Masses of Soviet Jews deeply regretted going to Israel in 1991. In Israel their second class citizens whereas in the Soviet Union they were respected


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Many Soviet Jews were tricked into going to Israel. In the early 1990s many Jews went to Israel, thinking that they were fulfilling their religious duties. And they were filling their religious duties but once in Israel many of them ended up homeless. One Soviet Jew was killing himself once a month in Israel in the early 1990s due to depression.

You can see in the interview above the Soviet Jews saying that they regretted going to Israel. Because back in the Soviet Union they were respected.

They were told the streets are paved with gold in Israel, but it was the opposite. In the Soviet union they had a great job. They were working every day and they had the respect of society. 500,000 Soviet Jews served the Soviet military during World War II. No man can ever take away the dignity of a man who took up the rifle to fight for himself and his country.
Many Soviet Jews were tricked into going to Israel. In the early 1990s many Jews went to Israel, thinking that they were fulfilling their religious duties. And they were filling their religious duties but once in Israel many of them ended up homeless. One Soviet Jew was killing himself once a month in Israel in the early 1990s due to depression.

You can see in the interview above the Soviet Jews saying that they regretted going to Israel. Because back in the Soviet Union they were respected.

They were told the streets are paved with gold in Israel, but it was the opposite. In the Soviet union they had a great job. They were working every day and they had the respect of society. 500,000 Soviet Jews served the Soviet military during World War II. No man can ever take away the dignity of a man who took up the rifle to fight for himself and his country.

Respected? While being fired at in a war? They can move back to Russia can't they? They have more freedom than I have. Get back to me when the have been tortured and beaten (like some of us) and denied their pursuits after applying themselves.
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Respected? While being fired at in a war? They can move back to Russia can't they? They have more freedom than I have.
Hi brother did you watch the video? One soviet Jew was killing himself once a month in the early 1990s in Israel due to depression. point is that many soviet Jews according to the Testimonials deeply regretted moving to Israel in the early 1990s.

If you haven’t watch the video or the following videos it this post, that’s why you were arriving at the wrong conclusions. I can’t help it if people don’t watch the videos or they don’t want to hear what real living people have to say about the situation’s.

I’m not a communist I have no interest in bringing communism to America. I deeply admire the Jewish men and women of the Soviet union who fight against the Nazis, including the Ukrainian Nazis. The most ugly people in the world supported the third Reich.

Nobody has a gun pointed at any of these Jews heads. They’re providing real Testimonials.

Yes, Soviet Jews were deeply respected in the Soviet union. I think it’s so honorable incredible to see. to take up the rifle and fight the Nazis in World War II to fight the Ukrainian Nazis in World War II

I back up my post with undeniable fax undeniable testimonial from real human beings. It is the truth, and only the racist and propagandists oppose it…people who are racist against Russians, or racist against Arabs.

There are countless testimonials of real people soviet Jews, saying that they had respect and honor in the Soviet union.

There are tons of videos like this. I’ve seen all I need to see. No need to reiterate my points again brother
Many Soviet Jews were tricked into going to Israel. In the early 1990s many Jews went to Israel, thinking that they were fulfilling their religious duties. And they were filling their religious duties but once in Israel many of them ended up homeless. One Soviet Jew was killing himself once a month in Israel in the early 1990s due to depression.

You can see in the interview above the Soviet Jews saying that they regretted going to Israel. Because back in the Soviet Union they were respected.

They were told the streets are paved with gold in Israel, but it was the opposite. In the Soviet union they had a great job. They were working every day and they had the respect of society. 500,000 Soviet Jews served the Soviet military during World War II. No man can ever take away the dignity of a man who took up the rifle to fight for himself and his country.

[Geesh, why in the world would Jews want to flee a Christian country? They were so respected there since the start of Christianity itself. Or were they?]

It’s not the first time that Jews have felt it necessary to flee Russia, but the invasion of Ukraine has resulted in the fourth wave of exiles in the past hundred years.

Since Vladimir Putin became president for the second time in 2012, the authorities have become increasingly repressivetowards minorities, as well as cracking down on freedom of speech and getting rid of any opposition figures. But it was the 2022 invasion of Ukraine that was the final straw for many Jewish people.

With anti-Jewish crackdowns between 1880 and 1906, about 2 million people left the Russian empire for the US; many were Jews. From 1970-88 around 291,000 Jews left the Soviet Union and in the 1990s a further 128,000 left for Germany. The new Jewish exodus has been sudden, and many are still trying to leave. Out of 165,000 Jews in Russia at the beginning of the war, reports suggest that 20,500 have left in the past six months.

