Matt Gaetz drops the mic on typical corrupt DOJ official.

Not sure what you're intentions are here. but have fun, it seems you are loaded with the confederate flag pictures. You must love posting it.
And your NAZI flag....Righties sure like flying that NAZI flag...and voting for sex traffickers, pedophiles and assaulters.
So Matt Gaetz isn't the topic? The title shows you to either be very ignorant or just lying again.
sure it is, about dropping a mic on demofks. Not a word about the change in topic by you.
And your NAZI flag....Righties sure like flying that NAZI flag...and voting for sex traffickers, pedophiles and assaulters.
how's it mine? you're confused, you keep posting it. pictures are under your posting name.
show me the indictment of Gaetz.
This, from the tard who claims Bill Clinton flew to Pedophile Island 30 times.

Turnabout is fair play, sicko. And you and I both know if Gaetz had a (D) after his name, you'd be all over his child sex trafficking ring.


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