. The report did not have comparisons with polling places in other regions.​
The report comes as Republican-led states impose a range of other restrictions, from shorter voting hours to photo-ID requirements. As turnout has surged in recent elections, voters in cities like Phoenix, Arizona and Atlanta, Georgia, have endured hours-long waits to cast their ballots.​
I'm not downplaying people voting against someone they hate, I'm just saying if they hate Trump that much, shouldn't they request a ballot?
I've requested mine so it is certainly doable. Such arguments seem disingenuous from people like Trump, who has expressed interest in making it harder for people to vote for their political advantage.
How has Trump politically tried to impede voters? The democrats have been chanting interference for 4 straight years, and they are the party who thinks voter ID is racist. If you ask both sides to do the same thing, and it increases the security of our most important practice, why such resistance. I don't buy that democrats are to stupid to have IDs.
If you won't believe me would you believe Trump?

Trump says Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote
Donald Trump admitted on Monday that making it easier to vote in America would hurt the Republican party.​
The president made the comments as he dismissed a Democratic-led push for reforms such as vote-by-mail, same-day registration and early voting as states seek to safely run elections amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Democrats had proposed the measures as part of the coronavirus stimulus. They ultimately were not included in the $2.2tn final package, which included only $400m to states to help them run elections.​
“The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” Trump said during an appearance on Fox & Friends. “They had things in there about election days and what you do and all sorts of clawbacks. They had things that were just totally crazy and had nothing to do with workers that lost their jobs and companies that we have to save.”​
Democrats often accuse Republicans of deliberately making it hard to vote in order to keep minorities, immigrants, young people and other groups from the polls. And Republicans often say they oppose voting reforms because of concerns of voter fraud – which is extremely rare – or concerns over having the federal government run elections. But Trump’s remarks reveal how at least some Republicans have long understood voting barriers to be a necessary part of their political self-preservation.​
“I don’t want everybody to vote,” Paul Weyrich, an influential conservative activist, said in 1980. “As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”​
Trump’s Monday comments showed he saw voter suppression as part of his re-election strategy, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) said in a statement Monday. “Ensuring that Americans can vote during the Covid-19 crisis is fundamental to maintaining our democracy. It is shocking that Trump is essentially admitting that when the American people vote, Republican lose,” said Xochitl Hinojosa, a DNC spokeswoman. “Trump knows that suppressing the vote is the only way he and Republicans win in November.”​
Shortly after he was elected, Trump falsely claimed he would have won the popular vote had it not been for millions of illegal votes. There is no credible evidence to support the claim. In December, a Trump campaign aide was recorded saying: “Traditionally it’s always been Republicans suppressing votes in places.” The aide later told the Associated Press he was saying that Republicans have traditionally been accused of voter suppression.​
So you have a 1980s activist and a comment about Trump saying democrats wanted crazy things in a relief package? I'm not denying that there was suppression in the past, but I think you are reading too much into things now. I'm fairly certain in a fair election that republicans would do just fine. Trying to push a lot of things in a covid package seems like democrats trying to game the system. Make the rules the same for everybody, and make sure there is no corruption, and I think everybody will be happy. I respectfully disagree with Xochitl Hinojosa. I think the president and most republicans believe we will win if shady things the democrats say won't happen, don't happen. I think we have moved past voter security being called suppression. Wanting felons, 16 year olds, and the ever lower requirements for illegal immigrants to get IDs, I would hope that both parties took security seriously.
The whole outrage is completely blown out of proportion in my humble opinion.... And I have no reason why these 4 states would even matter....? I think the 4 New states are all Democratic States, whose electors for president would never go to any republican candidate, no matter how the State votes.....

Because the presidential race is all they are voting for, right? How about all the down ballot races that can get affected?

And of those four states, Nevada is one of them, and we are not a Democratic state. We are a swing state and the Democrats here passed this mail-in ballot law on a Sunday night, without public commentary, that allows ballot harvesting and no signature verification. How are you going to say with a straight face that is not problematic?
The whole outrage is completely blown out of proportion in my humble opinion.... And I have no reason why these 4 states would even matter....? I think the 4 New states are all Democratic States, whose electors for president would never go to any republican candidate, no matter how the State votes.....

Because the presidential race is all they are voting for, right? How about all the down ballot races that can get affected?