Since the war began in February 2022, the authorities have doubled down on repression, changing it from a targeted practice to mass repression. An example is the arrest of childrenfor placing flowers outside the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow in March. This is something that the Russian authorities have not done before. At the same time, the economy appears to be spiralling beyond the control of the authorities.

Historically, when economies tank, governments often look for minorities to blame – and Russian Jews know this could be the case again.

Data from the International Monetary Fund in early August 2022 suggested that the Russian economy would only contract by 6% in 2022, rather than the predicted 8.5%. Although the economy has not collapsed – as predicted by many western specialists – businesses are leaving or have curtailed operations in Russia, and sanctions are beginning to cripple the economy.

Sadly, antisemitism has a long and painful history in Russia. The expansion of Muscovy – a name given to combine the Grand Duchy of Moscow (1263-1547) and the Tsardom of Russia (1547-1721) – to the east and west, culminating in the pronouncement of the Russian empire in 1721, saw Russia incorporate a large Jewish population.

The partitions of Poland between 1772 and 1795 and victory over the Ottomans in the 17th century gave Russia a large Jewish minority. The Pale of Settlement, an area where Jews were forced to live, was created in 1791 to keep most Jews in the newly annexed territories and away from inner Russia.

Throughout the period of the Russian empire (1721-1917) the Jewish population experienced numerous pogroms (organised massacres). In the late Tsarist period (1905-1917), famine and state support of nationalist groups, such as the Black Hundredsresulted in the need to locate an “enemy” to blame for Russia’s woes. The Jews served this purpose and pogroms, like the one in Kishinev in 1903 (present day Chișinău, capital of Moldova) were widespread across the empire.

The Tsarist regime was imbued with a deep antisemitism, epitomised by the deep fake publication the Elders of Zion. This document was created by the Tsarist secret police – Okhrana – to justify this antisemitism and create the conspiracy that the Jews were trying to control the world.

This antisemitism continued into the Soviet Union, which was anything but the egalitarian society it claimed to be. Jewish schools and cultural institutions were closed, Jewish leaders murdered and antisemitic plots were created by the Soviet system to justify crackdowns. The 1953 doctors plot, where Jewish doctors were accused of murdering Stalin is the most famous example of these fake creations.

This persecution, combined with Israel being a key ally of the US in the cold war, put Jews in a difficult position. Facing discrimination at school and in the workplace many Russian Jews chose to leave the Soviet Union. This led to the term refusenik, where many Soviet Jews had “refused” stamped in their visa applications.

Claims circulated that Soviet Jews were a fifth column, a set of organisations aiming to undermine the national interest, and in cahoots with the US. This led to further persecution, more Soviet Jews fleeing and further accusations.

Soviet similarities​

While Russia is not the Soviet Union, the Putinist system is increasingly reactionary and autocratic – some would say fascist. Autocracies generally need an enemy to put the public on their side and show that they are fighting instability and protecting the population.

The phrase came up recently, during a state-sponsored rally in the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow in March 2022, when Putin spoke about a fifth column and national traitors. Authoritarian leaders often like to cite an internal enemy as well as an external enemy.

The fear of Russian history repeating itself doesn’t go away. Past and present Russian regimes have always blamed Jews for their problems. Many Russian Jews are not waiting around to find out if Russia is about to take this dark path, again.

Hi brother did you watch the video? One soviet Jew was killing himself once a month in the early 1990s in Israel due to depression. point is that many soviet Jews according to the Testimonials deeply regretted moving to Israel in the early 1990s.

If you haven’t watch the video or the following videos it this post, that’s why you were arriving at the wrong conclusions. I can’t help it if people don’t watch the videos or they don’t want to hear what real living people have to say about the situation’s.

I’m not a communist I have no interest in bringing communism to America. I deeply admire the Jewish men and women of the Soviet union who fight against the Nazis, including the Ukrainian Nazis. The most ugly people in the world supported the third Reich.

Nobody has a gun pointed at any of these Jews heads. They’re providing real Testimonials.

Yes, Soviet Jews were deeply respected in the Soviet union. I think it’s so honorable incredible to see. to take up the rifle and fight the Nazis in World War II to fight the Ukrainian Nazis in World War II

I back up my post with undeniable fax undeniable testimonial from real human beings. It is the truth, and only the racist and propagandists oppose it…people who are racist against Russians, or racist against Arabs.

There are countless testimonials of real people soviet Jews, saying that they had respect and honor in the Soviet union.

There are tons of videos like this. I’ve seen all I need to see. No need to reiterate my points again brother

Many Jews from Muslim conquered lands also regretted moving to Israel in the 1950 and 1960s. Why, because there were no job opportunities as Israel was not ready for 850,000 Jews.

