Massive Layoffs and firings

Just wait. When the unemmployment hits a all time high, then.. wait no you wont admit shit. partisan fucks

In that case, democrats will blame republicans. If republicans gave in to democrat demands knowing those demands would crash the economy, the democrats would blame the republicans. The american public just is no longer educated or intelligent enough to realize how badly these policies are affecting them.

Democrats want free stuff and if they don't have free stuff it's someone's fault. Look at what's happening in Europe. Doesn't that tell you something. The people all want free stuff and cannot comprehend that there is no more money to buy stuff to give them free.
It's just the beginning, but read about the companies already killing jobs duew to Obama and his job killing plan.
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Could be because the Republicans have given no indication they're willing to put together a deal to keep us from going over the cliff. Why blame it all on Obama? Hasn't he just cut food stamps? He seems to be doing his part. When are the Reps going to pony up? I think these layoffs are on them.

Not at all you fucking moron! First, the D's are willing to give up a THING to prevent the fiscal cliff! Second, read the article, read the announcements from business owners, executives and CEOs when they announce the cuts - they say specifically because of added healthcare costs!!!

And if we do fall off the fiscal cliff, expect even more layoffs, more businesses closing and not a recession, BUT A DEPRESSION!
The layoffs and company closure across the board are real and happening.

My company announced 9% year to year growth! A great increase that made everyone extremely happy, but in the same conference call they announced due to added costs (the only added costs were in HEALTHCARE and DUE TO THE DODD/FRANK Act - since we are directly effected by D/F Act), that each business unit is going to get hit with layoffs!

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