And of those four states, Nevada is one of them, and we are not a Democratic state. We are a swing state and the Democrats here passed this mail-in ballot law on a Sunday night, without public commentary, that allows ballot harvesting and no signature verification. How are you going to say with a straight face that is not problematic?
I sincerely hope tis backfires on them badly... Local elections can be taken away from democrats... and that would be the sad irony...
I think it is pretty safe to say that Biden has very little enthusiasm. Does it not seem a little dirty to use mass mail sytems to get ballets to people that would likely never go to the polls? Then you get people coming to the door offering to pick them up. They all but sign the ballots for the people who don't give a crap. Do you think people who wouldn't go vote for Biden will turn in the mass mailed ballots? Doe anyone see why the ballots should not be requested? If a person is afraid of Covid, they can still request ballots. The mass mail system just seems like blatant harvesting for a very unpopular candidate.

If there was excitement for the would seem as though putting a ballot in everyone's hand is a sure way to take part in the celebration....

Gee; wonder why you're worried that the "exciting" candidate may be disadvantaged by more people voting. LOL
The thing is, Trump voters were already going to vote. They ARE already going to take part. That is why I'm asking if it makes sense to send ballots to the candidate whose voters would never request them.
I think you underestimate the revulsion so many of us have for Trump. I'm not so excited about voting for Biden as I'm excited about voting against Trump.

How hard should it be to vote? Why not close 1/2 the polls in Blue areas, I mean if those Dems really want to vote they'll find a way. Right?

In the five years since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down key parts of the Voting Rights Act, nearly a thousand polling places have been shuttered across the country, many of them in southern black communities.​
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights found Democracy Diverted: Polling Place Closures and the Right to Vote that states with a history of racial discrimination have shuttered hundreds of voting locations since the court ruled that they did not need federal approval to change their laws. The report did not have comparisons with polling places in other regions.​
The report comes as Republican-led states impose a range of other restrictions, from shorter voting hours to photo-ID requirements. As turnout has surged in recent elections, voters in cities like Phoenix, Arizona and Atlanta, Georgia, have endured hours-long waits to cast their ballots.​
I'm not downplaying people voting against someone they hate, I'm just saying if they hate Trump that much, shouldn't they request a ballot?
I've requested mine so it is certainly doable. Such arguments seem disingenuous from people like Trump, who has expressed interest in making it harder for people to vote for their political advantage.
How has Trump politically tried to impede voters? The democrats have been chanting interference for 4 straight years, and they are the party who thinks voter ID is racist. If you ask both sides to do the same thing, and it increases the security of our most important practice, why such resistance. I don't buy that democrats are to stupid to have IDs.
If you won't believe me would you believe Trump?

Trump says Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote
Donald Trump admitted on Monday that making it easier to vote in America would hurt the Republican party.​
The president made the comments as he dismissed a Democratic-led push for reforms such as vote-by-mail, same-day registration and early voting as states seek to safely run elections amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Democrats had proposed the measures as part of the coronavirus stimulus. They ultimately were not included in the $2.2tn final package, which included only $400m to states to help them run elections.​
“The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” Trump said during an appearance on Fox & Friends. “They had things in there about election days and what you do and all sorts of clawbacks. They had things that were just totally crazy and had nothing to do with workers that lost their jobs and companies that we have to save.”​
Democrats often accuse Republicans of deliberately making it hard to vote in order to keep minorities, immigrants, young people and other groups from the polls. And Republicans often say they oppose voting reforms because of concerns of voter fraud – which is extremely rare – or concerns over having the federal government run elections. But Trump’s remarks reveal how at least some Republicans have long understood voting barriers to be a necessary part of their political self-preservation.​
“I don’t want everybody to vote,” Paul Weyrich, an influential conservative activist, said in 1980. “As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”​
Trump’s Monday comments showed he saw voter suppression as part of his re-election strategy, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) said in a statement Monday. “Ensuring that Americans can vote during the Covid-19 crisis is fundamental to maintaining our democracy. It is shocking that Trump is essentially admitting that when the American people vote, Republican lose,” said Xochitl Hinojosa, a DNC spokeswoman. “Trump knows that suppressing the vote is the only way he and Republicans win in November.”​
Shortly after he was elected, Trump falsely claimed he would have won the popular vote had it not been for millions of illegal votes. There is no credible evidence to support the claim. In December, a Trump campaign aide was recorded saying: “Traditionally it’s always been Republicans suppressing votes in places.” The aide later told the Associated Press he was saying that Republicans have traditionally been accused of voter suppression.​
So you have a 1980s activist and a comment about Trump saying democrats wanted crazy things in a relief package? I'm not denying that there was suppression in the past, but I think you are reading too much into things now. I'm fairly certain in a fair election that republicans would do just fine. Trying to push a lot of things in a covid package seems like democrats trying to game the system. Make the rules the same for everybody, and make sure there is no corruption, and I think everybody will be happy. I respectfully disagree with Xochitl Hinojosa. I think the president and most republicans believe we will win if shady things the democrats say won't happen, don't happen. I think we have moved past voter security being called suppression. Wanting felons, 16 year olds, and the ever lower requirements for illegal immigrants to get IDs, I would hope that both parties took security seriously.
Security is fine but, from what I know about the current state of absentee or mail-in ballots, there are no serious issues with US elections. Increasing security is a solution in search of a problem.

