Maxine Waters; Next Impeach Pence!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Just like the Dems decided to impeach Trump before he even took the oath of office, Waters proves that actual crimes worthy of impeachment do not matter to Democrats in commnts made in Aug 2017.

She wants Pence impeached purely for political gain and it has ZERO to do with any supposed crimes he or Trump supposedly committed.

Maxine Waters: Pence should be impeached after Trump

ABC's "The View" host Joy Behar and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) agreed on Friday that President Trump and Vice President Pence should both be impeached.

“Do you think Pence will be better than Trump if he were impeached? asked Behar.

"No," replied Waters. "And when we finish with Trump we have to go and get Putin. He’s next.”

“Putin or Pence?” Behar asked.

“Uh, Pence," Waters said.

“We’ll get two for one, with Trump and Putin, then we got to go after Pence," Behar declared.

Waters also said during the interview that she wasn't concerned with illegal leaks made to the press, saying she was grateful for a recent leak of phone conversations between the president and foreign leaders.

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Mark Warner (Va.), said on Thursday that Congress should probe the leak of transcripts of Trump's phone calls with the leaders of Mexico and Australia, a leak both parties have condemned.

"There's a lot of Democrats that are disturbed by this because it threatens our national security. Are you disturbed by it?" asked "View" co-host Paula Faris.

"No, not at all," Waters said. "I am so glad they're telling us what's going on."

"I need to hear these conversations," she added to applause.
Maxine Waters is a living, breathing, walking Republican campaign ad.
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Just like the Dems decided to impeach Trump before he even took the oath of office, Waters proves that actual crimes worthy of impeachment do not matter to Democrats in commnts made in Aug 2017.

She wants Pence impeached purely for political gain and it has ZERO to do with any supposed crimes he or Trump supposedly committed.

Maxine Waters: Pence should be impeached after Trump

ABC's "The View" host Joy Behar and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) agreed on Friday that President Trump and Vice President Pence should both be impeached.

“Do you think Pence will be better than Trump if he were impeached? asked Behar.

"No," replied Waters. "And when we finish with Trump we have to go and get Putin. He’s next.”

“Putin or Pence?” Behar asked.

“Uh, Pence," Waters said.

“We’ll get two for one, with Trump and Putin, then we got to go after Pence," Behar declared.

Waters also said during the interview that she wasn't concerned with illegal leaks made to the press, saying she was grateful for a recent leak of phone conversations between the president and foreign leaders.

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Mark Warner (Va.), said on Thursday that Congress should probe the leak of transcripts of Trump's phone calls with the leaders of Mexico and Australia, a leak both parties have condemned.

"There's a lot of Democrats that are disturbed by this because it threatens our national security. Are you disturbed by it?" asked "View" co-host Paula Faris.

"No, not at all," Waters said. "I am so glad they're telling us what's going on."

"I need to hear these conversations," she added to applause.
Maxine Waters is a living, breathing, walking Republican campaign ad.

Don't flout that ignorant hogwash for me to watch! It is revolting to see a woman sit there in her high position of responsibility on that jackass liberal TV show saying that she watched Trump during the campaign, had no values or good behavior SHE approved of, so personally decided that he just didn't deserve to be president against the wishes and votes of 65 million voters as the morons in the audience sit and clap! Especially when the reasons given have nothing to do with an ability to run the nation, were not crimes, many were very old and dug up by themselves! All the while ignoring the despicable criminal actions both of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

I can only truly wish that one of THEIR candidates gets elected one day, is decided by one sole republican not to hold arbitrary values in accordance with his likes and approval, then is impeached by the GOP to their shock and horror on baseless arbitrary grounds so we can play that video back of them approving of such an action.

Democrats may not realize it, but their behavior is leading us straight into not only a total breakdown of civil and moral law, but to eventual civil war.
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She is living proof of how goddamn ignorant the Democratic Party has become.
She calls it her Saddam roundup opposition move to make third in line Pelosi president whereby Pelosi will declare all Walmarts be torn down or repurposed to build more Obama fence retention centers, but Warren will lobby to replace them with Teepees for the homless, while Buttigieg will lobby to repurpose them as YCMA's and Adam Schiff sides with mayor Pete and declares he will gather the boys from the Dem sex trafficking at the border.
Even Meduro is impressed by their out doing him.
Joy Behar and the most disgusting old bitch in Congress are on the same page. It's enough to make a vulture throw up.
Democrats have no intention of accepting the results of any election they don't win. Ever.
The assumption was any party that simply ignored the law and rules would be punished by voters but the hard core idiot democrat base seems to support whatever lunatics like Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters go for.

How does an ethical thoughtful form of government deal with a large percentage of unethical hateful shitbags like the modern democrat party?
Wow, when are people like her going to learn that impeaching a person doesn't make the kind of difference that they are demanding?

God bless you always!!!

Just like the Dems decided to impeach Trump before he even took the oath of office, Waters proves that actual crimes worthy of impeachment do not matter to Democrats in commnts made in Aug 2017.

She wants Pence impeached purely for political gain and it has ZERO to do with any supposed crimes he or Trump supposedly committed.

Maxine Waters: Pence should be impeached after Trump

ABC's "The View" host Joy Behar and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) agreed on Friday that President Trump and Vice President Pence should both be impeached.

“Do you think Pence will be better than Trump if he were impeached? asked Behar.

