Massive Forest Fires (in Arizona) Due to Forest Service Incompetence

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
by Katie Pavlich
June 10, 2001

The Arizona Wallow fire is the second largest fire the state has ever seen. The cause of the fire is being blamed on dry weather, which of course plays a part in increasing fire danger, however, the issue of massive forest fires is much greater than the Forest Service wants the public to know. Forest Service incompetence when it comes to forest management is a major factor contributing to the burning of the West.

Ranchers, who deal with the government bureaucracy of the Forest Service on a regular basis, aren't fans of the burdensome regulations put into place by the federal agency with the backing of environmental groups. Moratoriums on cattle grazing, logging, brush clearing and removal of private industry in the forests based on arguments of environmental protection have led to the devastation of lives and our forests

In other words, if but only we'd have allowed private industry to rape the forests to the point where they didn't exist, they would not be there to burn.

That's true, I suppose.
In other words, if but only we'd have allowed private industry to rape the forests to the point where they didn't exist, they would not be there to burn.

That's true, I suppose.

Please provide a link with regard to the "rape [of] the forests to the point where they [don't] exist."

Oh, wait, never mind. That's just the missing link in your head.

Wood is a commodity. Trees are commodities. They are used by humans to construct shelter, not creatures that we humans rape in their harvesting.

Lefty-think: good forestry management and the sound economics of delivering a vital commodity, a renewable one no less, at an affordable price = rape and mayhem; hundreds of thousands of acres of ash and billions in destroyed property = Nirvana.
Ranchers, who deal with the government bureaucracy of the Forest Service on a regular basis, aren't fans of the burdensome regulations put into place by the federal agency with the backing of environmental groups. Moratoriums on cattle grazing, logging, brush clearing and removal of private industry in the forests based on arguments of environmental protection have led to the devastation of lives and our forests

In other words, if but only we'd have allowed private industry to rape the forests to the point where they didn't exist, they would not be there to burn.

That's true, I suppose.

Maybe if you let them cull some of the growth, and regulate how they chop down certain trees, or even how they let cattle graze instead of just banning it all, the fuel sources wouldnt have been so plentiful.
Here in the Tahoe basin we have the TRPA that controls nearly all aspects of everything. They are a frightening organisation and a few years ago there was a massive firestorm at the south end of the lake that was dirrectly attributable to their policies which did not allow land owners to remove fallen trees and dead brush from around their property. TRPA policies created a huge pool of fuel that when the circumstances occured caused a huge fire that burned hundreds of homes.

They still try and prevent clearing dead material but have had to moderate their postion because of the fire. Soon Nevada will hopefully pull out of the organisation. They need to go.
As the Southwest dries, we will see more and more firestorms. Many of the forests will simply cease to exist. And the willfully ignorant will blame it on the Forest Service. What else can one expect of the "Conservatives".
As the Southwest dries, we will see more and more firestorms. Many of the forests will simply cease to exist. And the willfully ignorant will blame it on the Forest Service. What else can one expect of the "Conservatives".

Its more of a blame on policy. for over 100 years the dept of the interior and various states went with a "fight every fire" rule, which was contrary to the natural cycle of fires that these types of forests and brush have. when you had frequent fires the underbrush was cleaned out, the older trees survived because there wasnt enough new growth to get the fires too hot.

When you have a fight every fire policy, the undergrowth gets thick, so now where there IS a fire, it burns hotter, damaging the older trees, and leaving a barren moonscape.

This cycle is particulary dangerous in the San Gabriels above LA, as the clean burns lead to debris flows.

If one wants to go back to burn cycles you first have to clear the excess undergrowth to allow the fires to burn at the lower intensities. Or let them burn at the current intensity, and wait 20-30 years for the forest to grow back and implement the small burn strategy.
As the Southwest dries, we will see more and more firestorms. Many of the forests will simply cease to exist. And the willfully ignorant will blame it on the Forest Service. What else can one expect of the "Conservatives".

Its more of a blame on policy. for over 100 years the dept of the interior and various states went with a "fight every fire" rule, which was contrary to the natural cycle of fires that these types of forests and brush have. when you had frequent fires the underbrush was cleaned out, the older trees survived because there wasnt enough new growth to get the fires too hot.

When you have a fight every fire policy, the undergrowth gets thick, so now where there IS a fire, it burns hotter, damaging the older trees, and leaving a barren moonscape.

This cycle is particulary dangerous in the San Gabriels above LA, as the clean burns lead to debris flows.

If one wants to go back to burn cycles you first have to clear the excess undergrowth to allow the fires to burn at the lower intensities. Or let them burn at the current intensity, and wait 20-30 years for the forest to grow back and implement the small burn strategy.

Just so. But also, it makes a great deal of sense to bring the private sector in to work with the forestry department, help to remove dangerous undergrowth and cull lumber for the market. A win for everybody.
As the Southwest dries, we will see more and more firestorms. Many of the forests will simply cease to exist. And the willfully ignorant will blame it on the Forest Service. What else can one expect of the "Conservatives".

No, the willfully ignorant environmentalists who know nothing, as well as the aforementioned Forest Service policy are mainly to blame. You see the natural cycle is many small fires. Then the Forest Service prevented them from burning (you see the life cycle of sage requires fire to perpetuate the species) thus you get a great deal of fuel.

Then the environmentalists took over and even after it was discovered that the fule levels were dangerously high the environmentalists sued anyone who tried to relieve the problem. Now, when there is a fire, thanks to the environemntalists who know nothing, it burns much hotter then is normal and everything is destroyed. Fire no longer is the great cleaner, now it is the great destroyer, and you can thank humans for that.

Not because of supposed anthropogenic warming but because of not knowing in the first place and then willfull ignorance on the part of the environmetalists in the second.
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