Massive Wealth Transfer from The COVID Enterprise: You will own nothing and be happy!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
For me to have an actual conversation with any of you on this topic, means that you have to be aware of a few facts. (Not Emotionalism or Bleeding Heart Do Gooderism Statements), but FACTS.

Because of the COVID scam Joe Biden has printed 40% of all the money that has ever existed in The United States in the past year. You understand that right?

So the inflation you are seeing is actually a devaluing of our currency, and this means the rent and housing crisis is partially caused by Joe's Fiscal Policies. A massive influx of illegals needing housing and other factors are additional contributors.

The other thing that is occurring is that large financial firms are buying up rental properties and residential homes at an alarming pace and are paying above normal market values to get these properties. Did it ever occur to you that The World Economic Forum's statement "In the future you will own nothing and be happy" is actually a concrete goal that they are pursuing as a strategy to implement Global Economic Policies on behalf of a soon to come (if not already here) Global Government?

Lastly, you do realize that since The COVID Enterprise began that THE WORLD has seen the Greatest Wealth Transfer from The Working Class to The Elite Wealthy and Powerful and that Wealth is being concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer people?

Are you down with The Dystopian Future that is coming where a few Elites Rule The Whole World and spread equivalent poverty across the globe?

Do you think that is FREEDOM? Remove Economic Upward Mobility and there is no Freedom, and we are all just Cattle, Just SLAVES, Just Equity for The Elite to profit from.

Looks like I retired at the right time......I got mine and am well versed in living within my means....You youngins that think you have such a good bead on things can figure it out.

Oh, and quit pecking here and get to work.....My SS is not going to pay itself. ;)
Joe Biden has put the middle class on a precarious shifting base of sand and when the elites
try to convince people they will own nothing and love it they mean it!

Look who is transforming society under our very noses while we go about struggling over our everyday lives.

I don't think calling this transformation satanic is too hyperbolic.

Find out who supports this power grab and fight them tooth and nail.
Joe Biden has put the middle class on a precarious shifting base of sand and when the elites
try to convince people they will own nothing and love it they mean it!

Look who is transforming society under our very noses while we go about struggling over our everyday lives.

I don't think calling this transformation satanic is too hyperbolic.

Find out who supports this power grab and fight them tooth and nail.
It is Satanic and it was predicted. What was said long ago spoken my men of God to future generations is now coming to pass. The World is in The birth pains of prophecy and those pains will come increasingly more powerful as we approach the creation of The Final Dystopian Global Empire.

You will own nothing and like it. You will not be able to buy or sell unless you are part of it, and your body mind and soul will no longer be your own.

You may have been born free, but you will die a slave.
Because of the COVID scam Joe Biden has printed 40% of all the money that has ever existed in The United States in the past year. You understand that right?
Try 2020, Brainiac

Try 2020, Brainiac

The percentage now is 80% of all US Currency ever in existence was printed during The Scamdemic Enterprise. You are right, I should have looked at this closer.

80% was printed in the last 22 months. This is what The Obama Flu has done to our Economy.

"Last January 2020, the US Federal Reserve had around $4 trillion dollars, which is around 40% of US dollars in existence were printed in the last 12 months. Past forward to this day, things have changed drastically as the Fed has accelerated money printing, bringing it to nearly 80% of all US dollars in existence."


Brand reinforces the theory that in order for the working class to improve its economic fortunes someone else must make the necessary changes, when in fact it is the presence of wealth and the movement of that wealth that provides the opportunity for the worker to succeed. The rich are constantly sowing their wealth to the working class in the form of wages, then reaping it back with interest when the same workers rush out to buy their products. Of course not all workers can 'withhold' their wages in the form of savings and investments but enough can to alter the whole economic dynamic in favor of the working class, or at the very least improve their own on an individual basis.

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