Matthew Whitaker Will Not Recuse Himself From Russia Probe and Won’t Approve Presidential Subpoena

Espeak ^

Nov. 14 (UPI) — The U.S. Justice Department dismissed claims Wednesday that acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker’s appointment to succeed Jeff Sessions violated the Constitution.

The department issued a 20-page memorandum to show President Donald Trump could appoint Whitaker without a Senate confirmation. Whitaker was appointed acting attorney general last week after Sessions was forced out. The department said it had sought legal advice about a succession plan before his departure.

“As all three branches of government have long recognized, the president may designate an acting official to perform the duties of a vacant principal office, including a Cabinet office, even when the acting official has not been confirmed by the Senate,” the memo said.

Whitaker has openly criticized the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Democrats contend Whitaker should recuse himself from the Russia investigation, as Sessions did — a move that was not supported by Trump.

The memo said Trump has made appointments six times. Former President Barack Obama made two and former President George W. Bush one.

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh asked a federal judge Tuesday to block Whitaker from responding to an earlier lawsuit on the Affordable Care Act. Maryland officials argued Whitaker isn’t the legitimate attorney general, and that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein should have been placed in the temporary post. “Few positions are more critical than that of the U.S. Attorney General, an office that wields enormous power and authority over the lives of all Americans,” Forsh said in a statement.

Many current and former government attorneys agree Whitaker’s appointment is not illegal, but acknowledged it could be unwise and unprecedented.

Whitaker traveled to his native Iowa Wednesday, where he spoke at the Rural and Tribal Elder Justice Summit in Des Moines. “It’s good to be home. Des Moines is my home,” he said. “This is where I played football, where I practiced law, where I prosecuted criminals as a United States Attorney, and it’s where I’m raising my family.”

His speech hit on several crimes he intends to focus on as attorney general, including scams that target the elderly.
I want Trump to pick a person who has his back.....just like what Obama did.
Of course, you don't like that....too bad. Now get back to trolling your own thread. It's priceless. :auiqs.jpg:
Why can't Trump ever pick the right people? He picked Sessions, now yall hate Sessions -- he picked Rosenstein, now yall hate Rosenstein

If Whitaker doesn't suck Trump's dick efficiently enough -- yall will hate him too
I rarely "hate" anyone but I didn't like Sessions because he didn't do his damn job. Rosenstien has proven to be crooked. Maybe Whitaker is better? Who knows? Trump claims he picks the best people but then winds up firing most of them.
I rarely "hate" anyone but I didn't like Sessions because he didn't do his damn job. Rosenstien has proven to be crooked. Maybe Whitaker is better? Who knows? Trump claims he picks the best people but then winds up firing most of them.
Trial and error...having NOT BEEN A POLITICIAN, AND WORKING AGAINST NEVER TRUMP REPUBLICANS AND THE SWAMP. One learns who does a good job and who doesn't, then, of course it is politics not the BOARD ROOM where he could simply say YOU'RE has much to do with perception!
Yep. You can call him Trump's Lynch Holder.

No, I can call him Trump's Flunky.
Same-Same. :)

No it's not the same same. Pres. Obama was NEVER under investigation for collusion or any other crime.
Obama throws like a girl. Trump doesn't.

Your right he just doesn't show up to honor our fallen dead.
Well...not where you want him to, anyway. :D
Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.

He will be a memory before he even finishes his cup of coffee.
Espeak ^

Nov. 14 (UPI) — The U.S. Justice Department dismissed claims Wednesday that acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker’s appointment to succeed Jeff Sessions violated the Constitution.

The department issued a 20-page memorandum to show President Donald Trump could appoint Whitaker without a Senate confirmation. Whitaker was appointed acting attorney general last week after Sessions was forced out. The department said it had sought legal advice about a succession plan before his departure.

“As all three branches of government have long recognized, the president may designate an acting official to perform the duties of a vacant principal office, including a Cabinet office, even when the acting official has not been confirmed by the Senate,” the memo said.

Whitaker has openly criticized the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Democrats contend Whitaker should recuse himself from the Russia investigation, as Sessions did — a move that was not supported by Trump.

The memo said Trump has made appointments six times. Former President Barack Obama made two and former President George W. Bush one.

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh asked a federal judge Tuesday to block Whitaker from responding to an earlier lawsuit on the Affordable Care Act. Maryland officials argued Whitaker isn’t the legitimate attorney general, and that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein should have been placed in the temporary post. “Few positions are more critical than that of the U.S. Attorney General, an office that wields enormous power and authority over the lives of all Americans,” Forsh said in a statement.

Many current and former government attorneys agree Whitaker’s appointment is not illegal, but acknowledged it could be unwise and unprecedented.

Whitaker traveled to his native Iowa Wednesday, where he spoke at the Rural and Tribal Elder Justice Summit in Des Moines. “It’s good to be home. Des Moines is my home,” he said. “This is where I played football, where I practiced law, where I prosecuted criminals as a United States Attorney, and it’s where I’m raising my family.”

His speech hit on several crimes he intends to focus on as attorney general, including scams that target the elderly.
Your link:

"'As all three branches of government have long recognized, the president may designate an acting official to perform the duties of a vacant principal office, including a Cabinet office, even when the acting official has not been confirmed by the Senate,' the memo said."

Read more at: Justice Dept.: Matthew Whitaker appointment as acting AG fully lawful ⋆ Epeak World News

Unless the president is designating an official with the intention of obstructing an investigation into numerous allegations of criminal activity in the president's sordid past.

And when he testifies before the Democratic House, he will need to explain his "trumpian" position....the son of the POS....If he wants to stay in the DOJ and keep a job, he better take Mueller advice. Mueller has more experience and is far more unbiased than Whitaker...
Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.


There will never be a subpeona for the POS president....but there may be one of his POS is the "Nazi Looking" Whitaker going to handle that.
Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.


There will never be a subpeona for the POS president....but there may be one of his POS is the "Nazi Looking" Whitaker going to handle that.
As with the mulatto stating Executive Privilege with that black thug AG Eric "The Red" Holder when he refused a subpoena from Congress in THE FAST AND FURIOUS MURDERS SCANDAL, there is no problem there!

Mueller has more class and integrity in his pinky than this POS president has in his entire orange body. Report that back to your boss, Vladimir..
The 8 dirtiest scandals of Robert Mueller no one is talking about

Aug 7, 2017 · It was attorney Jeffrey Marty, who at American, compiled a long list of scandals casting shadows over Mueller. The following are a ...

OF course not, why do you think Trump got him the job, senate will confirm him, off to the next firing or next to resign.

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