Do You Think the Wildfires in California, Oregon, and Washington Are Caused by Global Warming or Is It Mismanagement?

All the governors of these western states have their forests burning due to no fire lines being cut and letting their forests grow wild. With the hot weather, lack of rain, dry forests, and now lightning storms, all of the forests are on fire and there are not enough fire fighters to put it out. The states will have to wait for fall rains as helicopters cannot see into the thick smoke. All of the states will have grave air and water pollution problems. For the first time, people are moving out of California more than coming in.

Okay, got to cut you off right there. Most of the forests that are burning right now are FEDERALLY managed forests, and those services were slashed by Trump.

All the governors of these western states have their forests burning due to no fire lines being cut and letting their forests grow wild. With the hot weather, lack of rain, dry forests, and now lightning storms, all of the forests are on fire and there are not enough fire fighters to put it out. The states will have to wait for fall rains as helicopters cannot see into the thick smoke. All of the states will have grave air and water pollution problems. For the first time, people are moving out of California more than coming in.

Okay, got to cut you off right there. Most of the forests that are burning right now are FEDERALLY managed forests, and those services were slashed by Trump.

Are earthquakes caused by Trump? Are Solar flares caused by Trump? Is California a liberal state? Which question does one answer YES to?
Are earthquakes caused by Trump? Are Solar flares caused by Trump? Is California a liberal state? Which question does one answer YES to?

Again, the forests that are burning are FEDERALLY managed, and Trump cut funds to the forestry service.

This isn't complicated.
Are earthquakes caused by Trump? Are Solar flares caused by Trump? Is California a liberal state? Which question does one answer YES to?

Again, the forests that are burning are FEDERALLY managed, and Trump cut funds to the forestry service.

This isn't complicated.
Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Riots in 50 years.

Such things are not Trumps fault ---- and the Democratic governors promoted the riots ---- so much for social distancing.
Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Riots in 50 years.

Such things are not Trumps fault ---- and the Democratic governors promoted the riots ---- so much for social distancing.

Naw, man, what caused Riots is that after 10 years of peacefully protesting police brutality and misconduct, people got tired of NICELY asking. Not that you can blame them.
Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Riots in 50 years.

Such things are not Trumps fault ---- and the Democratic governors promoted the riots ---- so much for social distancing.

Naw, man, what caused Riots is that after 10 years of peacefully protesting police brutality and misconduct, people got tired of NICELY asking. Not that you can blame them.
Well, as you say; however, who was the President 10 years ago? It wasn't Trump. Why would someone suddenly wish to expose himself to infection in the middle of a pandemic in order to burn and pillage? Don't you think a black Democratic President should have done more? I'm going to be rather blunt. If Black lives really matter to the public at large, why are aborted babies 5 times more likely to be Black than Caucasian? As a conservative, I feel ALL LIVES MATTER ---- including unwanted babies. This is where Democrats simply don't comprehend the big picture. They are far too busy trying to schmooze with would be voting constituents. Unfortunately, babies (no matter their color) can't vote.
Well, as you say; however, who was the President 10 years ago? It wasn't Trump. Why would someone suddenly wish to expose himself to infection in the middle of a pandemic in order to burn and pillage? Don't you think a black Democratic President should have done more?

Here's the thing. I will agree, Obama didn't do enough, but at least he tried. He addressed the issue, he worked out consent decrees with troubled police departments to bring reforms, and so on. The minute Sessions got in, he dropped all the consent decrees. So, yes, Obama did do more.

Trump, on the other hand, has pretty much encouraged police violence against blacks long before he STOLE the presidency. Now, I'll be the first one to admit, if we weren't dealing with TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RECESSION, you probably wouldn't see riots in the streets. There was already a couple inches of gasoline on the floor, and Floyd George was the match that triggered TRUMP RIOTS. Trump, however, being Trump, just threw more gasoline onto the fire, with gassing and shooting peaceful demonstrators or throwing in Federal Jackboots where they weren't wanted.

I'm going to be rather blunt. If Black lives really matter to the public at large, why are aborted babies 5 times more likely to be Black than Caucasian?

First, I find those numbers questionable.
Second, Fetuses aren't babies.
Third, if a black woman is more likely to have an abortion, it's because she's less likely to have access to other forms of contraception. The GOP doesn't help when they are constantly trying to cut funds for family planning.

As a conservative, I feel ALL LIVES MATTER ---- including unwanted babies. This is where Democrats simply don't comprehend the big picture. They are far too busy trying to schmooze with would be voting constituents. Unfortunately, babies (no matter their color) can't vote.

