Massive Hispanic surge in voter registration, thus turnout

I find it amusing how the left sees all non white voters as one issue voters in this case Hispanics and immigration. You just assume they will be in favor of the open borders platform of the Democrats while not considering they might view a massive influx of poorly educated low skill workers from Central America bad for them.
People who came to America legally will fight the hardest to protect it from democrats who want to turn America into a giant homeless tent city.
All democrats have is the dream of population replacement. They have a plan b. If Hispanics won't cooperate they have waves of Africans on the way.
The democrats will work with the drug cartels To keep the human trafficking going. They will pressure Mexico to allow human trafficking through Mexico to continue.
New data indicates a massive surge in Hispanic voter turnout

Now, think about all the pictures of Hispanic children being held in cages and the short lived policy of separating parents and children at the border and the current policy of barring asylum seekers from waiting in the US for their hearing....

The Hispanic voting trend will go 2 to 1 to the Democratic Party.

The Hispanic population is all boogers are not duped by the open borders fallacies.
They already to be more aware that any of it's implications .

It wouldn't matter how kids were treated at the border, Hispanics have been trained to hold their hands out to the government. They'll be voting Dim.
New data indicates a massive surge in Hispanic voter turnout

Now, think about all the pictures of Hispanic children being held in cages and the short lived policy of separating parents and children at the border and the current policy of barring asylum seekers from waiting in the US for their hearing....

The Hispanic voting trend will go 2 to 1 to the Democratic Party.
I'm yet to meet a Hispanic that likes the orange.
New data indicates a massive surge in Hispanic voter turnout

Now, think about all the pictures of Hispanic children being held in cages and the short lived policy of separating parents and children at the border and the current policy of barring asylum seekers from waiting in the US for their hearing....

The Hispanic voting trend will go 2 to 1 to the Democratic Party.

Surely this can only mean that "Trump has no path to the White House"!
Oh I will love it when America is Hispanic/Latino majority because the Black Community will discover Whites were not as much as their enemy...

Also what you forget Hispanic/Latino voters are actually social Conservatives and only vote Democrat because of the Democrat empty promise for Immigration Reform...
American Dimocrats will not be happy until this entire hemisphere from the very north end of Canada, to the southern tip of Argentina, is Hispanic.
Oh I will love it when America is Hispanic/Latino majority because the Black Community will discover Whites were not as much as their enemy...

Also what you forget Hispanic/Latino voters are actually social Conservatives and only vote Democrat because of the Democrat empty promise for Immigration Reform...

With the continuing growth of Hispanics, the biggest losers will be blacks who will become a second-rate minority.
Since Asians excell educationally, they will not be hit very hard.
Oh I will love it when America is Hispanic/Latino majority because the Black Community will discover Whites were not as much as their enemy...

Also what you forget Hispanic/Latino voters are actually social Conservatives and only vote Democrat because of the Democrat empty promise for Immigration Reform...

With the continuing growth of Hispanics, the biggest losers will be blacks who will become a second-rate minority.
Since Asians excell educationally, they will not be hit very hard.

That is the fact but let not explain that to the slow witted left...
Massive Hispanic surge in voter registration
Sounds highly suspicious.

Maybe the justice department needs to investigate this sudden, nearly incredible, surge in eligible Hispanic voters.

Watch this below. Graduates of the Frankfurt School of Communism will chime in and call my comment "racist" and "xenophobic" to deflect and shame everyone out of questioning any form of legitimacy.

New data indicates a massive surge in Hispanic voter turnout

Now, think about all the pictures of Hispanic children being held in cages and the short lived policy of separating parents and children at the border and the current policy of barring asylum seekers from waiting in the US for their hearing....

The Hispanic voting trend will go 2 to 1 to the Democratic Party.

You do realize your link is filled with percentages, which makes for an extremely weak argument...dumbass.
"but independent Hispanic voters were especially energized to vote in 2018, more than doubling turnout on average in the seven states analyzed."

Independent voters are the ones who overwhelmingly side with Trump on border security.

