Maxine Waters Promises Revenge Against Banks When Democrats Take Back The House.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

So much for toning down the angry rhetoric :

MAXINE WATERS: Committee chairmanship will be time for paybacks - The American Mirror

If Democrats take over the House in the midterm elections, Maxine Waters has some scores to settle.

The California congresswoman told a group of constituents what’s in store for her enemies, should she gain the chairmanship of the Financial Services Committee.

“I will be the first African-American, the first woman to chair the powerful Financial Services Committee.

“That’s all of Wall Street. That’s all the insurance companies, that’s all the banks. And so, of course, the CEOs of the banks now are saying, ‘What can we do to stop Maxine Waters because if she gets in she’s going to give us a bad time?'” she said.

“We have an election November 6th,” Waters said. “This is big. This may be the most important one that you’ve ever had to experience.

“This is the midterm election and often times people only vote in the presidential election because they don’t think this is important enough. But this is absolutely important,” she lectured.

“First of all, if we take back the House, most of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus will be chairs of the committees of the Congress of the United States of America,” Waters said, waving her fingers as the audience applauded.
Maxine is an old lady, and the one thing about old people is that they often lose their filter and just say what they want.

I say things at 62, I wouldn't have dreams of uttering at 26. I suppose if I reach Ms. Waters advanced age, i'll even be looser with the tongue.

But she is serious, and this is exactly what the libs intend to do if they get in- payback, let's destroy the Trump Economic Miracle and return the country to Obamunistic Malaise so people will depend on big government again.
Subprime loans have skyrocketed under the dotard. Remember, he bragged about making money during the housing collapse, and is excited about it happening again.
She's dreaming. The Skanks will not gain the majority this year or any. They're done for.
Subprime loans have skyrocketed under the dotard. Remember, he bragged about making money during the housing collapse, and is excited about it happening again.
How is that off topic? Predatory lending by banks, allowed under the loosening of regulations by your dotard, are on the rise again. I hope Ms. Waters succeeds at clamping down on them.
Subprime loans have skyrocketed under the dotard. Remember, he bragged about making money during the housing collapse, and is excited about it happening again.
How is that off topic? Predatory lending by banks, allowed under the loosening of regulations by your dotard, are on the rise again. I hope Ms. Waters succeeds at clamping down on them.
That's not what caused the housing crash.
Democrats caused it by overregulating banking amongst other things.
Maxine is expected to win reelection in the bowels of her 43rd congressional district.

She won by a 3 to 1 margin in 2016 in the district centered in the South Central neighborhood of LA, whose crime rate is stupendous after more than 20 years of Ms. Waters' leadership.
She's dreaming. The Skanks will not gain the majority this year or any. They're done for.
Democrats keep giving us reasons not to vote for them. The only thing they want to talk about is Trump is being mean to the criminal caravan and he wants to take away health care. Their shit is so weak that I don't think anyone is buying it anymore.

So much for toning down the angry rhetoric :

MAXINE WATERS: Committee chairmanship will be time for paybacks - The American Mirror

If Democrats take over the House in the midterm elections, Maxine Waters has some scores to settle.

The California congresswoman told a group of constituents what’s in store for her enemies, should she gain the chairmanship of the Financial Services Committee.

“I will be the first African-American, the first woman to chair the powerful Financial Services Committee.

“That’s all of Wall Street. That’s all the insurance companies, that’s all the banks. And so, of course, the CEOs of the banks now are saying, ‘What can we do to stop Maxine Waters because if she gets in she’s going to give us a bad time?'” she said.

“We have an election November 6th,” Waters said. “This is big. This may be the most important one that you’ve ever had to experience.

“This is the midterm election and often times people only vote in the presidential election because they don’t think this is important enough. But this is absolutely important,” she lectured.

“First of all, if we take back the House, most of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus will be chairs of the committees of the Congress of the United States of America,” Waters said, waving her fingers as the audience applauded.
I cannot think of anything worse for America than to have as much hate that the dowager Rep. Watters would bring to the table of this free nation, that is already weary of the level of her pure meanness and spite of and willingness to damage and dismantle the Executive Branch elected by the people of the United States. I hope people vote out the spitting in your face hatred of Maxine Watters who should have been censured and sent home for her evil avarice by Congress that should adhere to its principles that violent speech against members of another branch of government at her level means trouble is dead ahead if good men and women do nothing.

If there's anything that the majority of America hates, it's the level of nastiness the dowager Rep. Watters (with no respect to the separation of powers) had her minions spit out at individuals carrying out the people's lawfully elected President of the United States.