And this is where you guys aren't realistic.

Abortions would still happen no matter what the law is. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

So if you REALLY did care, you'd want our policies to be more like France's. France the government pays for abortion, but they also pay for comprehensive contraception programs, paid family leave, social workers who stop by and help new mothers, and of course, universal health care. So no big surprise, French women (despite their reputation for being more promiscuous) have less abortions per capita than American women do.

What your side wants is abortion laws like the Philippines. Abortion is illegal in all cases except a threat to the woman's life. Despite that, 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year are performed in the Philippines, 4000 women a year die.
It was already proven with the last Cali wildfires a couple of years ago, that mismanagement was a huge factor.

Logging, controlled burns and cleaning up deadfall all help to reduce the danger risks to populated areas and keep wildfires more manageable. Without those practices taking place you get fires out of control,
We have to remember that for a healthy forest, you also need "nurse logs," which are fallen trees that as they decay, they provide ecological facilitation for seeds to sprout and grow.
All the governors of these western states have their forests burning due to no fire lines being cut and letting their forests grow wild. With the hot weather, lack of rain, dry forests, and now lightning storms, all of the forests are on fire and there are not enough fire fighters to put it out. The states will have to wait for fall rains as helicopters cannot see into the thick smoke. All of the states will have grave air and water pollution problems. For the first time, people are moving out of California more than coming in.

Okay, got to cut you off right there. Most of the forests that are burning right now are FEDERALLY managed forests, and those services were slashed by Trump.


Here's what I found about California and Oregon. For example, Governor Newsom of California did the following in March 2019:

'“Recognizing the need for urgent action, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-05-19 on January 9, 2019. The Executive Order directs the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), in consultation with other state agencies and departments, to recommend immediate, medium and long-term actions to help prevent destructive wildfires.

With an emphasis on taking necessary actions to protect vulnerable populations, and recognizing a backlog in fuels management work combined with finite resources, the Governor placed an emphasis on pursuing a strategic approach where necessary actions are focused on California’s most vulnerable communities as a prescriptive and deliberative endeavor to realize the greatest returns on reducing risk to life and property.

Using locally developed and vetted fire plans prepared by CAL FIRE Units as a starting point, CAL FIRE identified priority fuel reduction projects that can be implemented almost immediately to protect communities vulnerable to wildfire. It then considered socioeconomic characteristics of the communities that would be protected, including data on poverty levels, residents with disabilities, language barriers, residents over 65 or under five years of age, and households without a car."'


" Governor Newsom had to invoke the declaration of a State of Emergency in late March of this year to waive California’s onerous and overbearing environmental laws and regulations to allow for these actions to commence in a timely manner. These most recent actions however represent only very small part of magnitude of the forest management and wildfire problems that must be dealt with by California that will take many years to address. "

California’s government solely responsible for states forest management and wildfire debacle

About the Fire Protection Program

As Oregon’s largest fire department, ODF's Fire Protection Program protects 16 million acres of forest, a $60 billion asset. These lands consist of privately owned forests as well as some public lands, including state-owned forests and, by contract, US Bureau of Land Management forests in western Oregon. ODF is also part of an extensive fire protection network that includes landowner resources, contract crews and aircraft, adults in custody crews, and agreements with public agencies across Oregon, the US, and British Columbia.

ODF's firefighting policy is straightforward: Put out fires quickly at the smallest possible size. Most of the lands protected by the agency are working forests that produce revenue and support jobs. It is crucial to prevent fire damage to the timber resource that is an essential element of Oregon’s economy. This aggressive approach to firefighting also safeguards ecosystem values such as fish and wildlife habitats.

Fire season funding

ODF's wildfire budget is complex, reflecting the diversity of the forest resource and its ownership. Multiple sources fund the work of ODF’s Fire Protection Division that include fire prevention and education as well as firefighting.

  • Forest landowners pay a Forest Patrol Assessment to the state. The state’s General Fund matches the landowners’ portion.
  • The Oregon Forest Land Protection Fund (OFLPF) helps pay for additional aircraft, heavy equipment and personnel when large fires require resources beyond the capability of ODF field districts. The OFLPF is funded entirely by landowners.
  • During extreme fire conditions, ODF seeks access to a Legislative Special-Purpose Appropriation (SPA) to obtain additional firefighting resources. The SPA dollars come from the state's General Fund. Grants through various federal programs provide additional support.
  • A private insurance policy helps cover firefighting expenses when all other funding sources have been expended."

Sure I would. Absolutely in a heartbeat. Still doesn't take away from the fact he cut funding to the forestry service.

