Mass-murderer Bill Clinton defends Hillary - "She said she was sorry"

Okay kiddos tell your bosses whoever they are that we all watched it on live television. This is not spin.

We witnessed the American government kill people on live telivision.

manipulative creeps are always counting on the innocent kiddos...

Koresh had sex with other girls, cruelly disciplined children, taught war and prophesized a "big battle" with the forces of the world, she said. She also said the children were taught to kill themselves by putting a gun in their mouth and pulling the trigger.

Her testimony was so graphic that one of the hearing's co-chairmen broke in to warn the television "home audience" of the sexual content.

Where is the proof of this?
Did anyone before the ATF hit the compound charge him with child abuse?

Lets sequence this.
The children in David Koresh's Branch Davidian cult grew up believing they would die young — and on April 19, 1993, 25 of them did, perishing with their parents when the cult's complex outside Waco, Texas went up in flames.

"He never was very specific, but at some point we were going to have to die for him," said Kiri Jewell, whose mother Sherri was one of Koresh's 20 "wives."

"I knew we weren't going to be around for very long. I didn't expect to live past 12."

...federal agents stormed the compound following a 51-day siege...

Child Survivors Recall Waco Fire 10 Years On

I hate liars. It's a thing I have.

Pisses me clean off.
Okay kiddos tell your bosses whoever they are that we all watched it on live television. This is not spin.

We witnessed the American government kill people on live telivision.

manipulative creeps are always counting on the innocent kiddos...

Koresh had sex with other girls, cruelly disciplined children, taught war and prophesized a "big battle" with the forces of the world, she said. She also said the children were taught to kill themselves by putting a gun in their mouth and pulling the trigger.

Her testimony was so graphic that one of the hearing's co-chairmen broke in to warn the television "home audience" of the sexual content.

Where is the proof of this?

the articles i posted are filled with many well known facts...

here's some more facts for you:

The ATF raided the Branch Davidian compound to serve arrest and search warrants as part of an investigation into illegal posession of firearms and explosives there. (Treasury Department press memorandum, July 13, 1995)
http:// Why did the Bureau of Alcoh... Department Officials," WPost, Dec. 9, 1993.)
http:// Why did the Bureau of Alcoh... Department Officials," WPost, Dec. 9, 1993.)
The issue of whether David Koresh sexually and physically abused children in the compound is also not entirely resolved. Koresh acknowledged on a videotape sent out of the compound during the standoff that he had fathered more than 12 children by several "wives" who were as young as 12 or 13 when they became pregnant.
http:// Why did the Bureau of Alcoh... Department Officials," WPost, Dec. 9, 1993.)
("Why Waco?," by James D. Tabor and Eugene V. Gallagher.) A review of Waco events published by the Justice Department in October 1993 concludes, "Evidence suggested that Koresh had 'wives' who were in their mid-teens, that Koresh told detailed and inappropriate sexual stories in front of the children during his Bible study sessions, and that Koresh taught the young girls that it was a privilege for them to become old enough (i.e., reach puberty) to have sex with him." (Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas February 28 to April 19, 1993.)
http:// Why did the Bureau of Alcoh... Department Officials," WPost, Dec. 9, 1993.)
There is considerable evidence as well that Koresh harshly disciplined the children in the compound. According to affidavits obtained by the FBI from several former Branch Davidians and from Dr. Bruce Perry, a psychiatrist who examined several Branch Davidian children, Koresh beat young children with a wooden spoon or withheld food for as much as a day to punish them. (op cit pp. 224-226)
http:// Why did the Bureau of Alcoh... Department Officials," WPost, Dec. 9, 1993.)

FAQs | Waco - The Inside Story | FRONTLINE | PBS

isn't this the same guy who burned 80 americans alive at waco? Why isn't he in prison?

sep 26 2015 Former President Bill Clinton blamed Republicans who hope to undercut his wife’s presidential chances and a voracious political news media uninterested in substance for the furor surrounding Hillary Rodham Clinton’s use of a private email account and server while she was secretary of state.

“I have never seen so much expended on so little,” Mr. Clinton said in a taped interview with Fareed Zakaria that is scheduled to be shown Sunday on CNN. The network released excerpts on Saturday afternoon.

“She said she was sorry that her personal email caused all this confusion,” Mr. Clinton said. “And she’d like to give the election back to the American people. I think it will be all right. But it’s obvious what happened.”
are you just plain stupid or naturally stupid ??? I side on the side of you're naturally stupid ....
This, however, has nothing to do with the fact that the FBI followed a course of action that entailed burning those children alive.
I fail to see how we respond to a cult perpetuating evil by perpetuating more evil. That is asinine.

The branch davidians were NOT a cult perpetuating evil. They were evangelists who also believed in the 2nd amendment. That's why clinton hated them and burned them alive.
This, however, has nothing to do with the fact that the FBI followed a course of action that entailed burning those children alive.
I fail to see how we respond to a cult perpetuating evil by perpetuating more evil. That is asinine.

The branch davidians were NOT a cult perpetuating evil. They were evangelists who also believed in the 2nd amendment. That's why clinton hated them and burned them alive.

What the davidians were or were not does not excuse or condone the actions of the FBI. You and others here are getting mired down in that debate when it is not material to the point that the FBI was wrong and grossly negligent in the actions that they took.

There is a reason that the other side of the debate focuses on the davidians actions - it is because the actions the government took cannot be supported.

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