North Carolina
  • The number of Hispanic registered voters grew by 28 percent while non-Hispanics declined by four percent
  • The Republican party saw a 47 percent increase in Hispanic voter turnout versus a 115 percent increase for Democrats
  • Hispanic turnout increased 4.3 times as much than non-Hispanic turnout between 2014 and 2018

Dueling links is a fun game, especially when I think both parties suck. Trump, however, is not in trouble with Hispanics. The more the dems make that the center of their debates, the worse it will be for them. They would do well to discuss issues they are not on thin ice about.

Hispanics Far From Wanting Open Borders

Despite the notion that Hispanics in the United States should support lax immigration enforcement and open borders, recent midterm exit polling conducted by Zogby Analytics indicates that Hispanics are very much concerned with illegal immigration and the nation’s border security. Below are some key findings from the polling:

  1. 85.2% of Hispanic respondents agree that illegal immigration is a problem to the United States with close to a third (30.7%) claiming it be a very serious problem.
  2. Nearly half (47.9%) of all Hispanic voters support building border fencing authorized by Congress in 2006 along the Southwest border.
  3. The majority (58.4%) of all Hispanic respondents agree that U.S. employers should be using E-Verify to determine if workers are legally eligible to work in the United States.
  4. Close to half (45.1%) of all Hispanic respondents say that they support President Trump’s policies to address illegal immigration and border security.
  5. More than three-quarters (77.6%) of Hispanic respondents say that they believe it is necessary to maintain a law enforcement agency dedicated to enforcing immigration laws.
Trump’s Secret to Victory in 2020: Hispanic Voters

Many expected Hispanics to vote overwhelmingly against Trump in 2016. A Latino Decisions poll conducted just before the 2016 presidential election found Trump had the support of just 18 percent of Hispanics. But the actual figure was 28 percent, which—given Trump’s incendiary rhetoric about immigrants—some analysts and pundits refused to believe from exit polls until further studies confirmed it. That was just as good as Mitt Romney, as the 2012 Republican nominee, did with Hispanics—and it was enough to help Trump squeak an Electoral College victory.

If Hillary Clinton had improved her share of the Hispanic vote by just 3 percentage points in Florida (from 62 percent to 65 percent of the Hispanic vote) and Michigan (from 59 percent to 62 percent), she would have won both states and their combined 45 Electoral College votes. That would have been enough to make her president. Slightly bigger swings—let alone the Democrats’ 88 percent-8 percent margin among African-Americans—could have added Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin into the blue column as well.

Now, here’s the brutal truth for Democrats: If Hispanic Americans are in fact showing surging approval of Trump, he could be on his way to matching or exceeding the 40 percent won by George W. Bush in his 2004. If Trump does 12 percentage points better than his 2016 numbers with the growing Hispanic vote, it pretty much takes Florida, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina off the table for Democrats, who would need to sweep Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to reach the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the White House. At the same time, that 12-point shift would give Trump a clear shot at winning Colorado and Nevada, states where Hispanic voters make up well over 10 percent of the electorate and where Clinton won by 5 percentage points or less in 2016.
New data indicates a massive surge in Hispanic voter turnout

Now, think about all the pictures of Hispanic children being held in cages and the short lived policy of separating parents and children at the border and the current policy of barring asylum seekers from waiting in the US for their hearing....

The Hispanic voting trend will go 2 to 1 to the Democratic Party.
Just think of all the oppression democrats cause Latinos
New data indicates a massive surge in Hispanic voter turnout

Now, think about all the pictures of Hispanic children being held in cages and the short lived policy of separating parents and children at the border and the current policy of barring asylum seekers from waiting in the US for their hearing....

The Hispanic voting trend will go 2 to 1 to the Democratic Party.

So you would just let them walk into the country? Why have security at airports?
Hell, Hispanic illegals have been voting in Nevada for the last two elections!
Ever since the state gave illegals drivers licenses 4+ years ago, the state has even extended poll hours same day!
True story!!

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