She's a shame in her office and a stench out where her talons would like to scratch the eyes out of the working man and woman, and she is always shilling for emptying the working people's pockets with her pet rock projects meant to enrich less than 8 per cent of the American people who are already not paying taxes but receiving huge amounts of money from other working people through higher and higher and higher federal taxes. I hope the American people in her district will vote her out of office so she can do no further damage to this country than she did for the last 12 months of hateful edicts and actions. She doesn't deserve anything further than she has already welched out of us with spitting in our faces her phony lies and disrespect.

So much for toning down the angry rhetoric :

MAXINE WATERS: Committee chairmanship will be time for paybacks - The American Mirror

If Democrats take over the House in the midterm elections, Maxine Waters has some scores to settle.

The California congresswoman told a group of constituents what’s in store for her enemies, should she gain the chairmanship of the Financial Services Committee.

“I will be the first African-American, the first woman to chair the powerful Financial Services Committee.

“That’s all of Wall Street. That’s all the insurance companies, that’s all the banks. And so, of course, the CEOs of the banks now are saying, ‘What can we do to stop Maxine Waters because if she gets in she’s going to give us a bad time?'” she said.

“We have an election November 6th,” Waters said. “This is big. This may be the most important one that you’ve ever had to experience.

“This is the midterm election and often times people only vote in the presidential election because they don’t think this is important enough. But this is absolutely important,” she lectured.

“First of all, if we take back the House, most of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus will be chairs of the committees of the Congress of the United States of America,” Waters said, waving her fingers as the audience applauded.
I cannot think of anything worse for America than to have as much hate that the dowager Rep. Watters would bring to the table of this free nation, that is already weary of the level of her pure meanness and spite of and willingness to damage and dismantle the Executive Branch elected by the people of the United States. I hope people vote out the spitting in your face hatred of Maxine Watters who should have been censured and sent home for her evil avarice by Congress that should adhere to its principles that violent speech against members of another branch of government at her level means trouble is dead ahead if good men and women do nothing.

If there's anything that the majority of America hates, it's the level of nastiness the dowager Rep. Watters (with no respect to the separation of powers) had her minions spit out at individuals carrying out the people's lawfully elected President of the United States.

She's a shame in her office and a stench out where her talons would like to scratch the eyes out of the working man and woman, and she is always shilling for emptying the working people's pockets with her pet rock projects meant to enrich less than 8 per cent of the American people who are already not paying taxes but receiving huge amounts of money from other working people through higher and higher and higher federal taxes. I hope the American people in her district will vote her out of office so she can do no further damage to this country than she did for the last 12 months of hateful edicts and actions. She doesn't deserve anything further than she has already welched out of us with spitting in our faces her phony lies and disrespect.

What a way to run a country, with all due respect. People like Maxine Waters, and the rest of them, twisted up with hate and revenge (for what?), the only thing being on the Democrats' minds: to 'get' Trump. With a whole lot of subpoenas and witch hunts lined up for next year.

How juvenile and backward thinking is that?
Let Maxine have her way.

It will only make 2020 that much easier.

Maybe Sandra Fluke can take her place.
the Trump Economic Miracle and return the country to Obamunistic Malaise

Subprime loans have skyrocketed under the dotard.

Predatory lending by banks, allowed under the loosening of regulations by your dotard, are on the rise again

Democrats caused it by overregulating banking

I cannot think of anything worse for America than to have as much hate that the dowager Rep. Watters would bring to the table of this free nation, that is already weary of the level of her pure meanness and spite of and willingness to damage and dismantle the Executive Branch elected by the people of the United States.

The message is being lost to the focus on the messenger, yet again...

You folks need to learn we live in a bubble economy, which inflates or deflates directly proportional to gub'mit control of entities like the fiscal oversight commision Maxine is chairing.

This ,by far and large, outshines any one administrations economic legislations , simply because our economy juxtaposed to global economics does not respond quickly.

The $$$ dosen't stop on the potus desk anymore

Subprime loans have skyrocketed under the dotard. Remember, he bragged about making money during the housing collapse, and is excited about it happening again.
How is that off topic? Predatory lending by banks, allowed under the loosening of regulations by your dotard, are on the rise again. I hope Ms. Waters succeeds at clamping down on them.

it is not clear to me just what Maxine Waters wants. "PREDATORY LOANS"---
as far as I understand them actually refers to "EASY CREDIT" Maxine
seems to be angry that there were lots of FORECLOSURES---on property
purchased with EASY CREDIT. She seems to believe that it was her fellow
black americans who were most AFFLICTED with foreclosures and she wants
revenge. In what form does she want REVENGE----by making credit LOTS
HARDER TO OBTAIN -----or by allowing borrowers to default on payments

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