Massive Hispanic surge in voter registration, thus turnout


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
New data indicates a massive surge in Hispanic voter turnout

Now, think about all the pictures of Hispanic children being held in cages and the short lived policy of separating parents and children at the border and the current policy of barring asylum seekers from waiting in the US for their hearing....

The Hispanic voting trend will go 2 to 1 to the Democratic Party.
"but independent Hispanic voters were especially energized to vote in 2018, more than doubling turnout on average in the seven states analyzed."

Independent voters are the ones who overwhelmingly side with Trump on border security.
Democrats are so racist, they see a Hispanic walking down the street and think, "there's a Hispanic, bet he loves open borders, abortion, and hates trump... you know... because he's Hispanic"
"but independent Hispanic voters were especially energized to vote in 2018, more than doubling turnout on average in the seven states analyzed."

Independent voters are the ones who overwhelmingly side with Trump on border security.

North Carolina
  • The number of Hispanic registered voters grew by 28 percent while non-Hispanics declined by four percent
  • The Republican party saw a 47 percent increase in Hispanic voter turnout versus a 115 percent increase for Democrats
  • Hispanic turnout increased 4.3 times as much than non-Hispanic turnout between 2014 and 2018
Democrats are so racist, they see a Hispanic walking down the street and think, "there's a Hispanic, bet he loves open borders, abortion, and hates trump... you know... because he's Hispanic"


He used to be the King of Liars until trump was elected president....
Registration and turnout are two different things. So basically they'll vote the same as they did in 2016 and 2018?

Democrats literally believe the border issue is a race issue.

If you are black or Hispanic, you're supposed to be for open borders.

Wonder what other thoughts they have about those races?
Democrats are so racist, they see a Hispanic walking down the street and think, "there's a Hispanic, bet he loves open borders, abortion, and hates trump... you know... because he's Hispanic"


He used to be the King of Liars until trump was elected president....
I love the thoughtless replies like this from Democrats now days.

Post like these inspire nobody and smell like desperation
Democrats are so racist, they see a Hispanic walking down the street and think, "there's a Hispanic, bet he loves open borders, abortion, and hates trump... you know... because he's Hispanic"


He used to be the King of Liars until trump was elected president....
I love the thoughtless replies like this from Democrats now days.

Post like these inspire nobody and smell like desperation

trump lies more than you wash your hands....FACT
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New data indicates a massive surge in Hispanic voter turnout

Now, think about all the pictures of Hispanic children being held in cages and the short lived policy of separating parents and children at the border and the current policy of barring asylum seekers from waiting in the US for their hearing....

The Hispanic voting trend will go 2 to 1 to the Democratic Party.

Well, petunia, two national polls now show Latinos want the citizenship question included on the Census.

So don't go betting the farm they will vote libtardo when they know doing so will get them unemployed in a Socialist clusterfuck.
Given that the majority of Hispanics oppose illegal immigration, this increase in the voter rolls may not turn out the way the Progs hope.
Legal Hispanics are against illegal aliens taking jobs and depressing their wages and quality of life. Legal residents favor Republicans because they make their lives much better. Illegal aliens, the ones who shouldn't even be here, favor Democrats.

Democrats are so racist, they see a Hispanic walking down the street and think, "there's a Hispanic, bet he loves open borders, abortion, and hates trump... you know... because he's Hispanic"


He used to be the King of Liars until trump was elected president....
I love the thoughtless replies like this from Democrats now days.

Post like these inspire nobody and smell like desperation

trump lies more than you wash your hands....FACT

That's NOT fact, it's just another goofy opinion of a stupid lefty board weasel.
New data indicates a massive surge in Hispanic voter turnout

Now, think about all the pictures of Hispanic children being held in cages and the short lived policy of separating parents and children at the border and the current policy of barring asylum seekers from waiting in the US for their hearing....

The Hispanic voting trend will go 2 to 1 to the Democratic Party.

You mean the ones Token Negro had locked up or the ones that are there now? If it's the ones there now y'all are to late. They have been dispersed into the country already. So you know, no one cares about all the rented kids . Trump is still going my to be your president for another 4 years. Deal with it.
Given that the majority of Hispanics oppose illegal immigration, this increase in the voter rolls may not turn out the way the Progs hope.
The people who gave effort to get to America legally, Will fight the fiercest to protect America from democrats.
All democrats have is the dream of population replacement. They have a plan b. If Hispanics won't cooperate they have waves of Africans on the way.
New data indicates a massive surge in Hispanic voter turnout

Now, think about all the pictures of Hispanic children being held in cages and the short lived policy of separating parents and children at the border and the current policy of barring asylum seekers from waiting in the US for their hearing....

The Hispanic voting trend will go 2 to 1 to the Democratic Party.

Trump’s support among Hispanics and Latinos is real. Don’t assume it will fade.

Every few months, a strange thing happens in the news: President Trump says something negative about Hispanics and Latinos or makes a new push for his border wall. Someone then checks the polls and finds that his approval is well above zero percent with Hispanics and Latinos, and every journalist marvels that those numbers aren’t lower. Then, before we have time to fully examine why Trump’s numbers with these voters are where they are, some other event bursts into the news cycle like the Kool-Aid Man and we all move on without figuring out this seeming conundrum. A few months later, the pattern repeats.

I find it amusing how the left sees all non white voters as one issue voters in this case Hispanics and immigration. You just assume they will be in favor of the open borders platform of the Democrats while not considering they might view a massive influx of poorly educated low skill workers from Central America bad for them.

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