Matthew Whitaker Will Not Recuse Himself From Russia Probe and Won’t Approve Presidential Subpoena

Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.

Obstruction of justice, illegal, unconstitutional appointment, the only reason this unqualified hack is there is to protect Cheeto Jesus.
I see zcreepytoes here, didn't look at that video which quoted THE LAW, which he tried to subvert!
Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.


It was sort of disturbing that Magoo recused himself from supervising Mueller- Whitaker will be a lot better at running herd over the goldbricking leftard persecutor.

Get this jackass in line, he's been "working" on this investigation for 2 years, and seems no closer to resolving the case of the President hiring hookers to ruin mattresses at the Moscow Ritz Carlton.

The Mule should even be in Washington, he SHOULD be out on the Russian steppe testing discarded mattresses in landfills for hooker DNA.
Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.

Obstruction of justice, illegal, unconstitutional appointment, the only reason this unqualified hack is there is to protect Cheeto Jesus.
I see zcreepytoes here, didn't look at that video which quoted THE LAW, which he tried to subvert!
Gateway pundit has yet to produce an article worth the time to read
Post a real source.
All he needs to do is give Mueller 4 months to wrap it up, present what he’s got, or be gone. Time to end this needless staining of Trump
Trump is a life-long stain on this country:

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?

"It is becoming increasingly clear that, in the language of business schools, the Trump Organization’s core competency is in profiting from misrepresentation and deceit and, potentially, fraud...."

"The Times published a remarkable report, on October 2nd, that showed that much of the profit the Trump Organization made came not from successful real-estate investment but from defrauding state and federal governments through tax fraud.

"This week, ProPublica and WNYC co-published a stunning story and a 'Trump, Inc.' podcast that can be seen as the international companion to the Times piece."
The N.Y. Times continues to LIE about Trump...

The New York Times Bombshell That Bombed

Oct 9, 2018 · The front page of the New York Times from Oct. 3, 2018: a ... It accused President Donald Trump of “outright fraud” involving .
Your link:

"The Times story was also undercut by Trump’s willingness to own what he did.

"He’s repeatedly grinned when asked about his low tax bills and said they only prove how smart he is.

"In his formulation, the Times exposé is just the death rattle of a dying newspaper. In his lawyer’s words, the Times piece is '100 percent false, and highly defamatory.'

"Here, Trump is taking his own advice on what to do when accused of assaulting women: 'Deny, deny, deny.' And in the short term, it seems to be working!

"Three days after the Times investigation ran, the paper’s top political reporter, Peter Baker, called the week the 'best' of Trump’s presidency."

Do you agree billionaires who don't pay federal taxes are "smart?"
Trump is a life-long stain on this country:

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?

"It is becoming increasingly clear that, in the language of business schools, the Trump Organization’s core competency is in profiting from misrepresentation and deceit and, potentially, fraud...."

"The Times published a remarkable report, on October 2nd, that showed that much of the profit the Trump Organization made came not from successful real-estate investment but from defrauding state and federal governments through tax fraud.

"This week, ProPublica and WNYC co-published a stunning story and a 'Trump, Inc.' podcast that can be seen as the international companion to the Times piece."
Tax Fraud ??
Yet The IRS Audits Haven't Filed Charges
Or Levied Any Fines
I Guess Times Article Has No Legal Standing
Or Basis ??

We Had A Tax Fraud For Treasury Secretary
Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.

Obstruction of justice, illegal, unconstitutional appointment, the only reason this unqualified hack is there is to protect Cheeto Jesus.
I see zcreepytoes here, didn't look at that video which quoted THE LAW, which he tried to subvert!
Gateway pundit has yet to produce an article worth the time to read
Post a real source.

All he needs to do is give Mueller 4 months to wrap it up, present what he’s got, or be gone. Time to end this needless staining of Trump
Trump is a life-long stain on this country:

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?

"It is becoming increasingly clear that, in the language of business schools, the Trump Organization’s core competency is in profiting from misrepresentation and deceit and, potentially, fraud...."

"The Times published a remarkable report, on October 2nd, that showed that much of the profit the Trump Organization made came not from successful real-estate investment but from defrauding state and federal governments through tax fraud.

"This week, ProPublica and WNYC co-published a stunning story and a 'Trump, Inc.' podcast that can be seen as the international companion to the Times piece."
The N.Y. Times continues to LIE about Trump...

The New York Times Bombshell That Bombed

Oct 9, 2018 · The front page of the New York Times from Oct. 3, 2018: a ... It accused President Donald Trump of “outright fraud” involving .
Your link:

"The Times story was also undercut by Trump’s willingness to own what he did.

"He’s repeatedly grinned when asked about his low tax bills and said they only prove how smart he is.

