Mass-murderer Bill Clinton defends Hillary - "She said she was sorry"

They were "convicted" of minor offenses, not of killing any ATF agents.
ATF agents WERE killed, however. Sine they didn't kill themselves, some of the BDs must have been guilty. As we know "not guilty" doesn't mean innocent.

The ATF opened fire first. In fact, the evidence indicates that the agents were killed by friendly fire.

You're an ignorant goosestepping Nazi, and you should shut your mouth before you make that fact apparent to the entire forum.
And IF everything that PMH and the rest are saying actually happened it STILL does not matter.

The role of the police is not to go in guns blazing and allow dozens of children to be burned alive. There are a TON better options and they chose the up front brutal one that ended in the deaths of many innocents. That is unacceptable by any standard.
A church running guns and killing Federal Agents is what is unacceptable. Lay the blame where it belongs, with those nutters who died rather than come out peacefully like any other good Christian would have.
They were "convicted" of minor offenses, not of killing any ATF agents.
ATF agents WERE killed, however. Sine they didn't kill themselves, some of the BDs must have been guilty. As we know "not guilty" doesn't mean innocent.

The ATF opened fire first. In fact, the evidence indicates that the agents were killed by friendly fire.

You're an ignorant goosestepping Nazi, and you should shut your mouth before you make that fact apparent to the entire forum.
And IF everything that PMH and the rest are saying actually happened it STILL does not matter.

The role of the police is not to go in guns blazing and allow dozens of children to be burned alive. There are a TON better options and they chose the up front brutal one that ended in the deaths of many innocents. That is unacceptable by any standard.
A church running guns and killing Federal Agents is what is unacceptable. Lay the blame where it belongs, with those nutters who died rather than come out peacefully like any other good Christian would have.
I did.

You, on the other hand, seem to openly accept when the government kills people out of ineptitude and overzealous action.
They were "convicted" of minor offenses, not of killing any ATF agents.
ATF agents WERE killed, however. Sine they didn't kill themselves, some of the BDs must have been guilty. As we know "not guilty" doesn't mean innocent.

The ATF opened fire first. In fact, the evidence indicates that the agents were killed by friendly fire.

You're an ignorant goosestepping Nazi, and you should shut your mouth before you make that fact apparent to the entire forum.
And IF everything that PMH and the rest are saying actually happened it STILL does not matter.

The role of the police is not to go in guns blazing and allow dozens of children to be burned alive. There are a TON better options and they chose the up front brutal one that ended in the deaths of many innocents. That is unacceptable by any standard.
A church running guns and killing Federal Agents is what is unacceptable. Lay the blame where it belongs, with those nutters who died rather than come out peacefully like any other good Christian would have.
I did.

You, on the other hand, seem to openly accept when the government kills people out of ineptitude and overzealous action.

PHM condoned genocide on one of his more memorable posts.
They were "convicted" of minor offenses, not of killing any ATF agents.
ATF agents WERE killed, however. Sine they didn't kill themselves, some of the BDs must have been guilty. As we know "not guilty" doesn't mean innocent.

The ATF opened fire first. In fact, the evidence indicates that the agents were killed by friendly fire.

You're an ignorant goosestepping Nazi, and you should shut your mouth before you make that fact apparent to the entire forum.
And IF everything that PMH and the rest are saying actually happened it STILL does not matter.

The role of the police is not to go in guns blazing and allow dozens of children to be burned alive. There are a TON better options and they chose the up front brutal one that ended in the deaths of many innocents. That is unacceptable by any standard.
A church running guns and killing Federal Agents is what is unacceptable. Lay the blame where it belongs, with those nutters who died rather than come out peacefully like any other good Christian would have.
I did.

You, on the other hand, seem to openly accept when the government kills people out of ineptitude and overzealous action.
Neither happened in Waco where religious nutters, by their own actions, ended their lives in a mass suicide.
ATF agents WERE killed, however. Sine they didn't kill themselves, some of the BDs must have been guilty. As we know "not guilty" doesn't mean innocent.

The ATF opened fire first. In fact, the evidence indicates that the agents were killed by friendly fire.