Shouldn't the goal of a democratic election be to include and encourage every eligible voter to vote?
I think it is pretty safe to say that Biden has very little enthusiasm. Does it not seem a little dirty to use mass mail sytems to get ballets to people that would likely never go to the polls? Then you get people coming to the door offering to pick them up. They all but sign the ballots for the people who don't give a crap. Do you think people who wouldn't go vote for Biden will turn in the mass mailed ballots? Doe anyone see why the ballots should not be requested? If a person is afraid of Covid, they can still request ballots. The mass mail system just seems like blatant harvesting for a very unpopular candidate.

If there was excitement for the would seem as though putting a ballot in everyone's hand is a sure way to take part in the celebration....

Gee; wonder why you're worried that the "exciting" candidate may be disadvantaged by more people voting. LOL
The thing is, Trump voters were already going to vote. They ARE already going to take part. That is why I'm asking if it makes sense to send ballots to the candidate whose voters would never request them.
I think you underestimate the revulsion so many of us have for Trump. I'm not so excited about voting for Biden as I'm excited about voting against Trump.

How hard should it be to vote? Why not close 1/2 the polls in Blue areas, I mean if those Dems really want to vote they'll find a way. Right?

In the five years since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down key parts of the Voting Rights Act, nearly a thousand polling places have been shuttered across the country, many of them in southern black communities.​
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights found Democracy Diverted: Polling Place Closures and the Right to Vote that states with a history of racial discrimination have shuttered hundreds of voting locations since the court ruled that they did not need federal approval to change their laws. The report did not have comparisons with polling places in other regions.​
The report comes as Republican-led states impose a range of other restrictions, from shorter voting hours to photo-ID requirements. As turnout has surged in recent elections, voters in cities like Phoenix, Arizona and Atlanta, Georgia, have endured hours-long waits to cast their ballots.​
I'm not downplaying people voting against someone they hate, I'm just saying if they hate Trump that much, shouldn't they request a ballot?
I've requested mine so it is certainly doable. Such arguments seem disingenuous from people like Trump, who has expressed interest in making it harder for people to vote for their political advantage.
How has Trump politically tried to impede voters? The democrats have been chanting interference for 4 straight years, and they are the party who thinks voter ID is racist. If you ask both sides to do the same thing, and it increases the security of our most important practice, why such resistance. I don't buy that democrats are to stupid to have IDs.
If you won't believe me would you believe Trump?

Trump says Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote
Donald Trump admitted on Monday that making it easier to vote in America would hurt the Republican party.​
The president made the comments as he dismissed a Democratic-led push for reforms such as vote-by-mail, same-day registration and early voting as states seek to safely run elections amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Democrats had proposed the measures as part of the coronavirus stimulus. They ultimately were not included in the $2.2tn final package, which included only $400m to states to help them run elections.​
“The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” Trump said during an appearance on Fox & Friends. “They had things in there about election days and what you do and all sorts of clawbacks. They had things that were just totally crazy and had nothing to do with workers that lost their jobs and companies that we have to save.”​
Democrats often accuse Republicans of deliberately making it hard to vote in order to keep minorities, immigrants, young people and other groups from the polls. And Republicans often say they oppose voting reforms because of concerns of voter fraud – which is extremely rare – or concerns over having the federal government run elections. But Trump’s remarks reveal how at least some Republicans have long understood voting barriers to be a necessary part of their political self-preservation.​
“I don’t want everybody to vote,” Paul Weyrich, an influential conservative activist, said in 1980. “As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”​
Trump’s Monday comments showed he saw voter suppression as part of his re-election strategy, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) said in a statement Monday. “Ensuring that Americans can vote during the Covid-19 crisis is fundamental to maintaining our democracy. It is shocking that Trump is essentially admitting that when the American people vote, Republican lose,” said Xochitl Hinojosa, a DNC spokeswoman. “Trump knows that suppressing the vote is the only way he and Republicans win in November.”​
Shortly after he was elected, Trump falsely claimed he would have won the popular vote had it not been for millions of illegal votes. There is no credible evidence to support the claim. In December, a Trump campaign aide was recorded saying: “Traditionally it’s always been Republicans suppressing votes in places.” The aide later told the Associated Press he was saying that Republicans have traditionally been accused of voter suppression.​
So you have a 1980s activist and a comment about Trump saying democrats wanted crazy things in a relief package? I'm not denying that there was suppression in the past, but I think you are reading too much into things now. I'm fairly certain in a fair election that republicans would do just fine. Trying to push a lot of things in a covid package seems like democrats trying to game the system. Make the rules the same for everybody, and make sure there is no corruption, and I think everybody will be happy. I respectfully disagree with Xochitl Hinojosa. I think the president and most republicans believe we will win if shady things the democrats say won't happen, don't happen. I think we have moved past voter security being called suppression. Wanting felons, 16 year olds, and the ever lower requirements for illegal immigrants to get IDs, I would hope that both parties took security seriously.
Security is fine but, from what I know about the current state of absentee or mail-in ballots, there are no serious issues with US elections. Increasing security is a solution in search of a problem.