It is not easy to make all people happy when they move into any country. If not happy they will move to another country, as many Jews did.

Jews never had respect in ANY Christian country.

Missing the place one was born and was forced to move out because of antisemitism is not a resounding witness of how "great" that country was towards their people. This happens to Jews and all others who had to leave their country of birth for any reason. It is normal to miss it, whether one is doing well in the new place or not.

Tell us more about how Jews from this place or that place would rather go back to Iraq, or Russia, Egypt, or Iran, etc.
Many Jews from Muslim conquered lands also regretted moving to Israel in the 1950 and 1960s. Why, because there were no job opportunities as Israel was not ready for 850,000 Jews.

It is not easy to make all people happy when they move into any country. If not happy they will move to another country, as many Jews did.

Jews never had respect in ANY Christian country.

Missing the place one was born and was forced to move out because of antisemitism is not a resounding witness of how "great" that country was towards their people. This happens to Jews and all others who had to leave their country of birth for any reason. It is normal to miss it, whether one is doing well in the new place or not.

Tell us more about how Jews from this place or that place would rather go back to Iraq, or Russia, Egypt, or Iran, etc.
Muslim country Jews were the real second class citizens in Israel.....They were violently oppressed. I understand that changed a lot after the Yom Kipper War.
Many Soviet Jews were tricked into going to Israel. In the early 1990s many Jews went to Israel, thinking that they were fulfilling their religious duties. And they were filling their religious duties but once in Israel many of them ended up homeless. One Soviet Jew was killing himself once a month in Israel in the early 1990s due to depression.

You can see in the interview above the Soviet Jews saying that they regretted going to Israel. Because back in the Soviet Union they were respected.

They were told the streets are paved with gold in Israel, but it was the opposite. In the Soviet union they had a great job. They were working every day and they had the respect of society. 500,000 Soviet Jews served the Soviet military during World War II. No man can ever take away the dignity of a man who took up the rifle to fight for himself and his country.

More soviet style propaganda in service of Arab imperialism.

Soviet Jews weren't tricked into anything, they were refugees
running from decades of complete disorder and starvation,
under the rule of a falling empire.

Compared to the Soviet Union the state of Israel is a Paradise,
especially for the Soviet Jews in the 90's who could only
allow but a loaf of bread with their life savings.

Those who in the Soviet Union were professors, and engineers, and had to clean apartments, starting everything anew, had a choice, which remains in any immigrant story. Usually, families who came in
the 70s are better today economically than those who came in the 90s. However since then,
the state of Israel and the young generation abroad who repatriate seem to get mobile
socially and economically much quicker.

It's not the country they came from, rather getting acquainted with the local ways,
having an acquainted family or proven contribution to the national cause.

Think about Mecca made into a BIG's very effective.
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Muslim country Jews were the real second class citizens in Israel.....They were violently oppressed. I understand that changed a lot after the Yom Kipper War.

That's populism, they weren't violently opposed,
but brought in masses as refugees and made the majority in Israel.
Nothing changed, the same conflict between socialist left and capitalist right,
that returns in this generation is decided in Israel, by Israelis, with all that involves.

Wedding invitations in Israel are multilingual,
ideology doesn't work when it comes to mating.
More soviet style propaganda in service of Arab imperialism.

Soviet Jews weren't tricked into anything, they were refugees
running from decades of complete disorder and starvation,
under the rule of a falling empire.

Compared to the Soviet Union the state of Israel is a Paradise,
especially for the Soviet Jews in the 90's who could only
allow but a loaf of bread with their life savings.

Those who in the Soviet Union were professors, and engineers, and had to clean apartments, starting everything anew, had a choice, which remains in any immigrant story. Usually, families who came in
the 70s are better today economically than those who came in the 90s. However since then,
the state of Israel and the young generation abroad who repatriate seem to get mobile
socially and economically much quicker.

It's not the country they came from, rather getting acquainted with the local ways,
having an acquainted family or proven contribution to the national cause.

Think about Mecca made into a BIG's very effective.
Ok yes many of the Soviet Jews went on to have a good life in Israel. What I post was a fact one Soviet jew was killing himself in Israel once a month in the early 1990s. That’s indisputable... comparing immigrants to Israel and immigrants to America is comparing apples to oranges. You’re talking about comparing two different countries. There might be some similarities but there’s also the same similarities when somebody immigrants to any country

It is indisputable in the Soviet union Jewish people had respect. No that’s just not something I’m saying no that’s from the real live Testimonials of Soviet Jews, living in the Russian federation, and in other countries of the world today. Nobody’s forcing them to say this. They clearly are speaking the truth.

