Maxine Waters: A Problem With Democrats Is That We’re Too ‘Nice’ to Other Side

This Maxine Waters?

Another Maxine Waters Scandal - Judicial Watch

As a congressional ethics panel prepares to try Maxine Waters for steering federal funds to her husband’s failing bank, a newspaper reports that the veteran California lawmaker is embroiled in a separate corruption scandal involving her beloved hubby.

Citing federal records, the story says that a powerful lobbyist paid Waters’ banker husband (Sidney Williams) $15,000 in “consulting fees” as she co-sponsored a law aimed at saving a business that was among the lobbyist’s top clients. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had determined that the real estate finance firm and others like it were “scams” and the congresswoman’s measure would have overturned a federal ban that would have allowed the shady enterprises to keep raking in lucrative profits.

For years the firms acted as a middleman to help sellers finance down payments so that low-income buyers could qualify for mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). The lobbyist who paid Waters’ husband represented the nation’s largest such middleman (Sacrament-based Nehemiah Corp.), which stood to lose hundreds of millions of dollars if the ban wasn’t reversed by friendly lawmakers like Waters.

Implemented in 2008, the federal ban was never overturned but not for lack of effort on Waters’ part. The ten-term congresswoman sponsored legislation three times to stop the ban or repeal it once it became law. She claims she did it because the program allowed hundreds of thousands of low-income families to become homeowners.

News of this latest scandal comes as the House Ethics Committee prepares to try Waters for using her influence to steer $12 million in federal bailout funds to a failing bank (that subsequently got shut down by the government) in which she and her board member husband held shares.
"That has been a problem in my party, that when we’re in power we’re nice. We bend over backwards to work with people"

Uh-Oh, Maxine's on the sauce again, apparently 12 steps wasn't far enough.
No, it's not the Onion.

A species that does not learn from their mistakes will soon become extinct.

Maxine Waters: A Problem With Democrats Is That We’re Too ‘Nice’ to Other Side.

That woman makes my skin crawl.

(But then again, so did hillary.)
How is it that woman is not in prison?

I do not even feel like researching and reminding myself of why I cannot stomach this congresswoman.

But no doubt her being black and female allows her a lot of slack and unwarranted esteem. But still... doesn't the media or her constituents have limits to what they can absorb?
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She's right, they're too nice and they're not far Left enough. They need to aggressively push Communism
I'm pretty excited that our friends on the left and in the media are doubling down on the strategy that got us here

there doing a great job - kudos guys!

keep up the good work...
Some interesting quotes from the nice Maxine:

“I have a right to my anger, and I don’t want anybody telling me I shouldn’t be, that it’s not nice to be, and that something’s wrong with me because I get angry.”

“If you call it a riot, it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason. I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable. So I call it a rebellion.”

“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”

“I was amazed. I really was. I didn’t say anything to anybody. I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time. They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior. I really did.”

Top 10 Outrageous Maxine Waters Quotes | Human Events
She's right, they're too nice and they're not far Left enough. They need to aggressively push Communism

Er..ummm..... what the fuck you think Comrade Waters and her merry band of Soviet Sympathizers have been doing for the last couple of decades? They're not exactly champions of capitalism ya know. :)
She's right, they're too nice and they're not far Left enough. They need to aggressively push Communism

Er..ummm..... what the fuck you think Comrade Waters and her merry band of Soviet Sympathizers have been doing for the last couple of decades? They're not exactly champions of capitalism ya know. :)
They've been dry humping Communism, pretending to be just slightly left. Post Bernie and the Hillary Schlonging, that no longer works. They're too coy and clever about their love of Communism, they need to openly embrace their Inner Mao

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