Matt Gaetz Accuses McCarthy Of Scuttling Scalise, Jordan, And Emmer—But Failed To Stop Mike Johnson

You are a complete and total fraud.
No, the frauds are people like you who did not grumble at all while Trump was running up $8 trillion of debt, yet you whine every day about the debt now that a D is in the White House.

You are raging hypocrites.
Once again the Republicans show what total submissive cucks they are.

Tom Emmer got cock blocked by Trump and just sat there and took it.

And you can be sure Emmer will be seen sucking Trump's cock in public before long.
Johnson has the stink of Trump's ass on his face which qualifies him to the mango traitor & your herd.
Zzz. You never post an interesting or intelligent comment.

Johnson is going to help unify the GOP House. You’ll be left yodeling your teeny weenie and crying about how unfair it is that your boy, President Potato, can’t rule by fiat.

No, the frauds are people like you who did not grumble at all while Trump was running up $8 trillion of debt, yet you whine every day about the debt now that a D is in the White House.

You are raging hypocrites.

At the 2:10 mark, Gaetz exposes McCarthy as the one who was sabotaging Jordan and Scalise.

Failed to stop Johnson? Why should he have stopped Johnson and how is that possible?
The fact that the establishment RINOs wanted McCarthy ahead of Ryan, proves he's a lowlife.
Zzz. You never post an interesting or intelligent comment.

Johnson is going to help unify the GOP House. You’ll be left yodeling your teeny weenie and crying about how unfair it is that your boy, President Potato, can’t rule by fiat.

Oh look, Trump & his lackeys gave The Village Idiot who never got a bill passed the job of SOTH, so now he's a genius who will fix what is screwed every which way from Sunday in the GOP HOR.

He's part of the problem, ass breath.
Oh look, Trump & his lackeys gave The Village Idiot who never got a bill passed the job of SOTH, so now he's a genius who will fix what is screwed every which way from Sunday in the GOP HOR.

He's part of the problem, ass breath.

You might not know how Government works.
Oh look, Trump & his lackeys gave The Village Idiot who never got a bill passed the job of SOTH,

Zzz. As if that matters. For fuck sake. We had an inept Junior Senator from Illinois elected President. Experience isn’t the key issue.
so now he's a genius who will fix what is screwed every which way from Sunday in the GOP HOR.
The GOP House is only “screwed up” because they are in urgent need of having a spine implanted. This is a great first step.
He's part of the problem, .
Zzz. Vapid opinion ^ from a venereal disease.

Johnson looks like a part of the repair.

You wouldn’t understand. :itsok:

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