"In his formulation, the Times exposé is just the death rattle of a dying newspaper. In his lawyer’s words, the Times piece is '100 percent false, and highly defamatory.'

"Here, Trump is taking his own advice on what to do when accused of assaulting women: 'Deny, deny, deny.' And in the short term, it seems to be working!

"Three days after the Times investigation ran, the paper’s top political reporter, Peter Baker, called the week the 'best' of Trump’s presidency."

Do you agree billionaires who don't pay federal taxes are "smart?"

Do you complain about subversive DemonRAT billionaires doing the same....hypocrite!
We Had A Tax Fraud For Treasury Secretary


The Left has no standing to even question President Trump's tax returns as long as they appoint Tax Frauds like Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary. Obama has yet to even apologize for Geithner's existence.
Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.

Obstruction of justice, illegal, unconstitutional appointment, the only reason this unqualified hack is there is to protect Cheeto Jesus.

Sorry you are disappointed s0n...…...I get it...…..I remember the 8 years under Soetero. It sucks when your side loses elections. Its like......bend over for the next big bumpy cucumber week, after week, after week, after week. And that sucks, I know. That stingy burning painful feeling in the butthole never seems to go away does it?:deal:. But guys won the house so not all is dreary.
Trump is a life-long stain on this country:

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?

"It is becoming increasingly clear that, in the language of business schools, the Trump Organization’s core competency is in profiting from misrepresentation and deceit and, potentially, fraud...."

"The Times published a remarkable report, on October 2nd, that showed that much of the profit the Trump Organization made came not from successful real-estate investment but from defrauding state and federal governments through tax fraud.

"This week, ProPublica and WNYC co-published a stunning story and a 'Trump, Inc.' podcast that can be seen as the international companion to the Times piece."
Tax Fraud ??
Yet The IRS Audits Haven't Filed Charges
Or Levied Any Fines
I Guess Times Article Has No Legal Standing
Or Basis ??

We Had A Tax Fraud For Treasury Secretary
So you're confused about how someone who was worth a million dollars before his eighth birthday gets away with tax fraud, are you?:abgg2q.jpg:

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The Times obtained access to more than 100,000 pages of Trump documents including 'bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices, and canceled checks. Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts.'

"It did not get any of the president’s personal tax returns.

"The arcane and difficult subjects of both tax and accounting are masterfully explained in plain English. As the paper’s former tax reporter, and the journalist who has covered Trump the longest, I’m in a solid position to judge the depth and quality of their work. It is masterful."

David Cay Johnston Speaks Out About Receiving & Revealing 2 Pages of Trump’s 2005 Tax Returns | Democracy Now!
Last edited:
All he needs to do is give Mueller 4 months to wrap it up, present what he’s got, or be gone. Time to end this needless staining of Trump
Trump is a life-long stain on this country:

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?

"It is becoming increasingly clear that, in the language of business schools, the Trump Organization’s core competency is in profiting from misrepresentation and deceit and, potentially, fraud...."

"The Times published a remarkable report, on October 2nd, that showed that much of the profit the Trump Organization made came not from successful real-estate investment but from defrauding state and federal governments through tax fraud.

"This week, ProPublica and WNYC co-published a stunning story and a 'Trump, Inc.' podcast that can be seen as the international companion to the Times piece."
The N.Y. Times continues to LIE about Trump...

The New York Times Bombshell That Bombed

Oct 9, 2018 · The front page of the New York Times from Oct. 3, 2018: a ... It accused President Donald Trump of “outright fraud” involving .
Your link:

"The Times story was also undercut by Trump’s willingness to own what he did.

"He’s repeatedly grinned when asked about his low tax bills and said they only prove how smart he is.

"In his formulation, the Times exposé is just the death rattle of a dying newspaper. In his lawyer’s words, the Times piece is '100 percent false, and highly defamatory.'

"Here, Trump is taking his own advice on what to do when accused of assaulting women: 'Deny, deny, deny.' And in the short term, it seems to be working!

"Three days after the Times investigation ran, the paper’s top political reporter, Peter Baker, called the week the 'best' of Trump’s presidency."

Do you agree billionaires who don't pay federal taxes are "smart?"

Do you complain about subversive DemonRAT billionaires doing the same....hypocrite!
Do you understand (or care about) the difference between smart tax representation and tax FRAUD?

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The most overt fraud was All County Building Supply & Maintenance, a company formed by the Trump family in 1992.

"All County’s ostensible purpose was to be the purchasing agent for Fred Trump’s buildings, buying everything from boilers to cleaning supplies.

"It did no such thing, records and interviews show.

"Instead All County siphoned millions of dollars from Fred Trump’s empire by simply marking up purchases already made by his employees.