This is a response to you and to our friend 60s fan. In a case like this, there’s no need for a debate. There are thousands perhaps tens of thousands of testimonials from Jewish people that would show you how much they loved the Soviet union. And how they were deeply respected in the Soviet union. And I’ve already seen many of these video testimonials.

I’ve spoken in person with a soviet Muslim man from Uzbekistan. I used to work with the guy at an Islamic school. He is in his 70s now, and he had a Jewish commander when he was in the Soviet army back in the 1960s and 1970s..

Interestingly, he told me that the days of Vladimir Lenin and Joe Stalin were the days of dignity much better than the days of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. He was basically saying that Lenin was a better leader than Trump and Putin, and that is a sentiment held by so many soviet people, Jewish and non-Jewish all over the world.

I have no interest in America becoming a communist country. I’m a Christian and an American. But I recognize the Soviet people who should tall during World War II, including 500,000 soviet Jews, who took up the rifle.

Arrogance, greed, and evil. This is on the side of the ignorant. Those who don’t care about the testimonial of real living people. It’s not a matter of whether we like it or not. It’s not a matter of whether 60s fan you and I like it or not …it is a fact that there are those in this world are there are masses of people in this world, who want the Soviet union back. And that includes thousands of living Soviet Jewish people. Whether they live in the Russian federation today or whether they’re living in America or Israel.

And it is those types of Jews, the Russian Jews, the Soviet Jews that I had the most profound respect for. It is an incredible thing. I know it’s a feel good thing. Because it’s being on the right side of history. When I see a Soviet Jewish woman Elena Drapkina talking about how her at the age of 16, she took up the rifle to fight. The Nazis … her parents were killed in the concentration camps …. She was a heroic veterans of World War II. After World War II she was a dentist in the Soviet Union for decades on end, and how she went to the synagogue in the Soviet union how her son had a bar mitzvah in the Soviet union. I have nothing but a profound respect for this.

I don’t really agree with Israel, but certainly like Jewish people Judaism, 500,000 Soviet Jews, who took up the rifle to fight the Nazis including those Ukrainian that is inspiration nobody will ever take away those facts
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Many Jews from Muslim conquered lands also regretted moving to Israel in the 1950 and 1960s. Why, because there were no job opportunities as Israel was not ready for 850,000 Jews.

It is not easy to make all people happy when they move into any country. If not happy they will move to another country, as many Jews did.

Jews never had respect in ANY Christian country.

Missing the place one was born and was forced to move out because of antisemitism is not a resounding witness of how "great" that country was towards their people. This happens to Jews and all others who had to leave their country of birth for any reason. It is normal to miss it, whether one is doing well in the new place or not.

Tell us more about how Jews from this place or that place would rather go back to Iraq, or Russia, Egypt, or Iran, etc.
It’s not a matter of what we like, or not. It’s the real living testimonial of Jews, around the world to talk about how they had dignity and respect in the Soviet union. That was a place where they got to take up the rifle and anytime you see a man with a rifle that’s a man with dignity.
[Geesh, why in the world would Jews want to flee a Christian country? They were so respected there since the start of Christianity itself. Or were they?]

It’s not the first time that Jews have felt it necessary to flee Russia, but the invasion of Ukraine has resulted in the fourth wave of exiles in the past hundred years.

Since Vladimir Putin became president for the second time in 2012, the authorities have become increasingly repressivetowards minorities, as well as cracking down on freedom of speech and getting rid of any opposition figures. But it was the 2022 invasion of Ukraine that was the final straw for many Jewish people.

With anti-Jewish crackdowns between 1880 and 1906, about 2 million people left the Russian empire for the US; many were Jews. From 1970-88 around 291,000 Jews left the Soviet Union and in the 1990s a further 128,000 left for Germany. The new Jewish exodus has been sudden, and many are still trying to leave. Out of 165,000 Jews in Russia at the beginning of the war, reports suggest that 20,500 have left in the past six months.

Since the war began in February 2022, the authorities have doubled down on repression, changing it from a targeted practice to mass repression. An example is the arrest of childrenfor placing flowers outside the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow in March. This is something that the Russian authorities have not done before. At the same time, the economy appears to be spiralling beyond the control of the authorities.

Historically, when economies tank, governments often look for minorities to blame – and Russian Jews know this could be the case again.

Data from the International Monetary Fund in early August 2022 suggested that the Russian economy would only contract by 6% in 2022, rather than the predicted 8.5%. Although the economy has not collapsed – as predicted by many western specialists – businesses are leaving or have curtailed operations in Russia, and sanctions are beginning to cripple the economy.

