Matthew Whitaker Will Not Recuse Himself From Russia Probe and Won’t Approve Presidential Subpoena

I know most liberals aren't man enough to admit when they're wrong so they'll find anyone, even Conways husband, to say they are right. And you're reading the clause wrong, yes an acting principal officer must be approved by the Senate, but the appointment clause clearly states that they can be appointed for 90 days without senate approval.
Most conservatives don't know the difference between right and wrong, witness their rancid reverence for a racist pussy grabber.

Matthew Whitaker's Appointment as Acting Attorney General: Three Lingering Questions

"A 19th-century Supreme Court opinion does hold that a statute that permitted a diplomatic vice counsel to serve 'for a limited time, and under special and temporary conditions' as counsel during the temporary absence of the counsel (a principal officer) did not somehow transform the vice counsel “into the superior and permanent official” in violation of the Appointments Clause.

"Here, of course, Whitaker has been appointed only to act temporarily as attorney general until a new attorney general is appointed (by confirmation or during a recess), not to permanently serve as attorney general.

"But there are no limitations on his ability to exercise the full statutory powers and authorities of the attorney general, and practically speaking, Whitaker could serve as acting attorney general for most of the remainder of the president’s first term—although the FVRA typically limits acting appointments to 210 days, that time period can be extended if the president sends a nomination for another person to be attorney general to the Senate."
All you have is a Trump flunky that will do his bidding for him.
Yep. You can call him Trump's Lynch Holder.

No, I can call him Trump's Flunky.
Same-Same. :)

No it's not the same same. Pres. Obama was NEVER under investigation for collusion or any other crime.
Obama throws like a girl. Trump doesn't.

Your right he just doesn't show up to honor our fallen dead.
Only in a police state do you hire a Prosecutor to look for crimes.

I am waiting on ONE Trumper to post the proof.

Haven't heard you talking about Trump conspiracy to collude with Putin to obstruct Hillary from the White House in a while

Why is that?

Probably because you have never heard me talking about that.
Neither did Mueller and for the same reason- it never happened. Shut 'er down

Well then let the investigation play itself out.
It was the same move Nixon made. We know how that ended so I am not worried. If there is proof we will hear it sooner or later!
Trump finally succeeded in putting a puppet in place to cover for him, let's see how smart Mueller really is.
It was about time we had a wartime attorney general to fight off the Nazis legislators and their guard dog Press.

All you have is a Trump flunky that will do his bidding for him.
And Eric Holder wasn't OButthole's flunky? Give me a fucking break! At least our beloved President Trump doesn't personally know the Hawkeyes.
It was about time we had a wartime attorney general to fight off the Nazis legislators and their guard dog Press.

All you have is a Trump flunky that will do his bidding for him.
Yep. You can call him Trump's Lynch Holder.

No, I can call him Trump's Flunky.
Same-Same. :)

No it's not the same same. Pres. Obama was NEVER under investigation for collusion or any other crime.
Bullshit! The media ignored his high crimes and misdemeanors. And the first term Congress wouldn't act only because he was black and not a man. That's why you all lost in his midterms.
That sounds pretty straight forward. Mark Levin has no clue what he is talking about. The question may be whether Republican judges legislate from the bench or follow the law.
Should this case reach SCOTUS, it will be informative to watch how Clarence Thomas votes; will he emphasize the Constitution's Appointment Clause as he did last year regarding the NLRB or will he emphasize his loyalty to Trump?
He will vote like Ginsburg was voting for a case important to Obama.
That sounds pretty straight forward. Mark Levin has no clue what he is talking about. The question may be whether Republican judges legislate from the bench or follow the law.
Should this case reach SCOTUS, it will be informative to watch how Clarence Thomas votes; will he emphasize the Constitution's Appointment Clause as he did last year regarding the NLRB or will he emphasize his loyalty to Trump?
He will vote like Ginsburg was voting for a case important to Obama.
You mean like a predictably partisan hack?
Why do you think there's any significant difference between Trump's economic base and Obama's?
Trump finally succeeded in putting a puppet in place to cover for him, let's see how smart Mueller really is.
It was about time we had a wartime attorney general to fight off the Nazis legislators and their guard dog Press.

All you have is a Trump flunky that will do his bidding for him.
And Eric Holder wasn't OButthole's flunky? Give me a fucking break! At least our beloved President Trump doesn't personally know the Hawkeyes.

He didn't need to be for the simple fact Pres. Obama wasn't under any investigation.
All you have is a Trump flunky that will do his bidding for him.
Yep. You can call him Trump's Lynch Holder.

No, I can call him Trump's Flunky.
Same-Same. :)

No it's not the same same. Pres. Obama was NEVER under investigation for collusion or any other crime.

Bullshit! The media ignored his high crimes and misdemeanors. And the first term Congress wouldn't act only because he was black and not a man. That's why you all lost in his midterms.

Pull out the violin for the bullshit song being played.

I know most liberals aren't man enough to admit when they're wrong so they'll find anyone, even Conways husband, to say they are right. And you're reading the clause wrong, yes an acting principal officer must be approved by the Senate, but the appointment clause clearly states that they can be appointed for 90 days without senate approval.
Most conservatives don't know the difference between right and wrong, witness their rancid reverence for a racist pussy grabber.

Matthew Whitaker's Appointment as Acting Attorney General: Three Lingering Questions

"A 19th-century Supreme Court opinion does hold that a statute that permitted a diplomatic vice counsel to serve 'for a limited time, and under special and temporary conditions' as counsel during the temporary absence of the counsel (a principal officer) did not somehow transform the vice counsel “into the superior and permanent official” in violation of the Appointments Clause.

"Here, of course, Whitaker has been appointed only to act temporarily as attorney general until a new attorney general is appointed (by confirmation or during a recess), not to permanently serve as attorney general.

"But there are no limitations on his ability to exercise the full statutory powers and authorities of the attorney general, and practically speaking, Whitaker could serve as acting attorney general for most of the remainder of the president’s first term—although the FVRA typically limits acting appointments to 210 days, that time period can be extended if the president sends a nomination for another person to be attorney general to the Senate."

DOJ says you WRONG MUTHAFUKA. You gonna admit it and be a man? I don't expect you to. You're a liberal. You can't even figure out what fucking bathroom to use.
Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.


Welp, we've been punked before. We got punked by Jeff Sessions and his deep state repub comrades in the House and Senate for 2 solid years. Just long enough for the Democraps to take the house (by vote fraud) and put an end to any investigations. Curious timing.

I say put up or shut up to Mathew Whitaker

Not gonna get excited until I see indictments.

Session's accomplices..
The statues of limitations are running out on the real criminals in all of this................Where are the charges against those disavowed FBI and DOJ officials..............and the real charges against slime ball DNC operatives who paid for this mess..............Or justice against the Obama corrupt machine..........


The Dems don't have a damned leg to stand on if they didn't have their get out of jail free cards from Obama leftovers.

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