Matt Gaetz drops the mic on typical corrupt DOJ official.

I'm not a democrat, I just don't like seeing known child molesters walking around free, and I sure as hell wouldn't vote for them. The GOP has become so corrupt over the last decade that they openly support known rapists and pedophiles like Roy Moore and Matt Gaetz. The GOP has fallen far from the party it was under great men like Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Eisenhower.
Don't forget they promoted pedophile Dennis Hastert to Speaker of the House too.
Matt Gaetz absolutely destroyed the democrats and as I read through these.

Matt Gaetz for president.
Apparently (and not surprisingly) that doesn't bother you in the least.
I haven't heard a word about it. Perhaps give me a link to the girls he supposedly had sex with. It doesn't bother you about sleazy joe in the WH. You should look at your own values and who you vote for before you question me.
nice argument, so demofk of you.
I haven't heard a word about it. Perhaps give me a link to the girls he supposedly had sex with. It doesn't bother you about sleazy joe in the WH. You should look at your own values and who you vote for before you question me.
"I haven't heard a word about it" :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :laughing0301: :cuckoo:

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