"No," replied Waters. "And when we finish with Trump we have to go and get Putin. He’s next.”

“Putin or Pence?” Behar asked.

“Uh, Pence," Waters said.

“We’ll get two for one, with Trump and Putin, then we got to go after Pence," Behar declared.

Waters also said during the interview that she wasn't concerned with illegal leaks made to the press, saying she was grateful for a recent leak of phone conversations between the president and foreign leaders.

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Mark Warner (Va.), said on Thursday that Congress should probe the leak of transcripts of Trump's phone calls with the leaders of Mexico and Australia, a leak both parties have condemned.

"There's a lot of Democrats that are disturbed by this because it threatens our national security. Are you disturbed by it?" asked "View" co-host Paula Faris.

"No, not at all," Waters said. "I am so glad they're telling us what's going on."

"I need to hear these conversations," she added to applause.
Maxine Waters is a living, breathing, walking Republican campaign ad.
Those the likes of Waters and Behar should be arrested, somehow lose their citizenship and shipped off to North Korea, where everyone marches in lockstep with their leaders.
Democrats have no intention of accepting the results of any election they don't win. Ever.
We were warned of this resulting behavior in satire as far back as 2004
"The Drew Carey Show" Eye of the Leopard TV Episode 2004
Where his nephew Gus' soccer team didn't keep score cause there'a no winners and losers in political correctness lala land.
This today is the result of the coddling people who then are not prepared to lose or become good sports in losing, so they become sore losers to the maximum degree possible.
These people are serious and they want Pelosi installed as Emperor.

They really believe they can take down The Republic.

They want what is called Democratic Socialism.

No Senate
No Electoral College
A Parliamentary System that states like California and New York would always control.

And a President that is beholden to The House of Representatives.

Just like the Dems decided to impeach Trump before he even took the oath of office, Waters proves that actual crimes worthy of impeachment do not matter to Democrats in commnts made in Aug 2017.

She wants Pence impeached purely for political gain and it has ZERO to do with any supposed crimes he or Trump supposedly committed.
Maxine Waters: Pence should be impeached after Trump

ABC's "The View" host Joy Behar and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) agreed on Friday that President Trump and Vice President Pence should both be impeached.

“Do you think Pence will be better than Trump if he were impeached? asked Behar.

"No," replied Waters. "And when we finish with Trump we have to go and get Putin. He’s next.”

“Putin or Pence?” Behar asked.

“Uh, Pence," Waters said.

“We’ll get two for one, with Trump and Putin, then we got to go after Pence," Behar declared.

Waters also said during the interview that she wasn't concerned with illegal leaks made to the press, saying she was grateful for a recent leak of phone conversations between the president and foreign leaders.

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Mark Warner (Va.), said on Thursday that Congress should probe the leak of transcripts of Trump's phone calls with the leaders of Mexico and Australia, a leak both parties have condemned.

"There's a lot of Democrats that are disturbed by this because it threatens our national security. Are you disturbed by it?" asked "View" co-host Paula Faris.

"No, not at all," Waters said. "I am so glad they're telling us what's going on."

"I need to hear these conversations," she added to applause.
Maxine Waters is a living, breathing, walking Republican campaign ad.
Not satisfied with President Trump, Schiff is going after VP Pence

A twisted plot to make Pelosi president?

Pence’s Russia adviser Jennifer Williams testified last month about the vice president’s September 18 phone call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Schiff requested ten days later that Pence declassify her testimony, contained in a November 26 letter from her lawyer, but Pence last week declined to do so in a letter to Schiff.

On Tuesday, Schiff sent a letter to Pence alleging that the testimony given by Williams “raises profound questions about your knowledge of the President’s scheme to solicit Ukraine’s interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election”.

In other words, Schiff is inferring that Vice-President Pence “abused his power” just like Trump supposedly did.

Do you think this will actually wake up the majority of Americans how the Dims are determined to negate the 2016 election?

They’re already attacking the Electoral College.

Rep Nadler had avowed to do everything possible to keep Trump from being reelected – cheating if necessary.

Where does it stop?

More @ Plot To Make Pelosi President: Schiff Wants To Go After Vice-President Mike Pence » Sons of Liberty Media
It's funny how the left claims to support the Constitution and love America.

Because, you know...they don't.
Not satisfied with President Trump, Schiff is going after VP Pence

A twisted plot to make Pelosi president?

Pence’s Russia adviser Jennifer Williams testified last month about the vice president’s September 18 phone call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Schiff requested ten days later that Pence declassify her testimony, contained in a November 26 letter from her lawyer, but Pence last week declined to do so in a letter to Schiff.

On Tuesday, Schiff sent a letter to Pence alleging that the testimony given by Williams “raises profound questions about your knowledge of the President’s scheme to solicit Ukraine’s interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election”.

In other words, Schiff is inferring that Vice-President Pence “abused his power” just like Trump supposedly did.

Do you think this will actually wake up the majority of Americans how the Dims are determined to negate the 2016 election?

They’re already attacking the Electoral College.

Rep Nadler had avowed to do everything possible to keep Trump from being reelected – cheating if necessary.

Where does it stop?

More @ Plot To Make Pelosi President: Schiff Wants To Go After Vice-President Mike Pence » Sons of Liberty Media

Democrats can't win without cheating.

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