Massachusetts passes sex ed plan to teach anal sex to sixth graders

Have you dumbass idiots actually read the article?

The title is BS as nowhere in the text does the 'author' aka fuckwad support what the title claims.

Time to get some edukashion and learn to motherfucking read, ya inbred scum.

No smount of sex ed is appropriate in a public school. That's for the parents to explain to them.
One explains that a dental dam is “placed over the vulva or anus during oral sex. It says people can also use non-microwavable saran wrap.”

Another describes a scenario where “Brittany’s girlfriend wants to have oral sex with her. Brittany really likes her girlfriend, and her friends say that having oral sex will bring them closer together.”

Another tells about how “Erika and Cameron use condoms as their method of birth control. So far, they’ve used a condom every time they’ve had vaginal intercourse, but Cameron wants to see what it feels like without a condom. He asks Erika if they can try it just once without a condom and says he can pull out before he comes.”

Yet another lesson “discusses the use of an internal condom that is inserted into the anus. It is said to act as a barrier, but warns that it may slip out of place during vaginal or anal intercourse. It warns that it may be difficult to insert.”

Just a taste of what KIDS can be expected to learn in school in Mass now.
If a parent or guardian withdraws a student from all or part of sexual health instruction, 21 the student shall not be subject to disciplinary action, academic penalty or any other sanction. An 22 alternative educational activity shall be made available to students who have been withdrawn 23 from instruction.

WOW! Remove your kid from this filthy class and this is what happens...disciplinary action,academic penalty...WOW.....Yall enjoy that freedom in Mass.
Ever notice that anything the regressivecrats come up with that is said to be "comprehensive" is nothing good? And the faghadist agenda marches on.
No, what's disgusting and unneeded are your idiotic lies.

Well if they are teaching anal sex in school, at least nobody gets pregnant. :badgrin::badgrin:

But seriously folks, do our schools need to be teaching this to children? I thought schools were to prepare a child for adulthood as in jobs, education, family and so forth.

I think the time is better spent on teaching kids about investments, opening up your own business, real estate, and things that can make a young adult successful besides in the bedroom.

At the very least, can't they have a police officer come in and teach the class about police procedure, how to interact with police, what police need to do when a suspect moves around in a suspicious way? Maybe that might save a life or two if one of those kids gets in a situation where police are involved.
Well if they are teaching anal sex in school, at least nobody gets pregnant. :badgrin::badgrin:

But seriously folks, do our schools need to be teaching this to children? I thought schools were to prepare a child for adulthood as in jobs, education, family and so forth.

I think the time is better spent on teaching kids about investments, opening up your own business, real estate, and things that can make a young adult successful besides in the bedroom.

At the very least, can't they have a police officer come in and teach the class about police procedure, how to interact with police, what police need to do when a suspect moves around in a suspicious way? Maybe that might save a life or two if one of those kids gets in a situation where police are involved.
Sex, religion, and money, what drives the world.
Well if they are teaching anal sex in school, at least nobody gets pregnant. :badgrin::badgrin:

But seriously folks, do our schools need to be teaching this to children? I thought schools were to prepare a child for adulthood as in jobs, education, family and so forth.

I think the time is better spent on teaching kids about investments, opening up your own business, real estate, and things that can make a young adult successful besides in the bedroom.

At the very least, can't they have a police officer come in and teach the class about police procedure, how to interact with police, what police need to do when a suspect moves around in a suspicious way? Maybe that might save a life or two if one of those kids gets in a situation where police are involved.
Sex, religion, and money, what drives the world.

Maybe, but in public schools, you can teach children about money and sex.
Well if they are teaching anal sex in school, at least nobody gets pregnant. :badgrin::badgrin:

But seriously folks, do our schools need to be teaching this to children? I thought schools were to prepare a child for adulthood as in jobs, education, family and so forth.

I think the time is better spent on teaching kids about investments, opening up your own business, real estate, and things that can make a young adult successful besides in the bedroom.

At the very least, can't they have a police officer come in and teach the class about police procedure, how to interact with police, what police need to do when a suspect moves around in a suspicious way? Maybe that might save a life or two if one of those kids gets in a situation where police are involved.

That's all reasonable Ray. Which is why there's nothing even remotely like it, anywhere in Leftist Academia.

You see, Left-think is a perversion of human reasoning. Thus, where sexual behavior is something that is an instinct, foundational in the hormonal construct of every species that has ever lived.

We're however not discussing sexual behavior in the species... what we're discussing is the teaching; the promoting of a perversion of sexual behavior, which again, stems from the perverse species of reasoning, on which the Ideological Leftist; thus the collective of the Ideological Left... operates.

It's evil... of the first order. And it is only ONE tiny example of the pervasiveness of the evil that we have allowed the Left to infect this nation.

The answer is not to try and change their minds, as they are manifestly evil. They're incapable of being anything but what they are.

The answer is stop tolerating the Left... . Where they send out communists to demand this and that at a University, we expel those students, banning them from government employment and government subsidy for the rest of their natural lives.

Where they demand that men be allowed to use women's restrooms, we tell them to go fuck themselves.

When a court sends in an order to force men into women's restrooms, we tell the court to go fuck itself... fire the judge, ban them from any further government employment, from practicing law and from any sense of public subsidy for the rest of their natural lives.

And so on... .
I really hate the lefts social agenda. It is sick.

Why not stick with sanity and funding infrastructure, science, r&d and education?
I understand there are liberal perverts that promote lowering the age of consent to six or so. Their control of the educational system is to perfect vehicle for indoctrinating the children before the exit the age of innocence. Disgusting scabs on the ass of humanity.

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