"Those millions, effectively untaxed gifts, then flowed to All County’s owners — Donald Trump, his siblings and a cousin. Fred Trump then used the padded All County receipts to justify bigger rent increases for thousands of tenants."
Your Expert Is Better Than The IRS Auditors
And he has been following Trump's career since the 1980s.

"David Cay Johnston Biography

"David Cay Johnston is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter and best-selling author..."

"Johnston’s innovative coverage of tax issues in The New York Times from 1995 to 2008 exposed so many tax dodges and tax cheats that law Professor Richard Schmalbeck of Duke University called Johnston 'the de facto chief tax enforcement officer of the United States.'

"Just two of the many tax dodges Johnston’s reporting shut down were valued by Congress, in just the first ten years, at more than $250 billion. His articles prompted many federal and state laws, regulations and other changes as well as ending the careers of both Democrats and Republicans by revealing official misconduct."

David Cay Johnston Biography – David Cay Johnston
Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.
Was Trump appointment of Whitaker constitutional?
Not if you believe the Attorney General in a principal officer and therefore subject to Senate confirmation.
"Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional"

Opinion | Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional

"It means that Mr. Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid."

The new york slimes says they dont like what Trump did? ROTFLMAO

You do realize that the republicans have the majority in the senate and anyone Trump chooses would be confirmed without hesitation? But that being said.....

You're wrong anyway.

The Vacancies Reform Act codified at 5 U.S. Code Section 3345(a)(2), which states: “notwithstanding [the default rule that the deputy becomes the acting], the President (and only the President) may direct a person who serves in an office for which appointment is required to be made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to perform the functions and duties of the vacant office temporarily in an acting capacity subject to the time limitations of section 3346.”

The statute is triggered when the current officeholder “dies, resigns, or is otherwise unable to perform the functions and duties of the office." So there you go, he resigned.

The president may appoint an acting AG for 210 days without approval from the senate. Since he was not fired, and resigned on his own, the Vacancies Reform Act clearly states what Trump is doing is legal.

If Trump Fires Sessions, He Can Take Three Very Different Approaches to Naming His Successor

Learn to not rely on the new york slimes.
When will you learn not to rely on Trump?

Kellyanne Conway's husband calls Trump's promotion of Whitaker 'unconstitutional'

"'Mr. Whitaker has not been named to some junior post one or two levels below the Justice Department’s top job. He has now been vested with the law enforcement authority of the entire United States government,' the op-ed reads. 'For the president to install Mr. Whitaker as our chief law enforcement officer is to betray the entire structure of our charter document."

"Conway and Katyal concede that the president has the power to make interim appointments in times of crisis – but they said Sessions' firing did not fit that bill.

"And even if it did, there are officials readily at hand, including the deputy attorney general and the solicitor general, who were nominated by President Trump and confirmed by the Senate,' they said. 'Either could step in as acting attorney general, both constitutionally and statutorily.'

"They said Trump is not qualified to decide Whitaker's suitability for the role because he is 'hopelessly compromised by the Mueller investigation.'"

How would you expect Trump's "favorite justice" to rule on this matter if it comes before SCOTUS?

I didn't rely on Trump, I relied on federal law, that I quoted. And I was right. Do I get an apology? I dont' care what Conways husband says. The plain text of what I quoted is what is right, as was proven by Mark Levin.
George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, has tweeted who gives a shit what this "nobody" has to say as his role is unconstitutional as he has yet to be confirmed by the Senate as AG. He has a n excellent point.

No, moron, he doesn't have a point...Mark Levin explained exactly why this is Constitutional on his show....
Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.

The Gateway Pundit.....they were involved in another story....not so long ago.....what was it again....?
The Hillary servers in a bathroom closet and 30,000 missing emails. Or was it the Hillary funding of the Russian Dossier. So many scandals. Thanks for asking.
Driving the DemonRATS BAT SHIT CRAZY....Heads exploding, Schumer holding breath until he can get subpoenas back again....just love it!!

Yes, because the only reason to approve a subpoena is if there is strong preponderance of evidence that a crime was committed, but also to use the Hillary standard, that there was intent.

Anything else is indeed a witch-hunt with political motivations, and abusing the prosecuting powers of the government against politicians for the sake of politics IS a real constitutional crisis

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has no intention of recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to people close to him who added they do not believe he would approve any subpoena of President Trump as part of that investigation.


Why should he recuse himself? He wasn't a big shot in the Trump campaign like Sessions was.

Mueller needs supervision, the gentleman seems to be unable to meet deadlines and hasn't even got back with President Trump over Trump's efforts to get the Russian indictees to speak with his people.

Mr. Whitaker will be able to bust some tail and get some results with this lollygagging gold bricker Mueller.
That Hawkeyes is going to kick some asses. Maybe he'll order Mueller to hire some republicans and have them investigate Hillary and her involvement in the Russian dozier where this investigation should have occurred all along.

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