Massachusetts passes sex ed plan to teach anal sex to sixth graders

I really hate the lefts social agenda. It is sick.

Why not stick with sanity and funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education?
I really hate the lefts social agenda. It is sick.

Why not stick with sanity and funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education?
Their hatred of traditional values completely blinds them to anything sane.
Its about time they started teaching our kids the skills they need in the real world. lol.
Well after they dropped Math and Science they need to fill the time somehow....
I really hate the lefts social agenda. It is sick.

Why not stick with sanity and funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education?

The Left abandoned principles of teaching critical and analytical thinking. Infrastructure, Science, R&D, and Education are simply mediums to pay their cronies. Otherwise, I agree with you.

Wow, one reading of the article and I can see it's total bullshit blog stupidity.

Come on, can't you see where it makes the jump and connects two things that are not present in the legislation.

Didn't they teach reading at your elementary school?

I swear a sixth grader could figure this one out.
Its BS just like this eh? Chicago Teaching ‘Safe’ Anal Sex in 6th Grade Sex-Ed | The Last Resistance
Very interesting..... considering that oral and anal sex are still technically illegal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
I really hate the lefts social agenda. It is sick.

Why not stick with sanity and funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education?

why would you believe anything in the rightwingnutblogosphere?
Better question is why would you not believe cultural marxists HAVE passed this around the country and ARE teaching young children about this filth.
Have you dumbass idiots actually read the article?

The title is BS as nowhere in the text does the 'author' aka fuckwad support what the title claims.

Time to get some edukashion and learn to motherfucking read, ya inbred scum.
Have you dumbass idiots actually read the article?

The title is BS as nowhere in the text does the 'author' aka fuckwad support what the title claims.

Time to get some edukashion and learn to motherfucking read, ya inbred scum.
Aw another cultural marxist that got exposed that now has his panties in a twist.

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