Matty is going after Kevin!

I'll give you half a like on this. As far as cutting taxes goes, it depends on where you are at on the Laffer Curve. Cutting taxes CAN increase tax revenues. In fact, the last Republican tax cuts did actually increase tax revenues modestly. But, that isn't always the case.

If you tax people too much it stifles the economy when you could have higher tax revenues through lower tax rates.

If you are taxing people about the correct amount then either raising taxes or lowering taxes will decrease tax revenues.

If you are already taxing people too low then cutting taxes will actually decrease tax revenues.

And, there are many variables which go along with all of this and those variables are often a moving target and not static.
It is the old…..“All tax cuts pay for themselves” gambit
While there may be a temporary spike after a tax cut, those tax cuts are permanent and cost you year after year.

The only reasonable way to cut taxes is to cut spending FIRST and then adjust the tax rate accordingly
It is the old…..“All tax cuts pay for themselves” gambit
While there may be a temporary spike after a tax cut, those tax cuts are permanent and cost you year after year.

The only reasonable way to cut taxes is to cut spending FIRST and then adjust the tax rate accordingly
All tax cuts pay for themselves is not reality. However, many tax cuts not only do pay for themselves, but generate more tax revenue. Both sides get it wrong. And, when Democrats want to raise tax revenues, they NEVER want to raise them to decrease the national debt, they want to raise tax revenues so they can spend $2 for every one dollar in tax revenue collected.
Congress voted overwhelmingly to keep the Government open.

About time McCarthy grew a sack and stoped pandering to a small minority that want to harm the country

Democracy won
And little do they know...who ever the next speaker is will have the same obstacle at crunch time; either give in to crazy caucus or try to actually govern.

Blaming the Speaker is fine in the same way you blame a frying pan for getting hot when the oven turns on. Its always going to happen.
And little do they know...who ever the next speaker is will have the same obstacle at crunch time; either give in to crazy caucus or try to actually govern.

Blaming the Speaker is fine in the same way you blame a frying pan for getting hot when the oven turns on. Its always going to happen.
The vote to keep Government open was bipartisan and not even close.
A majority of Republicans voted for it and all Democrats
The vote to keep Government open was bipartisan and not even close.
A majority of Republicans voted for it and all Democrats
Yeah. But eventually the koo-koo caucus will install they guy or gal as Speaker and we won’t get a CR. That is when it will be interesting to see the GOP either shit or get off the pot when it comes to being an actual political party or just keep on being a peanut gallery/drunk crank at the end of the bar... which is the track they are on now.
Before and after. It's the same drama every year.

Now it's who is wiping the egg off their faces.
Yeah cause ruinous spending always leads to nirvana

Let’s say you are the CEO of a company. You answer to the stockholders. Is it your job to tell the majority of stockholders they are wrong? Or is it your job to apply the policies of the majority of stockholders?

Even a vast majority of his own party wanted this done. And yet McCarthy is a bad guy because he didn’t placate the handful of bomb throwing lunatics.
Even a vast majority of his own party wanted this done. And yet McCarthy is a bad guy because he didn’t placate the handful of bomb throwing lunatics.

My only question is……What took you so long Kevin?
And little do they know...who ever the next speaker is will have the same obstacle at crunch time; either give in to crazy caucus or try to actually govern.

Blaming the Speaker is fine in the same way you blame a frying pan for getting hot when the oven turns on. Its always going to happen.
Republican voters have been stymied by their RINO elites for decades. We see the inflation now.
Overall I agree. Hypocrites the lot of them. They have nothing to do with my desire to address the debt.

Still waiting on Biden to "make the rich pay their fair share".
This. I'm sorry. The tax structure and the amount of money taken in is the very first thing that needs to be addressed.
A couple of reckless, sweetheart tax cuts over the last 20 years are one of the reasons we find ourselves in this predicament.
Remove the cap on SS contributions too....
All tax cuts pay for themselves is not reality. However, many tax cuts not only do pay for themselves, but generate more tax revenue. Both sides get it wrong. And, when Democrats want to raise tax revenues, they NEVER want to raise them to decrease the national debt, they want to raise tax revenues so they can spend $2 for every one dollar in tax revenue collected.
Tax cuts, by themselves..DO NOT increase revenues. Period. :)
Let’s say you are the CEO of a company. You answer to the stockholders. Is it your job to tell the majority of stockholders they are wrong? Or is it your job to apply the policies of the majority of stockholders?

Even a vast majority of his own party wanted this done. And yet McCarthy is a bad guy because he didn’t placate the handful of bomb throwing lunatics.
Yeah ruinious spending is fiscal sanity ........its a yellow brick road man
One scenario.........McCarthy capitulates to the Dems, say maybe a vote to fund and support Ukraine. He then gets the support to remain speaker.
A possibility. But that assumes that All Democrats plus 8 Republicans vote for McCarthy, knowing that he is capitulating to the Dems, but is still nominally* a Republican. If not every single Democrat trusts him to keep capitulating, he'll need more Republican votes.

But, a little more than half the Republicans voted for his capitulation, so your idea may well work.

*For public school graduates, "nominally" means "in name only."
A possibility. But that assumes that All Democrats plus 8 Republicans vote for McCarthy, knowing that he is capitulating to the Dems, but is still nominally* a Republican. If not every single Democrat trusts him to keep capitulating, he'll need more Republican votes.

But, a little more than half the Republicans voted for his capitulation, so your idea may well work.

*For public school graduates, "nominally" means "in name only."

It's equally as possible that the Democrats prefer to have the Republican infighting played on the nightly news the way it was to get the votes for McCarthy to start with.

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