Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center


When America was Majority CONSERVATIVE / REPUBLICAN (non Marxist)......

CHILDREN carried loaded guns to SCHOOL. No mass shootings.
Up until the mid 70's HIGH SCHOOL students had rifles in the back windows of their pick up trucks AT SCHOOL. No One ever bothered their guns.
School "mass shootings" were unheard of.

Then Came The Progressive/Socialist/Communist/Marxist movement
In the mid 70's, a strong shift to the Left occurred and Marxism and Communism and anti-God rhetoric began to spread in the nation.
Gun violence and especially mass shootings became common.
Today many indoctrinated Americans recoil in terror at just the sight of a gun.
Who terrorized these people? (democrats)
Where are ALL the mass shootings taking place (democrat areas)

He didn't have the right, he was a felon. Except someone just like you made sure he didn't go to prison, so he could kill innocent people. This is your fault.
Your link to him being a felon is missing. And following the Right wing gun love handbook...he was a well-regulated militia good guy..............until he wasn't.
Yeah, I'm sure. Some of you think we should have more and more and more pointless laws that don't work while the crime stats rise and rise and rise. There is something very wrong with that kind of thinking.
Soyboys So Sad

But it makes sissies feel good, an affirmation they desperately need in a world that has no use for their kind.

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