Matt Gaetz Accuses McCarthy Of Scuttling Scalise, Jordan, And Emmer—But Failed To Stop Mike Johnson

He said "we may have to". Thats is a LONG way from "i want to spend a bunch of money".
A stopgap measure simply continues current spending, which happens to be deficit spending.

Johnson is on board with that.
The Speaker needs support from both RINOs and Conservatives.
Don't you think you are misapplying the RINO acronym? You use it to refer to the less radical Repubs in the caucus but not the far right Repubs who stopped advocating for traditional conservative values long ago in favor of Trumpery.
Don't you think you are misapplying the RINO acronym? You use it to refer to the less radical Repubs in the caucus but not the far right Repubs who stopped advocating for traditional conservative values long ago in favor of Trumpery.

Amusing when you far left loons talk about traditional Conservatives.
The deficit just for the month of September was $166 billion.
Is your concern about the deficit genuine, or just a rationalization for raising (other people's) taxes? If the former, what do you recommend to address this issue?
Is your concern about the deficit genuine, or just a rationalization for raising (other people's) taxes? If the former, what do you recommend to address this issue?
No one has talked about the federal debt on this forum more than me.

No one.

And no one has offered a solution more than me.
It's a moot point. Nothing in the House gets by the Senate, or Bidens veto. Doesn't matter if it's Johnson, Emmer, Jordan, or Jack Shit. They move nothing without permission or amendment suitable for the Senate or Biden.

They're going to find hat out very quickly with their first bill, which will be dead on arrival.
Don't you have some spam from Daily Kooks or Raw Sewage to post?
It's a moot point. Nothing in the House gets by the Senate, or Bidens veto. Doesn't matter if it's Johnson, Emmer, Jordan, or Jack Shit. They move nothing without permission or amendment suitable for the Senate or Biden.

They're going to find hat out very quickly with their first bill, which will be dead on arrival.
I see the Dem party of NO has weighed in ^^^ with obstruction, attacks on democracy and insurrection.
I see the Dem party of NO has weighed in ^^^ with obstruction, attacks on democracy and insurrection.

The only thing you're going to see is Dark Brandon bitch slap the taste out of this kiss ass' mouth, and then watch him submit a bill that will get Dem votes Dark Brandon will sign.

Which will include everything Dark Brandon wants.
voted to give Russia the advantage in Ukraine,

There was no bill that did that.

gleefully supports the Repub efforts to force every woman to bring their fetus to term against the woman's will,

Someone has to look out for the baby, if the mother won't.

he is closely aligned with the Orange Messiah,

If you're a republican, you have to be. Trump has his own brand of cancel culture.

and finally is bigoted regarding gay people.

How so?
What more could the Freedom Caucus ask for, an avowed white supremacist?

They could and should ask for a fiscal conservative. But the GOP outlawed that.
Wtf are you babbling about?

McCarthy got tossed out on his ass for a reason. This is just some back story.

Nothing for any of us to be upset about.

It’s actually good news.

Little g; you’re dense.
Johnson has the stink of Trump's ass on his face which qualifies him to the mango traitor & your herd.
It's a moot point. Nothing in the House gets by the Senate, or Bidens veto. Doesn't matter if it's Johnson, Emmer, Jordan, or Jack Shit. They move nothing without permission or amendment suitable for the Senate or Biden.

They're going to find hat out very quickly with their first bill, which will be dead on arrival.
It’s not like Republicans want to get anything done
This is explains why Jordan didn't get the votes. McCarthy sabotaged him and the others.

And now Trump will come along and say he liked Johnson from the beginning and will try to take credit for Johnson getting the speakers chair.

Matt Gaetz Accuses McCarthy Of Scuttling Scalise, Jordan, And Emmer—But Failed To Stop Mike Johnson​

Matt Gaetz is entitled to his opinion but that is all it is, one man's opinion.

Mike Johnson, unlike ANYBODY else including McCarthy, got 100% of the GOP vote for the nomination, and 100% of the GOP vote to be Speaker. Despite being a Trump supporters and hardline conservative, he got a standing ovation from both GOP and Democrats when the vote was in and he officially became Speaker of the House.

Petty and mean spirited attempts to tear apart what has become a unity and good thing in the House of Representatives, to continue to stir up discontent and angry feelings, does not reflect well for anybody doing that whether left/right/Democrat/Republican.

Nobody focused strictly on partisan politics and advantage gives one damn about the American people or how government serves the people who elected it.
Matt Gaetz is entitled to his opinion but that is all it is, one man's opinion.

Mike Johnson, unlike ANYBODY else including McCarthy, got 100% of the GOP vote for the nomination, and 100% of the GOP vote to be Speaker. Despite being a Trump supporters and hardline conservative, he got a standing ovation from both GOP and Democrats when the vote was in and he officially became Speaker of the House.

Petty and mean spirited attempts to tear apart what has become a unity and good thing in the House of Representatives, to continue to stir up discontent and angry feelings, does not reflect well for anybody doing that whether left/right/Democrat/Republican.

Nobody focused strictly on partisan politics and advantage gives one damn about the American people or how government serves the people who elected it.

Did you hear Jefferies speech before Johnsons? Talk about stirring up discontent and angry feelings.

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