Maturity Is The Moment You KNOW You Are Going To Die


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
VERY YOUNG, hearing Bible stories from my mother she told me that, "The punishment for sin is death" I told her I will NEVER sin because I don't want to die.

She told me that, "It's too late, everyone dies. You have already sinned".

Awesome story Mom. I failed before I was mature enough to govern myself on my actions.

I post this knowing that God did NOT write the books.
Maturity is knowing, and being able to live the fact, that duality is illusion.
If that is the case a lot of people must grow up pretty instantaneously. I mean I've 'known' I was going to die at least three times and here I am still immature.
There is a curious aspect to this thread and idea. When you are young death has little meaning, you don't feel it in any real sense. Sometimes a death of the young friend will bother you but it's not you. As you age that changes, then it becomes more real, reality is time.

Another piece to this is the idea of sin. When I grew up the age of [so called] reason didn't start till age seven. It was part of our theology as Catholics. I used to think (not too seriously) that dying young was a good idea. Why burden the soul with the long period of hormonal insanity. And even the religions of those days looked at death more naturally. It came to lots let God decide.

Science then entered the story and suddenly even the smallest cells became potential life. Sinning souls, one could say. Churches never cared much about abortion until some clever people decided it was a nice wedge issue. Of course that history includes taxes too if you ever study it closely. Now the religious fight over cells as death comes everywhere to conscious beings in the world and is often preventable. Anyone see 60 Minutes last evening.
I don't know, if one was falling from the sky and their parachute didn't open I would think their screaming like a five year old was not very mature....

I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens. -Woody Allen

The difference between sex and death is that with death you can do it alone and no one is going to make fun of you. -Woody Allen
VERY YOUNG, hearing Bible stories from my mother she told me that, "The punishment for sin is death" I told her I will NEVER sin because I don't want to die.

She told me that, "It's too late, everyone dies. You have already sinned".

Awesome story Mom. I failed before I was mature enough to govern myself on my actions.

Shoulda asked her about Jesus DYING on the cross. :)
Terrible OP by a terrible poster, honestly.

What you posted is called "trolling". You had nothing to say about the topic. Your only point was attacking the OP. Every single topic in history can be debated, that is why we are here. The people who can't debate topics generally troll and say things like, "You are stupid" which is what you just did.

Thanks for bumping my thread by trolling I guess. But you added no substance to the topical debate.
VERY YOUNG, hearing Bible stories from my mother she told me that, "The punishment for sin is death" I told her I will NEVER sin because I don't want to die.

She told me that, "It's too late, everyone dies. You have already sinned".

Awesome story Mom. I failed before I was mature enough to govern myself on my actions.

Shoulda asked her about Jesus DYING on the cross. :)

Matthew was a politician.
Terrible OP by a terrible poster, honestly.

What you posted is called "trolling". You had nothing to say about the topic. Your only point was attacking the OP. Every single topic in history can be debated, that is why we are here. The people who can't debate topics generally troll and say things like, "You are stupid" which is what you just did.

Thanks for bumping my thread by trolling I guess. But you added no substance to the topical debate.

The OP is trolling....Pardon me while I don't shed a tear.
I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens. -Woody Allen
Like 'The best you can hope for is to die in your sleep' - Some country singer ?
I don't know, if one was falling from the sky and their parachute didn't open I would think their screaming like a five year old was not very mature....
Exactly right. The recommended (mature) practice is to undo one's boot or shoe laces then wrap them tightly around one's ankles.

This won't save your arse or anything, but it will take your mind off it...

What if the Bible is true and you find out too late - that you were only a tool of Satan to get people not to believe the truth so that they would be lost eternally? Like you?

What if you learn too late that you worshipped the one who lost the battle - a defeated foe and a liar - and the price you pay is far higher than you ever considered?

Eternity in hell with torment beyond your wildest imagination is far too high for you to afford, friend. There are no exits in hell. Once you are there - there is no way out. It will be too late!!

Satan is not going to restore this earth to some paradise - removing the Christians out of the way for you - there shall be no utopia - I do not care what he told you. The only thing you can look forward to in your current state is the sobering realization that he lied to you and that the reward you've been promised is not a reward but a most horrific loss of eternal life through Jesus Christ - the highest reward - and that you shall inherit nothing but a fiery judgment that shall span the breadth, the width, the depth of eternity. It shall be a place where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.

Do yourself a great favor. Repent of your sins, abandon Satan's plans for your life and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive and save you while you still have some time left.
VERY YOUNG, hearing Bible stories from my mother she told me that, "The punishment for sin is death" I told her I will NEVER sin because I don't want to die.

She told me that, "It's too late, everyone dies. You have already sinned".

Awesome story Mom. I failed before I was mature enough to govern myself on my actions.

I am told that at one time George Carlin was a Christian but like Karl Marx he sold his soul to Satan and became a follower of the wicked one. Today he is in hell regretting it all and begging for another chance - one he shall never get. And you? You still have breath in you to repent. I would do so immediately. Your eternal life is hanging in the balance. What could be more important? Do you want to spend eternity in hell suffering torments to great to put into words? If not? You should settle the matter at once. See Romans 10:9,10

VERY YOUNG, hearing Bible stories from my mother she told me that, "The punishment for sin is death" I told her I will NEVER sin because I don't want to die.

She told me that, "It's too late, everyone dies. You have already sinned".

Awesome story Mom. I failed before I was mature enough to govern myself on my actions.

Who has the final word? God does. Jesus came to earth not to condemn men but to save them. Who shall neglect so great a salvation? Only a fool would. George Carlin was a fool.

The loving god has quite a sales pitch all right.

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