Mass Shooting in Britain......4 men shot.....but...they have gun control...

One word best describes Islam... Violence
Actually the word is Submission, to the Will of God...
Well, I guess their actions speak louder than their words....
Turns out...guns have been pulled in that store before.......guns are a problem......this isn't the first time there was a shooting at this know...the country that confiscated guns...and has extreme gun control for everything else...

I got this from a poster at wanted to give credit to the source....

Hockley Costcutter shooting victim: 'I was in shock - I thought I was going to die'

Store manager Naz Ali is now demanding extra police patrols after claiming the incident was the third time guns had been pulled outside his business in two months.

“It is only a matter of time before someone is killed,” the 43-year-old warned.

Amar, from Washwood Heath, was hit as around 20 panic-stricken men stampeded into the store to avoid the shots outside. Customers with young children looked on in terror as the gun was fired into the building and the wounded lay in pools of blood on the store floor.

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