MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

There is nothing dumber than a white racist. These idiots don't know American history good enough to pass the citizenship test.
WELL enough.

Learn to speak like the college-educated man you claim to be before you call other people racist.

And stop talking about “white racists” when your every post drips with hate for whitey.
Guns aren’t the issue…..

Japan, China, and South Korea have higher suicide rates than we do and only cops amd criminals have guns in those countries…..

Most of Europe has a higher suicide rate than we do and Canada has a higher suicide rate than we do.
What they lack is 40,000 killed by guns every year
Idiot, the Republicans passed all of them….the democrats fought all of them until the last one you dumb ass

You mean all those Democrats who turned Republican when LBJ finally out-maneuvered them and got it passed. There, fixed your dumbass mistake.
How can it be Illegal when the Injins simply didn't have any immigration laws?

If it is Illegal then why don't you hop on a boat and go to Africa because you are benefiting now from that Illegal occupation?

They won't give him 'reparations'.
This wasn't a politically motivated mass shooting....

But I definitely see all of these attempts to paint the shooter as muslim, a trump supporter or a liberal is definitely poltically motivated

The guy was just nuts........even if the killer was muslim, gay, black, they too can be.....nuts.....mentall illness is not just something white folks are allowed to be
Is this the same person?

Robert Card, two-time divorcee who had his ex-wife file a restraining order against him. Arrested on numerous occasions for domestic violence and other offenses including child pornography and is a registered sex offender WHO CANNOT LEGALLY POSSESS A FIREARM. He voted for Obama. Carrying a GP WASR-10 semiautomatic rifle and 1000 rounds of hollow-point ammo. TYPICAL FAR-LEFT LUNATIC!
Trump voted for Obama
This wasn't a politically motivated mass shooting....

But I definitely see all of these attempts to paint the shooter as muslim, a trump supporter or a liberal is definitely poltically motivated

The guy was just nuts........even if the killer was muslim, gay, black, they too can be.....nuts.....mentall illness is not just something white folks are allowed to be

The guy was nuts
Most of the guys who do these shootings are nuts
Everyone knows they are nuts

Why is it so hard to keep guns away from them?
Parole boards aren't political ; they are reasonable people attempting to resolve issues as warranted. If you want a punitive legal and justice system move to Russia or some barbaric nation like that.
ummmm ... no.

bringing up how yer reply was .... well the most ironic thing i saw on this here board in a long time ... certainly was not derailing anything. not my fault yer brain isn't evolved enough to grasp that.
Yes dumbass
Oh, so now America is an “illegal occupation”. You’re not a Native American, so that makes you an occupier too. Strange how you have no problem reaping the rewards of a nation founded by “illegal occupation by whites”. “Indigenous people” here were not peaceful either. But wait, you claim this nation isn’t a “white nation” anymore. So which is it? Are we occupiers or skin color doesn’t matter since we were all born here?
This is the story. America is an illegal occupation and cannot legally exist. It must be destroyed. The Founders were all occupiers, slavers and criminals. The land mass is to be opened to settlers from non white countries.

Only a racist would disagree.
The guy was nuts
Most of the guys who do these shootings are nuts
Everyone knows they are nuts

Why is it so hard to keep guns away from them?
Gun laws can't overcome our unparalleled love of guns......

The belief we can do something to stop this is ill-conceived.....that horse has long left the barn

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