MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

When did I ever advocate to silence any black?

I find your whining hilarious and entertaining.
I find your white fragility hilarious and entertaining.

You're a racist, so don't ask dumb questions.

And when we talk about whining, right wing white males are the kings of whine.
the dear little Nazis.....
IM2 and Adam_Clayton and franciscofranco all get together in a circle jerk of imbecility and jizz all over each other because they share the same inability to think clearly or rationality.

The biggest racist around is little im.2. His black fragility is hilarious.
Everything is racist. Therefore, nothing is racist. Or, as I prefer WAYCISS WAYCISS WAYCISS. Who Dat dere? Dat be WAYCISS Brere Wabbit?
Everything is not racist. But you have shown everyone an example of what is.
There is nothing dumber than a white racist. These idiots don't know American history good enough to pass the citizenship test.
IM2 and Adam_Clayton and franciscofranco all get together in a circle jerk of imbecility and jizz all over each other because they share the same inability to think clearly or rationality.

The biggest racist around is little im.2. His black fragility is hilarious.
GOP you have any political arguments at all?
Oh, so now America is an “illegal occupation”. You’re not a Native American, so that makes you an occupier too. Strange how you have no problem reaping the rewards of a nation founded by “illegal occupation by whites”. “Indigenous people” here were not peaceful either. But wait, you claim this nation isn’t a “white nation” anymore. So which is it? Are we occupiers or skin color doesn’t matter since we were all born here?
No dumb ass, I'm not an occupier. We were bought over here. Get your history straight white --- and stop lying to yourself. You're reaping the benefiits from a country built by the unpaid labor of my ancestors, after which when they were freed,, you have benefitted from their free or low cost labor. You have benefitted from handouts my relatives paid taxes for and were excluded from, and today we still pay taxes and don't get back in return what we pay in. I don't know who the hell you think you're talking too chump, but I ain't the one to listen to some white ass racist rant some delusional bullshit.

The indigenous people lived here. Your ancestors were fighting in Europe and you losers who couldn't make it over there, or you who were in debt and got sent to Georgia, have illegally occupied this land. There is no equivalence between my ancestral history here and yours son. None, so recognize that before you try reciting the white mans fairy tale ever again.
Obviously he was the first to get one passed that did anything, which is why you and your right wing nutjobs hate him. Republicans would never have passed one that was effective, we know that for a fact. What black radicals did with it after the fact is a different issue, as is the obvious fact you loons have no more credibility with voters than Democrats, and for good reason. Instead of sucking up to international swindlers and Wall Street stock jobbers you might try 'sucking up to voters', or just keep trying to kill off democracy and real free markets with your idiotic drives to monopolies and Red Chinese style corporatism along with your Democrat partners. You don't know shit about LBJ.

Idiot, the Republicans passed all of them….the democrats fought all of them until the last one you dumb ass
A gun is the leading form of suicide in the US
Other forms like poison, drugs, cutting your wrists….you have time to change your mind

After you pull the trigger, you have a split second

And yes……they should take guns away from those who are suicidal

Guns aren’t the issue…..

Japan, China, and South Korea have higher suicide rates than we do and only cops amd criminals have guns in those countries…..

Most of Europe has a higher suicide rate than we do and Canada has a higher suicide rate than we do.
Guns aren’t the issue…..

Japan, China, and South Korea have higher suicide rates than we do and only cops amd criminals have guns in those countries…..

Most of Europe has a higher suicide rate than we do and Canada has a higher suicide rate than we do.

Why do you disagree with this? This is true......Japan, china, and South Korea have far higher suicide rates than the U.S. and they have the most extreme gun control laws....Europe, with almost as extreme gun control also has more than a few countries with higher suicide rates than we have, as does Canada....

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