Massive Teachers Union Sues Mom Who Asked About Political Material In Kindergarten Curriculum


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In a brazen attempt to intimidate American citizens in an effort to stop opposition against to Marxist Extremists indoctrinating our children as early as in Kindergarten, 'The National Education Association has sued a mother in Rhode Island who asked what her daughter would be taught in her kindergarten classroom.'

“This brazen and unprecedented act of intimidation by the NEA will not stand,” said the Goldwater Institute’s Director of National Litigation Jon Riches, who is representing Solas. “Nicole Solas is entitled to know what her daughter’s school is teaching in the classroom. She’s entitled to ask questions. And she does not deserve to face legal action just for asking questions any concerned parent would ask.”

YES, parents have the right to know what Marxist-government-funded/run public schools are teaching our children AND to have a say in their education.

"Nicole had emailed the principal of her child’s school in the South Kingstown School District asking for the kindergarten curriculum and whether it would include teaching the young kids politically charged materials, such as lessons influenced by critical race theory and gender theory. Solas “immediately faced stonewalling from the school, and even a threat of legal action for asking too many questions,” according to the Goldwater Institute. “Ultimately, Nicole received a bill for $74,000 to fulfill a public records request filed by the Goldwater Institute on her behalf in July.”

Now Solas is up against the NEA, which the Goldwater Institute calls a “veritable goliath” that “represents over 2.3 million people nationwide” and has “a budget of over $300 million.”

“The NEA is so determined to push its political agenda that they are willing to expose themselves in a court of law for who they really are: an association of bullies eager to challenge a stay-at-home mom who simply wanted to know what her daughter would be taught,”

“This lawsuit won’t deter me from asking questions, and I encourage all parents to do the same, so that they are empowered to make informed decisions regarding their children’s education.”
- Solas

Massive intimidation to force parents to sit down & STFU, to let the govt do with your child as they wish....the extremists are at war with the American people, attempting to squash all resistance.

In a brazen attempt to intimidate American citizens in an effort to stop opposition against to Marxist Extremists indoctrinating our children as early as in Kindergarten, 'The National Education Association has sued a mother in Rhode Island who asked what her daughter would be taught in her kindergarten classroom.'

“This brazen and unprecedented act of intimidation by the NEA will not stand,” said the Goldwater Institute’s Director of National Litigation Jon Riches, who is representing Solas. “Nicole Solas is entitled to know what her daughter’s school is teaching in the classroom. She’s entitled to ask questions. And she does not deserve to face legal action just for asking questions any concerned parent would ask.”

YES, parents have the right to know what Marxist-government-funded/run public schools are teaching our children AND to have a say in their education.

"Nicole had emailed the principal of her child’s school in the South Kingstown School District asking for the kindergarten curriculum and whether it would include teaching the young kids politically charged materials, such as lessons influenced by critical race theory and gender theory. Solas “immediately faced stonewalling from the school, and even a threat of legal action for asking too many questions,” according to the Goldwater Institute. “Ultimately, Nicole received a bill for $74,000 to fulfill a public records request filed by the Goldwater Institute on her behalf in July.”

Now Solas is up against the NEA, which the Goldwater Institute calls a “veritable goliath” that “represents over 2.3 million people nationwide” and has “a budget of over $300 million.”

“The NEA is so determined to push its political agenda that they are willing to expose themselves in a court of law for who they really are: an association of bullies eager to challenge a stay-at-home mom who simply wanted to know what her daughter would be taught,”

“This lawsuit won’t deter me from asking questions, and I encourage all parents to do the same, so that they are empowered to make informed decisions regarding their children’s education.”
- Solas

Massive intimidation to force parents to sit down & STFU, to let the govt do with your child as they wish....the extremists are at war with the American people, attempting to squash all resistance.

As usual we have a fake OP.

The union is suing the school over releasing private documents. This woman looks and sounds like a nutter and has found a right wing nutter group to finance her nonsense.