You're an ignorant goosestepping Nazi, and you should shut your mouth before you make that fact apparent to the entire forum.
And IF everything that PMH and the rest are saying actually happened it STILL does not matter.

The role of the police is not to go in guns blazing and allow dozens of children to be burned alive. There are a TON better options and they chose the up front brutal one that ended in the deaths of many innocents. That is unacceptable by any standard.
A church running guns and killing Federal Agents is what is unacceptable. Lay the blame where it belongs, with those nutters who died rather than come out peacefully like any other good Christian would have.
I did.

You, on the other hand, seem to openly accept when the government kills people out of ineptitude and overzealous action.

PHM condoned genocide on one of his more memorable posts.
I don't advocate for genocide, but it's common enough. Humanity is a disease.
]Guilt for the deaths belongs to those who shot officers in performance of their duty and those who spread gasoline around the compound. Nothing the ATF did would have caused the fire to spread that fast
Are you saying the branch davidians spread gasoline around their own church????? Where is your evidence for that?
The evidence is obvious. The compound went up in flash. The ATF didn't spread any gas, so who's left?

I guess you didn't watch it on CNN. It was all televised asshole.

We watched them do it.
I'm finding this really really disturbing that I am posting with individuals who can defend what happened at Waco.
What's funny about this is we all watched it live on CNN.

Now you are trying to pretend we didn't see it
Okay kiddos tell your bosses whoever they are that we all watched it on live television. This is not spin.

We witnessed the American government kill people on live telivision.
Okey dokey. My last post didn't take.

Lets see how this rolls. We watched it happen. No spin factor. We watched it minute by minute as the American government killed citizens.
Dealing in guns wasn't against the law, numskull, and you aren't the judge of what "real faith" is. They didn't harm a soul until the ATF jack booted thugs stormed into their compound with guns blazing. every single one of the Waco defendants was acquitted.

Only an especially despicable bootlicking scumbag would attempt to defend this clear case of mass murder.

wrong... :rolleyes:

Democrats charged that Republicans-with the help of the NRA-are dredging up an old issue to attack federal law enforcement and the Clinton administration.

The bickering stopped, at least for a moment, as Kiri told of her life with the Davidians.

Forced to have sex at the age of 10, she said she "stared at the ceiling" as Koresh molested her and afterward "stayed in the shower for maybe an hour."

Kiri's father, David Jewell, pulled her away from the religious group when he won custody from Kiri's mother, who was among 80 Davidians who died in the blaze that engulfed the Waco compound on April 19, 1993.

Jewell told the panel of a phone call he got in 1991 from a man he'd never met, who ominously said, "I have reason to believe your daughter is in danger."

The caller, a former Branch Davidian, warned Jewell that Koresh intended to take his 10 year-old daughter as his "wife."

"The David Koresh I came to know of . . . was a man of absolute unparalled evil intent," said Jewell, who gently hugged his daughter after her testimony.

Girl Tells Of Molestation By Koresh

Growing Up Under Koresh: Cult Children Tell of Abuses

Okay kiddos tell your bosses whoever they are that we all watched it on live television. This is not spin.

We witnessed the American government kill people on live telivision.

manipulative creeps are always counting on the innocent kiddos...

Koresh had sex with other girls, cruelly disciplined children, taught war and prophesized a "big battle" with the forces of the world, she said. She also said the children were taught to kill themselves by putting a gun in their mouth and pulling the trigger.

Her testimony was so graphic that one of the hearing's co-chairmen broke in to warn the television "home audience" of the sexual content.
The children in David Koresh's Branch Davidian cult grew up believing they would die young — and on April 19, 1993, 25 of them did, perishing with their parents when the cult's complex outside Waco, Texas went up in flames.

"He never was very specific, but at some point we were going to have to die for him," said Kiri Jewell, whose mother Sherri was one of Koresh's 20 "wives."

"I knew we weren't going to be around for very long. I didn't expect to live past 12."

...federal agents stormed the compound following a 51-day siege...

Child Survivors Recall Waco Fire 10 Years On

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