Here's what I found about California and Oregon. For example, Governor Newsom of California did the following in March 2019:

It doesn't matter. Only 3% of the forests in these states are under state control. The rest are FEDERAL.

Trump diverted funds from FEMA and the Forest Service to pay for his tax cuts to the rich. That's why we are in such trouble now.
How about arson aided by forest mismanagement? If Newsome is so worried about global warming why the hell doesn't he manage his forests and enforce his laws? He's letting antifa and BLM run wild with their Molotov cocktails. If he's so worried about air pollution, why the hell can't I see the sun through his smoke here in Pa. That's right. It's all the way over here. Eff Newsome. He'd rather spend money protecting illegal alien criminals in his sanctuary cities. He's an asshole just like his aunt, crazy Nancy.
How about arson aided by forest mismanagement? If Newsome is so worried about global warming why the hell doesn't he manage his forests and enforce his laws? He's letting antifa and BLM run wild with their Molotov cocktails. If he's so worried about air pollution, why the hell can't I see the sun through his smoke here in Pa. That's right. It's all the way over here. Eff Newsome. He'd rather spend money protecting illegal alien criminals in his sanctuary cities. He's an asshole just like his aunt, crazy Nancy.

Sure I would. Absolutely in a heartbeat. Still doesn't take away from the fact he cut funding to the forestry service.

Haha. I knew it. Your continued lie is your argument is a straw man.

It doesn't matter. Only 3% of the forests in these states are under state control. The rest are FEDERAL.

Trump diverted funds from FEMA and the Forest Service to pay for his tax cuts to the rich. That's why we are in such trouble now.

I was referring to the three western states. Trump just came to California to provide emergency Fed funds and complain about mismanagement. He also said the climate would be getting cooler. Should we add poor reading comp to liar, cheater, and stealer?
How about arson aided by forest mismanagement? If Newsome is so worried about global warming why the hell doesn't he manage his forests and enforce his laws? He's letting antifa and BLM run wild with their Molotov cocktails. If he's so worried about air pollution, why the hell can't I see the sun through his smoke here in Pa. That's right. It's all the way over here. Eff Newsome. He'd rather spend money protecting illegal alien criminals in his sanctuary cities. He's an asshole just like his aunt, crazy Nancy.

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Haha. More illlogic.

When lightning hits a dry tree, then it can explode.
Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Riots in 50 years.

Such things are not Trumps fault ---- and the Democratic governors promoted the riots ---- so much for social distancing.

Naw, man, what caused Riots is that after 10 years of peacefully protesting police brutality and misconduct, people got tired of NICELY asking. Not that you can blame them.
So you support Burning, looting and murdering to get one's way....typical fanatic's excuse!!!

All the governors of these western states have their forests burning due to no fire lines being cut and letting their forests grow wild. With the hot weather, lack of rain, dry forests, and now lightning storms, all of the forests are on fire and there are not enough fire fighters to put it out. The states will have to wait for fall rains as helicopters cannot see into the thick smoke. All of the states will have grave air and water pollution problems. For the first time, people are moving out of California more than coming in.

Okay, got to cut you off right there. Most of the forests that are burning right now are FEDERALLY managed forests, and those services were slashed by Trump.

Not really true.
Federally manages lands can NOT do backburns to clean up debris accumulation without approval by the state, and CA has consistently denied federal requests to do so.
Federally managed lands are NOT owned by the federal government, and can only do what the state decides to do. Since these areas are used by ranchers and recreation, the state has denies any and all backburns for a century.
The state is also the one responsible for all these ill considered building permits, on slopes too steep.

I live on federally managed land, and the neighbors refused their requests to do debris clean up.
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Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Riots in 50 years.

Such things are not Trumps fault ---- and the Democratic governors promoted the riots ---- so much for social distancing.

Naw, man, what caused Riots is that after 10 years of peacefully protesting police brutality and misconduct, people got tired of NICELY asking. Not that you can blame them.
So you support Burning, looting and murdering to get one's way....typical fanatic's excuse!!!


A decent person supports burning, looting, and murdering if there is a far more pervasive violation of individual rights that can be ended by burning, looting, and murdering.
Murdering murderers is not at all a bad thing.
I was referring to the three western states. Trump just came to California to provide emergency Fed funds and complain about mismanagement. He also said the climate would be getting cooler. Should we add poor reading comp to liar, cheater, and stealer?

Point still stands... Trump cut funding to the Forestry Service, and most of the forests that are burning are federal.

His silly statement about "it will get cooler" is more of his "magical thinking".

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