MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

Crime Statistics: Whites Commit 3 Times More Crimes Than Blacks — So Why Aren’t There Far More Caucasians In Prison?​

By Antonio J. Newell

According to FBI statistics, White Americans commit nearly three times more crimes than Black Americans. Yet, Blacks make up nearly half the prison population. Why?

It’s a logical question, is it not? When it comes to the issue of justice in America, crime is crime, right?

Well, there’s the “per capita” argument.

Why does “per capita” matter?

In short, concerning crime sentencing, it doesn’t.


Crime Statistics: Whites Commit 3 Times More Crimes Than Blacks — So Why Aren’t There Far More Caucasians In Prison?​

By Antonio J. Newell

According to FBI statistics, White Americans commit nearly three times more crimes than Black Americans. Yet, Blacks make up nearly half the prison population. Why?

It’s a logical question, is it not? When it comes to the issue of justice in America, crime is crime, right?

Well, there’s the “per capita” argument.

Why does “per capita” matter?

In short, concerning crime sentencing, it doesn’t.

I link to the FBI.
You link to racist leftist rags.

By race, more than half (50.8%) of known offenders were white; 29.6% were Black or African American; and 2.2% were of other races. The race was unknown for 17.4% of reported known offenders.

57.8% white
12.1% black

12.1% yet 29.6% of the crime.


Crime Statistics: Whites Commit 3 Times More Crimes Than Blacks — So Why Aren’t There Far More Caucasians In Prison?​

By Antonio J. Newell

According to FBI statistics, White Americans commit nearly three times more crimes than Black Americans. Yet, Blacks make up nearly half the prison population. Why?

It’s a logical question, is it not? When it comes to the issue of justice in America, crime is crime, right?

Well, there’s the “per capita” argument.

Why does “per capita” matter?

In short, concerning crime sentencing, it doesn’t.

My god you are full of that Negro hate for Whites.

Crime Statistics: Whites Commit 3 Times More Crimes Than Blacks — So Why Aren’t There Far More Caucasians In Prison?​

By Antonio J. Newell

It’s a logical question, is it not? When it comes to the issue of justice in America, crime is crime, right?
Simple - If I (being white), were to cheat a neighbor out of his yard paper by reading it first, then throwing it back out into his yard afterwards (verse's) you being black in this example, were to say get caught armed robbing the liquor store, then who do you think is going to be occupying that prison cell instead of ????????

Ok, so their are more whites than blacks in population count, and yes crime stats if counting all crime committed as if it is somehow being equal, otherwise in according to the butt hurt left's attempt at painting crimes as being equal in a situation, then yes whites due to their sheer numbers would definitely have a larger crime statistic than a lessor population of blacks in America, otherwise if the audit isn't being looked at correctly, now where the differences occur between the two races, is all according to the types of crimes being committed, and the judges rulings on those different types of crimes that are being committed should always stand firm upon the truth.

Crime Statistics: Whites Commit 3 Times More Crimes Than Blacks — So Why Aren’t There Far More Caucasians In Prison?​

By Antonio J. Newell

According to FBI statistics, White Americans commit nearly three times more crimes than Black Americans. Yet, Blacks make up nearly half the prison population. Why?

It’s a logical question, is it not? When it comes to the issue of justice in America, crime is crime, right?

Well, there’s the “per capita” argument.

Why does “per capita” matter?

In short, concerning crime sentencing, it doesn’t.

Looks like more black welfare recipients killing people. But hey, that's what they do, right boy?
I link to the FBI.
You link to racist leftist rags.

By race, more than half (50.8%) of known offenders were white; 29.6% were Black or African American; and 2.2% were of other races. The race was unknown for 17.4% of reported known offenders.

57.8% white
12.1% black

12.1% yet 29.6% of the crime.

You didn't list jack shit.

In 2020 2.1 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. So talking about the percent of the population that includes non criminals is an argument without merit. In 2020 by race, 1.09 percent of the American population who were criminal offenders were white, and .6 percent of the American population who were criminal offenders were black. Percentages are attached to numbers.. 7 million people made up the total number of criminal offenders in 2020. Blacks were 2 million of that 7 million. You misuse percentages in order to validate your racist beliefs.
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Per Capita.
Blacks commit far mor violence than any other race.
Per capita doesn't have a damn thing to do with this argument. Leet me break it down to you bettter because that excuse is bs and your secod sentence is a lie thats prooben so numerically.

