Matty is going after Kevin!

Why the FUK do Republicans care about debt only when a Democrat is President?

Overall I agree. Hypocrites the lot of them. They have nothing to do with my desire to address the debt.

Still waiting on Biden to "make the rich pay their fair share".
That makes no sense.

If your wife is spending too much do you decide not to pay the bills and go into bankruptcy or do you have a budget talk BEFORE those obligations are made?

It's not about me is it?

But yes, that is exactly what people do when they get so far in debt and have to file bankruptcy. How is it not wise to address your debt before getting to that point? (and other countries are going to put us into that situation)
Congress voted overwhelmingly to keep the Government open.

About time McCarthy grew a sack and stoped pandering to a small minority that want to harm the country

Democracy won
I actually have to agree with you on this. Extremism on both sides by small minorities has forced both parties to work together to defeat the extremists, which is actually how it is supposed to work. There should be no such thing as party line votes on either side.
I actually have to agree with you on this. Extremism on both sides by small minorities has forced both parties to work together to defeat the extremists, which is actually how it is supposed to work. There should be no such thing as party line votes on either side.

I find it sad that those who push to address our ever growing debt are considered extremists.
I actually have to agree with you on this. Extremism on both sides by small minorities has forced both parties to work together to defeat the extremists, which is actually how it is supposed to work. There should be no such thing as party line votes on either side.

I think members of Congress should have the power to force a vote.
The Speaker and Senate Majority Leader should not have the power to only hold votes on positions they agree with.
It's not about me is it?

But yes, that is exactly what people do when they get so far in debt and have to file bankruptcy. How is it not wise to address your debt before getting to that point? (and other countries are going to put us into that situation)

Before you obligate yourself to spending
I find it sad that those who push to address our ever growing debt are considered extremists.
I actually have to agree with you on this too. One problem we have with our democracy is that we have 435 Representatives in the House wanting to get as much money as they can for their districts, 100 Senators in the Senate trying to wrangle deals to help their own states, and a president who wants to bribe as many people as possible to vote for them. How that adds up to fiscal responsibility, I have no clue. But, a small handful of people wanting to burn DC down isn't the solution either, especially when they don't have enough matches to do it.
That's true.

But it is also true that McCarthy gave away all political leverage that the GOP had to put the brakes on Democrats' out of control spending. That leverage will never come back while McCarthy has the gavel. Gaetz is taking a risk to his career in order to do what's best for country.
Right, 'cause republicans always have "what's best for the country" in mind, LMF'nAO!!!

Before you obligate yourself to spending

We have long passed that point and no one wants to address it so shut it down.

Still waiting for Biden to make the "rich pay their fair share".
I actually have to agree with you on this too. One problem we have with our democracy is that we have 435 Representatives in the House wanting to get as much money as they can for their districts, 100 Senators in the Senate trying to wrangle deals to help their own states, and a president who wants to bribe as many people as possible to vote for them. How that adds up to fiscal responsibility, I have no clue. But, a small handful of people wanting to burn DC down isn't the solution either, especially when they don't have enough matches to do it.

When one comes up with a better solution, I will listen.
I actually have to agree with you on this too. One problem we have with our democracy is that we have 435 Representatives in the House wanting to get as much money as they can for their districts, 100 Senators in the Senate trying to wrangle deals to help their own states, and a president who wants to bribe as many people as possible to vote for them. How that adds up to fiscal responsibility, I have no clue. But, a small handful of people wanting to burn DC down isn't the solution either, especially when they don't have enough matches to do it.

Lets face it
Fiscal Responsiblility does not get you elected

For Democrats, programs that cost money but are popular
For Republicans, Cutting taxes

Neither, by themselves are Fiscally Responsible
Lets face it
Fiscal Responsiblility does not get you elected

For Democrats, programs that cost money but are popular
For Republicans, Cutting taxes

Neither, by themselves are Fiscally Responsible
I'll give you half a like on this. As far as cutting taxes goes, it depends on where you are at on the Laffer Curve. Cutting taxes CAN increase tax revenues. In fact, the last Republican tax cuts did actually increase tax revenues modestly. But, that isn't always the case.

If you tax people too much it stifles the economy when you could have higher tax revenues through lower tax rates.

If you are taxing people about the correct amount then either raising taxes or lowering taxes will decrease tax revenues.

If you are already taxing people too low then cutting taxes will actually decrease tax revenues.

And, there are many variables which go along with all of this and those variables are often a moving target and not static.
But who is there to replace McCarthy? That the radicals and moderate republicans would elect?

Scalise maybe?
Trump never did that himself.
He did shut it down the longest though and if not for that great sacrificing patriot Paul Ryan, Trump would have had the full $5B from Schumer for the wall. Trump trusted his advisors and learned too late that many of them didn't have Americas best interests at heart.
He did shut it down the longest though and if not for that great sacrificing patriot Paul Ryan, Trump would have had the full $5B from Schumer for the wall. Trump trusted his advisors and learned too late that many of them didn't have Americas best interests at heart.

He only hires the best.

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