Hang on a second buddy, I’m talking about the Soviet union, not the Russian federation. The Soviet union was a secular country that at times had government officials that oppressed religious people across-the-board. You had Jewish people in Soviet Union that were atheists. They said they had the Jewish culture but they were not religious.

Anyway, again, it’s not about what I like, what anybody in this thread likes or not it’s simply about the real living testimonial of these Soviet Jewish people to this very day they will tell you they’re a Soviet.

“ many are happy to see the old Soviet system gone the old system… but in those days I had respect”

- The Soviet Jewish World War II veteran Arnold Fabrikant

These are the types of people I will be honored and privileged to meet. Without their fighting in World War II Jewish people would’ve been crushed. Every Jew of the world would’ve been hunted Down by the Nazis including those from Ukraine. Those in France those all over the world who supported the holocaust.

But it was masses upon masses of Christians from America, from England, and those from the Soviet Union and China, who all played a decisive role in preventing every jew of the world from being exterminated. The world will always remember the glory and the greatness of the allies of World War II, which gives so much inspiration of people including me. It’s such a feel good thing.
Ok yes many of the Soviet Jews went on to have a good life in Israel. What I post was a fact one Soviet jew was killing himself in Israel once a month in the early 1990s. That’s indisputable... comparing immigrants to Israel and immigrants to America is comparing apples to oranges. You’re talking about comparing two different countries. There might be some similarities but there’s also the same similarities when somebody immigrants to any country

It is indisputable in the Soviet union Jewish people had respect. No that’s just not something I’m saying no that’s from the real live Testimonials of Soviet Jews, living in the Russian federation, and in other countries of the world today. Nobody’s forcing them to say this. They clearly are speaking the truth.

This is a response to you and to our friend 60s fan. In a case like this, there’s no need for a debate. There are thousands perhaps tens of thousands of testimonials from Jewish people that would show you how much they loved the Soviet union. And how they were deeply respected in the Soviet union. And I’ve already seen many of these video testimonials.

I’ve spoken in person with a soviet Muslim man from Uzbekistan. I used to work with the guy at an Islamic school. He is in his 70s now, and he had a Jewish commander when he was in the Soviet army back in the 1960s and 1970s..

Interestingly, he told me that the days of Vladimir Lenin and Joe Stalin were the days of dignity much better than the days of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. He was basically saying that Lenin was a better leader than Trump and Putin, and that is a sentiment held by so many soviet people, Jewish and non-Jewish all over the world.

I have no interest in America becoming a communist country. I’m a Christian and an American. But I recognize the Soviet people who should tall during World War II, including 500,000 soviet Jews, who took up the rifle.

Arrogance, greed, and evil. This is on the side of the ignorant. Those who don’t care about the testimonial of real living people. It’s not a matter of whether we like it or not. It’s not a matter of whether 60s fan you and I like it or not …it is a fact that there are those in this world are there are masses of people in this world, who want the Soviet union back. And that includes thousands of living Soviet Jewish people. Whether they live in the Russian federation today or whether they’re living in America or Israel.

And it is those types of Jews, the Russian Jews, the Soviet Jews that I had the most profound respect for. It is an incredible thing. I know it’s a feel good thing. Because it’s being on the right side of history. When I see a Soviet Jewish woman Elena Drapkina talking about how her at the age of 16, she took up the rifle to fight. The Nazis … her parents were killed in the concentration camps …. She was a heroic veterans of World War II. After World War II she was a dentist in the Soviet Union for decades on end, and how she went to the synagogue in the Soviet union how her son had a bar mitzvah in the Soviet union. I have nothing but a profound respect for this.

I don’t really agree with Israel, but certainly like Jewish people Judaism, 500,000 Soviet Jews, who took up the rifle to fight the Nazis including those Ukrainian that is inspiration nobody will ever take away those facts

It's apparent you don' know much Soviet Jews, nor their history of dissidents,
who'd laugh at the Soviet propaganda Arab supremacists swallow.

This is why you sound like a carpet salesman,
gleeing about the "respect" for Jews in the Soviet Union,
which tells more about your goals for Jews under Arab imperialism.

As for your pompous expressions of respect and love to Jewish veterans,
either you didn't think your theory through, because the same generation of Jewish veterans,
who liberated the Soviet Union, and many other countries, also established the state of Israel.

Or your respect for Soviet Jews is cheap demagoguery,
because it ends with their national independence
- being the main obstacle to Arab imperialism.

The same Soviet Jews.
For you, they're but an image,
for Israelis, they're members of almost every family.

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