Massive turnout at Hudson city council meeting after council member calls gun owners


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
great story of the day...lets roll people, we are fed up with the name calling and hate over this issue
lots of links in article


Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, February 28, 2013, 6:24 AM

Guest Post and pictures by H. Hawke who attended the meeting in Hudson, New York on Wednesday night.

* * * * *

When Hudson Alderman David Marston responded with a torrent of foul and abusive language to an email from NYS Organizer for Guns Across America Joanna Johnson-Smith urging him to reject the city’s proposed gun ban on city property, including for permit-holders, it’s unlikely he anticipated the backlash headed his way.

the email
Via Mental Recession:

Dear Joanna Johnson-Smith,

Its really neat that all you gun toting tea party psychotards are so interested in the goings on of our little City, even though I find it amazing that you don’t have any other pressing issues before you in New Lebanon. On the other hand, I guess its not surprising, considering you ideologues aren’t interested in actual policy, but rather grandstanding on mythical narratives of victimization.

Two things: The only spit here is the white stuff frothing on the ends of that rotten little mouth of yours from which you spew this hateful ignorant trash. And a donkeys behind? The rabid ignorance of the fringe is best illustrated by its sad metaphors, I mean seriously, thank you for the laughs.

By all means, come on down, we’ll be happy to beat you barbarians back with the clubs of reason & responsibility, radical lunatics that you are. And say, a quick ProTip, since you’re the “organizer” for unemployed guns nuts USA. Next time you think these unhinged rants will change the mind of anyone who has even a modicum of intelligence, you might instead just go back down into your basement & watch another episode of wheel-of-fortune. It’ll certainly be just as effective. Remember: there are millions of Eagle Scout God Worshiping Patriots who find you & your radical ilk as disgraceful to American Democracy as the Brown Shirt jackboots you act like. I happen to be just one of them. Good Luck.

Best Regards,
David Marston
- See more at: New York Liberal Lashes Out at Second Amendment Supporters as ?Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotards? | The Gateway Pundit

The meeting had to be moved two times because of the size of the crowd.

Neither, apparently, did the City of Hudson’s Legal Committee of Common Council.

On February 27 the Committee was forced to change their regular meeting from Hudson City Hall to the Central Fire Station main room to accommodate the larger than normal crowd expected to oppose the measure.

But even that was too small and attendees dragged their chairs, if they’d been fortunate enough to get one, into the firehouse truck bay after the engines were moved out.

all of it here
- See more at: MASSIVE TURNOUT at Hudson Council Meeting After Lib Alderman Slams ?Psychotard? Gun Owners | The Gateway Pundit

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