As usual we have a fake OP.

The union is suing the school over releasing private documents. This woman looks and sounds like a nutter and has found a right wing nutter group to finance her nonsense.

Thanks for that emotional opinion, snowflake.

"The National Education Association of Rhode Island -- and South Kingstown — has sued the South Kingstown School Committee, along with the School Department — and parent Nicole Solas — over Solas’ filing of what they said were “about 200” Access to Public Records Act requests."

From what I have read it is legal to request Public Records.

'It was the South Kingstown School Committee that first considered suing Solas for her requests questioning critical race theory.'

"According to the NEA,
this action seeks to temporarily restrain the School Department from releasing any information related to these APRA requests. NEARI said it believesmany of these documents are not public records"

Since CRT is under siege all over the country, the unions have made it clear they do not believe it is a parent's right to know what is being taught to their kids in school, I am sure they don't think these are or chould be public records.

'Transparency' to them is a bad thing.
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It isnt emotional its fact.
No, it's NOT. Your own article says so. It says the teacher's union FEELs, the teacher's union 'BELIEVES'.....

'Feeloing' a certain way or 'BELIEVING' your own interpretation of something does NOT make it a 'fact'. And ou used what THEY 'FEEL / BELIEVE to declare it to be a FACT. Sorry, but you're wrong.
Here's the REAL issue:

NEARI said it believes “many of these documents are not public records as defined under APRA and/or fall under APRA’s exclusions and therefore are not subject to disclosure.”

“This includes but is not limited to personal emails, labor relations materials, personnel records, disciplinary records, evaluations, and other records that do not concern the official business of the School Department,” wrote NEARI.

“We are asking the Court to conduct a balancing test to determine whether our members’ privacy rights outweigh the public interest,” said NEARI Deputy Executive Director Jennifer Azevedo. “We believe they do, and those records should either not be disclosed or should be redacted accordingly."

They don't want exposure of their commie indoctrination policies and open goose-stepping discussions because they know they will be FUCKING CRUSIFIED for their Bolshevik shit that they have denied for decades.

We're coming after you commie shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers and we WILL stop your goose-stepping agenda.
No, it's NOT. Your own article says so. It says the teacher's union FEELs, the teacher's union 'BELIEVES'.....

'Feeloing' a certain way or 'BELIEVING' your own interpretation of something does NOT make it a 'fact'. And ou used what THEY 'FEEL / BELIEVE to declare it to be a FACT. Sorry, but you're wrong.
Thats the way legal docs are phrased because the judge is the arbiter. She wants copies of e mails, conversations and personal records which is nonsense.
She has made 200 information requests. All of which involve time and money to deal with.
She has obviously been put up to this nonsense so it is better to let a court deal with it now because their will be many more similar bullshit requests.
Dear Parents:

Any curriculums that favor the use of the word EQUITY, in their descriptions are CRT! The word EQUITY IS A DOGWHISTLE.

B. Kidd
Thats the way legal docs are phrased because the judge is the arbiter. She wants copies of e mails, conversations and personal records which is nonsense.
She has made 200 information requests. All of which involve time and money to deal with.
She has obviously been put up to this nonsense so it is better to let a court deal with it now because their will be many more similar bullshit requests.
Teachers work for us. Our children. The taxpayers are the boss.
As usual we have a fake OP.

The union is suing the school over releasing private documents. This woman looks and sounds like a nutter and has found a right wing nutter group to finance her nonsense.

For you stupid Moon Bats anybody opposing a Marxist agenda is a "nutter".

Then we wonder why education in the US fell from first in the world to the gutter.

The Teacher's Union has become a greedy left Wing cash cow for the filthy Democrats. No wonder anybody that can afford it will send their kids to private schools.
As usual we have a fake OP.

The union is suing the school over releasing private documents. This woman looks and sounds like a nutter and has found a right wing nutter group to finance her nonsense.

How does a public school have private documents?

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