Mattel releases a gender neutral Barbie and the video promoting it is preposterous

They should have used "Pat" from SNL as the model.
So what is this doll supposed to look like exactly? Are the boobs there or not? Because a person either has them or they don't and that of course is only the beginning. How are things below the waist line? Then there is the lump that guys have in their neck that females do not have.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. When are certain people going to learn that there is no in between where some things are concerned?
Doubt these will sell well. First of all they are ugly. And second...Mattel did the diversity doll thing already. Dolls with man buns,albinos,fat frame etc. They all ended up on clearance because no one bought them...again they were ugly.
The war against genders is still on. More than ever. After Céline Dion’s “gender-neutral” clothing line for children (which contained horrifying symbolism), Mattel has released dolls that assume no identifiable gender.
Mattel Releases a "Gender-Neutral" Barbie and the Video Promoting it is Preposterous

Well looks like Matel wants to go bankrupt and they rightfully should buh bye dumbasses.....
It's unbelievable HOW nuts the Loony Left has become. ANYTHING to promote their insane agenda of claiming there are more than two genders. And this indirectly supports their agenda of abolishing the traditional and most successful family unit of mother, father and children. Insanity!
Like Gillette, Budweiser, Addidas, etc. Mattel is jumping aboard the gender fluidity bandwagon in a craven attempt to
ride a wave from the cesspools of society.
So, anyone who does not conform to your narrow and ridged concept of gender are the cesspool of society?
Just advertise for the product. Pushing agendas is so Orwellian. Especially if things get bad will be dead ends.
NWO . & . sheep can't get it


For decades, China has been a crucial component of the so-called "liberal world order" promoted by the likes of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Soros and their fellow globalists at the CFR, Brookings, Aspen, Davos, etc. Remember the brutal Chinese suppression of the student movement in 1989? President George H.W. Bush, former CFR director, first U.S. Ambassdor to the "People's Republic" of China, and promoter of the "new world order" offered only token support for the liberal protestors.

Now the iron fist is back in the velvet glove, and the grand "social experiment" under the Chinese socialist dictatorshp continues according to plan. See our previous comments on the recent U.N. "Smart Cities" conference hosted by China. Forward, comrades! And don't forget to "like" us on Facebook. *

"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community propose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

-- David Rockefeller, CFR chairman, article in the New York Times, 1973-08-10

When CFR godfather David Rockefeller made those remarks, the "cultural revolution" in China was still in progress. That disastrous program killed over 1.5 million Chinese citizens, including vast numbers of "intellectuals" who opposed the collectivist dictatorship. Evidently, "whatever the "price" in terms of the death and suffering of others is acceptable, if it advances the Rockefeller / CFR / U.N. one world program towards its objective.

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

-- David Rockefeller, "Memoirs", 2002

* Facebook and Google are CFR corporate sponsors. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Google chairman Eric Schmidt are CFR members. Sandberg, a protege of CFR member and future Harvard president Larry Summers, was his assistant at the World Bank and the Treasury Dept. She was then an executive at Google before moving to Facebook, and is now a billionaire thanks to her stock options.

UPDATE: The BBC recently produced this short video exploring the latest in Chinese video surveillance technology, currently being rolled out as part of the "Smart City" initiative.


Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals…
So, anyone who does not conform to your narrow and ridged concept of gender are the cesspool of society?
Yes. I would say any rigid reactionary political movement that requires society to conform to a tiny minority's mental dysfunction (like a mentally ill man who forces everyone to salute and refer to him as General George Armstrong Custer) is something that makes a cesspool of society. Especially when the force of law makes everyone an accessory to insanity.

My "narrow and rigid" conception of gender, by the way, is informed by actual biology. and science. Not by a freakish social mania akin to the dancing plague of 1518 (Dancing plague of 1518 - Wikipedia) witch hunts or other mass
outbreaks of mental illness that afflict society from time to time.

There is such a thing as gender dysphoria but actual cases, as opposed to politically created mass movements, are very rare.
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If it doesn't sell they will stop.
I doubt that's entirely true. If they can afford the loss, they will continue. Street cred among the mentally ill is important to a lot of these companies. Screw the normal folks! They know normal daughters will still buy real Brbie
Like Gillette, Budweiser, Addidas, etc. Mattel is jumping aboard the gender fluidity bandwagon in a craven attempt to
ride a wave from the cesspools of society.
So, anyone who does not conform to your narrow and ridged concept of gender are the cesspool of society?

Yes. A boy is a boy and a girl is a girl. This is not subject to change. Period.

Anyone promoting otherwise, especially to children, is an absolute scumbag degenerate and more than likely a closet pedophile. There is no other logical explanation for this despicable obsession with child sexuality.

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