Massive "Panama Papers" leak released

Count on the Clintons and their Foundation being named. This is right up their alley. Tax us and hide theirs.

Speaking of the Clinton 'Foundation' it's third highest 'donations' come from Islamic dictatorships, in case anybody is wondering why Democrats will never utter a discouraging word about any of them. It's also important to be friendly with countries with no extradition treaties with the U.S. Just ask Halliburton about that.

Based on this assumption, Republicans wouldn't say anything against Muslims either.

Though they manage to be two faced, just like their Muslim friends.

The right accept oil rich Muslims, will let them fly through no fly zones (after 9/11 for example) but then will target Muslims as the new common enemy.

All the while the Saudis are being best pals the US while spending loads of money on people who are fighting the US.

Well, some Republicans do speak out, and frequently; including Presidential candidates. I can't think of a single bigwig Democrat who has, though I would like to know if one did, just to see how far under the bus they get tossed.
Such a load of swill. The profits held overseas have already been taxed in the local jurisdictions. The U.S. is one of the few countries in the world to double tax foreign profits...I think Zimbabwe is the other hold that still does such double taxation.
Of course.
The rich need more.

Don't they?

the larger issue is why America should give foreign tax credits to companies shipping themselves theri own stuff from sweatshop countries like Vietnam, REd China, and Mexico in the first place, and of course the myth that foreign companies are somehow paying double the taxes is ludicrous and delusional. An example of 'double taxes' is in this typical story of a multi-national, whose actual real life tax rate is around 8 % tops, so forget the '35% tax rate' nonsense; nobody is paying anywhere near that except the little guys.

Pfizer’s Tax Dodging Rx: Stash Profits Offshore | Americans for Tax Fairness

And these right wing tards are mystified as to why they're being taxed to make up the difference. Well DUH!!! ....

As for the 'middle class', nobody needs to feel sorry for them, either; they cut their own throats every election cycle. Just who did they think would be next in the spotlight of 'reducing labor costs' when they voted for faux 'conservatives' and 'neo-liberals' who off-shored all the decent working class jobs and crushed the working class??? Pixies? Squirrels? Shriners?
As for the 'middle class', nobody needs to feel sorry for them, either; they cut their own throats every election cycle. Just who did they think would be next in the spotlight of 'reducing labor costs' when they voted for faux 'conservatives' and 'neo-liberals' who off-shored all the decent working class jobs and crushed the working class??? Pixies? Squirrels? Shriners?

I can see where some voters might be confused about who's on their side? "Choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth doesn't appear to have much affect lately.
Count on the Clintons and their Foundation being named. This is right up their alley. Tax us and hide theirs.

Speaking of the Clinton 'Foundation' it's third highest 'donations' come from Islamic dictatorships, in case anybody is wondering why Democrats will never utter a discouraging word about any of them. It's also important to be friendly with countries with no extradition treaties with the U.S. Just ask Halliburton about that.

Based on this assumption, Republicans wouldn't say anything against Muslims either.

Though they manage to be two faced, just like their Muslim friends.

The right accept oil rich Muslims, will let them fly through no fly zones (after 9/11 for example) but then will target Muslims as the new common enemy.

All the while the Saudis are being best pals the US while spending loads of money on people who are fighting the US.

Well, some Republicans do speak out, and frequently; including Presidential candidates. I can't think of a single bigwig Democrat who has, though I would like to know if one did, just to see how far under the bus they get tossed.

Republicans speak out against Muslims because it's the fear factor. They're not doing it because they actually have some \thing useful to say.

The right generally creates fear in order to then be able to tough on that fear.

"tough on crime", like Louisiana, which creates crime to be tough on, makes money out of locking up the criminals, and makes conditions so bad, and education so non-existent that criminals are more likely to re-offend so they create more fear.

Same in Israel, The right on both sides of the conflict have used escalation to make themselves relevant. Who controls the place now? Yep, the right on both sides, and it's worse off because of it.
Such a load of swill. The profits held overseas have already been taxed in the local jurisdictions. The U.S. is one of the few countries in the world to double tax foreign profits...I think Zimbabwe is the other hold that still does such double taxation.
Of course.
The rich need more.

Don't they?

the larger issue is why America should give foreign tax credits to companies shipping themselves theri own stuff from sweatshop countries like Vietnam, REd China, and Mexico in the first place, and of course the myth that foreign companies are somehow paying double the taxes is ludicrous and delusional. An example of 'double taxes' is in this typical story of a multi-national, whose actual real life tax rate is around 8 % tops, so forget the '35% tax rate' nonsense; nobody is paying anywhere near that except the little guys.

Pfizer’s Tax Dodging Rx: Stash Profits Offshore | Americans for Tax Fairness

And these right wing tards are mystified as to why they're being taxed to make up the difference. Well DUH!!! ....

As for the 'middle class', nobody needs to feel sorry for them, either; they cut their own throats every election cycle. Just who did they think would be next in the spotlight of 'reducing labor costs' when they voted for faux 'conservatives' and 'neo-liberals' who off-shored all the decent working class jobs and crushed the working class??? Pixies? Squirrels? Shriners?

But then, what choice did the voters have, barack "free trade" obama, or mitt the outsourcer?
Such a load of swill. The profits held overseas have already been taxed in the local jurisdictions. The U.S. is one of the few countries in the world to double tax foreign profits...I think Zimbabwe is the other hold that still does such double taxation.
Of course.
The rich need more.

Don't they?

the larger issue is why America should give foreign tax credits to companies shipping themselves theri own stuff from sweatshop countries like Vietnam, REd China, and Mexico in the first place, and of course the myth that foreign companies are somehow paying double the taxes is ludicrous and delusional. An example of 'double taxes' is in this typical story of a multi-national, whose actual real life tax rate is around 8 % tops, so forget the '35% tax rate' nonsense; nobody is paying anywhere near that except the little guys.

Pfizer’s Tax Dodging Rx: Stash Profits Offshore | Americans for Tax Fairness

And these right wing tards are mystified as to why they're being taxed to make up the difference. Well DUH!!! ....

As for the 'middle class', nobody needs to feel sorry for them, either; they cut their own throats every election cycle. Just who did they think would be next in the spotlight of 'reducing labor costs' when they voted for faux 'conservatives' and 'neo-liberals' who off-shored all the decent working class jobs and crushed the working class??? Pixies? Squirrels? Shriners?

But then, what choice did the voters have, barack "free trade" obama, or mitt the outsourcer?

Good question. Even the Soviet Union's ballots had the option of checking 'None of the Above'. Both parties spend a lot of money keeping other parties off the ballots at the state level, so my guess is the voting public needs to grow a pair and quit accepting that as some sort of fait accompli they can't do anything about?

They should also just accept the Executive branch should be expanded; the country is far too large and too complex for the Presidency to be a one-man job any more. What should be modified or what should replace it is a topic in itself. Even the Romans figured that out thousands of years ago.

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