Shouldn't the goal of a democratic election be to include and encourage every eligible voter to vote?
I think there is still some responsability for the candidate to give a message that people support. I'm not sure I like the party machines producing votes the candidate may not have earned. Increasing security is preventing a problem, not looking for a problem. Why invite risk? Especially with the massive problems with mail in voting in some races already this year. If voting is important, it should be done right.
The whole outrage is completely blown out of proportion in my humble opinion.... And I have no reason why these 4 states would even matter....? I think the 4 New states are all Democratic States, whose electors for president would never go to any republican candidate, no matter how the State votes.....

Because the presidential race is all they are voting for, right? How about all the down ballot races that can get affected?

And of those four states, Nevada is one of them, and we are not a Democratic state. We are a swing state and the Democrats here passed this mail-in ballot law on a Sunday night, without public commentary, that allows ballot harvesting and no signature verification. How are you going to say with a straight face that is not problematic?
I don't agree with that.... i think there should be ballot drop boxes everywhere.... instead of ballot harvesting.... Ballot harvesting is how the Republicans cheated in their primary, in North Carolina in 2018....

I do not know how accurate and up to date Nevada keeps their voter do they maintain them? If they are loosey goosey, then it seems foolish to not match signatures.... if they keep a tight reign and are up to date, then it should be ok....

But WHY did they feel this was necessary??
I think it is pretty safe to say that Biden has very little enthusiasm. Does it not seem a little dirty to use mass mail sytems to get ballets to people that would likely never go to the polls? Then you get people coming to the door offering to pick them up. They all but sign the ballots for the people who don't give a crap. Do you think people who wouldn't go vote for Biden will turn in the mass mailed ballots? Doe anyone see why the ballots should not be requested? If a person is afraid of Covid, they can still request ballots. The mass mail system just seems like blatant harvesting for a very unpopular candidate.

If there was excitement for the would seem as though putting a ballot in everyone's hand is a sure way to take part in the celebration....

Gee; wonder why you're worried that the "exciting" candidate may be disadvantaged by more people voting. LOL
The thing is, Trump voters were already going to vote. They ARE already going to take part. That is why I'm asking if it makes sense to send ballots to the candidate whose voters would never request them.
Ahh. Seems like a silly question. They registered to vote. Seems like they were asking for it.
Every election, the talking heads emphasize getting a higher turnout, and getting registered voters to the polls. I'm not sure you can assume a registered voter was automatically going to vote.

The majority of them do.
Righties think a successful candidate gets blind hero worship support from a small portion of America. Idiots. The vast majority of America is concerned about the pandemic and racial injustice but the minority is fervently focused on boating and Trump crowds during said pandemic. Idiots.
"blind hero worship"
I'll bet you never watched one Biden speech.
If you insist you did, what did Biden say about his ability to change the nation?
Losing a favorite child is one dumb analogy when dems including China joe watched as many favorite children were destroyed by b.l.m.-a.n.t.i.f.a: people’s businesses, treated much like one’s kids when considering the amount of time spent in developing them. True American self-interest differs from b.l.m-a.n.t.i.f.a selfishness (free stuff without working for it) in this respect.

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