According to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report, there were 7,173,072 crime offenders in the United States. 3,642,932 whites, 2,122,038blacks. Clearly, the numbers show that 1.5 million more whites wereoffenders than blacks. Whites were 51 percent of the criminal offenders in 2020. Blacks were 30 percent.

Again, in 2020, there were 7,173,072 crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. According to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281 in 2020. That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072 people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.6 percent of the American population.

This is where the per capita excuse fails. Simple math shows the misuse of percentages. The per capita excuse uses the percentage of blacks committing crimes against the percentage of the entire black population in America instead of it being used to reflect the percentage of blacks actually committing crimes. The numbers here show that thirteen percent of the American people are not committing fifty percent of the crime. Furthermore, they show that one percent of the population is fifty-one percent of the criminal offenders and they are not black.

The first thing the white racist runs to is per capita, but that argument is based on a hypothetical. If blacks had the same population as whites, we'd have the same wealth, employed people, ownership of property, equal representation in law enforcement, as well as at every level of government. And I seriously doubt that we would be leading the nation in violent crime every year as whites do, then excusing it with the weak ass defense of per capiita.
Simple - If I (being white), were to cheat a neighbor out of his yard paper by reading it first, then throwing it back out into his yard afterwards (verse's) you being black in this example, were to say get caught armed robbing the liquor store, then who do you think is going to be occupying that prison cell instead of ????????

Ok, so their are more whites than blacks in population count, and yes crime stats if counting all crime committed as if it is somehow being equal, otherwise in according to the butt hurt left's attempt at painting crimes as being equal in a situation, then yes whites due to their sheer numbers would definitely have a larger crime statistic than a lessor population of blacks in America, otherwise if the audit isn't being looked at correctly, now where the differences occur between the two races, is all according to the types of crimes being committed, and the judges rulings on those different types of crimes that are being committed should always stand firm upon the truth.
Whites annually lead in at least 27 categories of crime listed in the UCR. Last night a white man murdered at least 18 people. Whites steal more and when you talk about robbery, robbery is the same whether done on Wall Street or at the local jewlery store. So white collar crime should be punished just as harshly as any other robbery. Now the next time you make a comparison, don't try making the white criminal off to be someone who commits a lesser crime. Donald Trump robbed people of millions with his trump Univerrsity scam. People lost everything they had, and yet he did no prison time. So who is the most dangerous robber, Trump, or the guy who took 1,000 from a liquor store?
You do it all the time so stop lying.

You defend and make excuses for white crime almost daily. When you are shown that whites commit more crimes, you pull up the excuse of per capita, or you excuse the numbers because there are more whites. So stop lying about what you don't do based on skin color.
Facts are not excuses. Nor are facts defending anyone.
Here we go with the white man whining about what the TV won't show. What the TV won't show are the millions of positive activities in black communities. The majority of all crime is white on white. Whites like you are so comfortable with crime that you want to put a man who will be a convicted felon in the white house.

Besides, I don't think there will be a black person killing 22 people and injuring 50-60 more meaning there might be more deaths tomorrow. It's not the democrats who don't want gun control.
One this YOU never do is say anything positive about white people. You defend black criminals. You don’t find many whites defending criminals of any race.

Crime Statistics: Whites Commit 3 Times More Crimes Than Blacks — So Why Aren’t There Far More Caucasians In Prison?​

By Antonio J. Newell

According to FBI statistics, White Americans commit nearly three times more crimes than Black Americans. Yet, Blacks make up nearly half the prison population. Why?

It’s a logical question, is it not? When it comes to the issue of justice in America, crime is crime, right?

Well, there’s the “per capita” argument.

Why does “per capita” matter?

In short, concerning crime sentencing, it doesn’t.

7X more whites so 3X more is remarkably Low.
"black guys like you that refuse to go back to Africa"..........................And there it is, folks.
Yup, there it is. These race baiter black supremacist whine and complain about America, but they would never go back to Africa, or another all black place like Haiti. He wouldn’t last a week.

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