Maxine Waters Promises Revenge Against Banks When Democrats Take Back The House.

She's dreaming. The Skanks will not gain the majority this year or any. They're done for.
Democrats keep giving us reasons not to vote for them. The only thing they want to talk about is Trump is being mean to the criminal caravan and he wants to take away health care. Their shit is so weak that I don't think anyone is buying it anymore.
As we have seen, never underestimate the power in large groups of stupid people.
There sure were some dead people voting Democrat yesterday. :lmao:

I saw a post last night, I forget by who - stating that Texas was letting "illegals" to vote.
You can't say that they weren't voting Democrats, eh? Lol
I don't think Texas "lets" illegals vote unless the DNC has corrupted itself in the state. The close vote between Cruz and O'Rourke tells me something was seriously wrong with the counts. In my neighborhood, long-time blues went red, and they're not going back. I got the creeps at the polls yesterday when I read the ballot information about one-party voting in which one could vote for the other party on one or more listings if desired. That looks like a giant loophole to me, of someone removing people's ballots who voted one party, leaving all those slots open for someone else to blackmark. It sent a chill up my spine as I was loading my ballot into the machine. Any one of my unmarked slots could have been changed later by anyone with a key to the voting machine. I read a boatload of stories a few elections ago about Demmies loading foreigners from Africa into busses to vote Democrat and to vote often, so the busses allegedly stopped at several friendly Democrat precincts to vote with no identifications, etc. Do we know how many "Minnie Mouses" voted last time? I'm just cynical about any precinct that has someone there figuring out ways to cheat the true count. Add that to a militant Maxine Waters in the House who will do all she can to harass her Republican or conservative Libertarian colleagues. She abused her power once. She will have no compunctions about abusing power in the House now. We have two years of lockstep bullshit ahead along with Maxine's little con artists shaking their fists a half-inch away from conservative noses, I fear.

And I do believe there was more mischief of vote stealing than there was in the Obama regime, which means a pandemic invasion of America's one-person, one-vote ideals. I wish I felt any other way, but I've lost all trust in voting because they won't use fingerprints or eye-scans to identify voters, and there's no way to know whether someone cheated by voting often yesterday. Zero, none, nada, nothing, goose egg..

The Democrats no longer need to let dead people vote with so little security from the damage they're doing to the nation by lying, cheating, and stealing elections so they can bully people with crass intimidations that Maxine Watters used recently to intimidate members of the Executive, and nothing was done to remove her from her Congressional seat for going against the Constitution, which she lyingly said she would uphold in her oath of office. She has done just the opposite of her oath, and I resent her becoming her Party's leader in the House. I think Congresscritters who violate the separation of State orders should be removed for life from their duties and placed in a nice little isolation unit of some Federal prison with no visitors allowed. I'm actually fed up with criminals who wish evil on others being put in charge of a seat in Congress, and much less at the helm.

A Congressperson violating the Separation of State clause of the Constitution should be tried by a jury and sentenced for life, because it's one of the few crimes worse than being jailed for rape. And collaborators at the polls putting people in Congress rather than letting voters decide should be jailed in the same facilities.

There's just too much corruption that has been allowed to pass with nobody sticking up for the voters, because doing so would unleash more lies and persecution from the criminal Congresscriters who push anti-Constitutional behaviors and get their brainwashees to believe them.
Subprime loans have skyrocketed under the dotard. Remember, he bragged about making money during the housing collapse, and is excited about it happening again.
How is that off topic? Predatory lending by banks, allowed under the loosening of regulations by your dotard, are on the rise again. I hope Ms. Waters succeeds at clamping down on them.

it is not clear to me just what Maxine Waters wants. "PREDATORY LOANS"---
as far as I understand them actually refers to "EASY CREDIT" Maxine
seems to be angry that there were lots of FORECLOSURES---on property
purchased with EASY CREDIT. She seems to believe that it was her fellow
black americans who were most AFFLICTED with foreclosures and she wants
revenge. In what form does she want REVENGE----by making credit LOTS
HARDER TO OBTAIN -----or by allowing borrowers to default on payments
By changing regulations that make it more difficult to refinance once your sub-prime reverts to adjustable the Democrats crashed the banking industry in 2007. Millions of people with bad credit walked away from homes they weren't qualified to buy on credit.
Maxine Waters has been mouthing off about Trump so she would be rewarded with a committee chairmanship so they can do it again. Waters has tipped off what she plans on doing.
Subprime loans have skyrocketed under the dotard. Remember, he bragged about making money during the housing collapse, and is excited about it happening again.
How is that off topic? Predatory lending by banks, allowed under the loosening of regulations by your dotard, are on the rise again. I hope Ms. Waters succeeds at clamping down on them.

it is not clear to me just what Maxine Waters wants. "PREDATORY LOANS"---
as far as I understand them actually refers to "EASY CREDIT" Maxine
seems to be angry that there were lots of FORECLOSURES---on property
purchased with EASY CREDIT. She seems to believe that it was her fellow
black americans who were most AFFLICTED with foreclosures and she wants
revenge. In what form does she want REVENGE----by making credit LOTS
HARDER TO OBTAIN -----or by allowing borrowers to default on payments
By changing regulations that make it more difficult to refinance once your sub-prime reverts to adjustable the Democrats crashed the banking industry in 2007. Millions of people with bad credit walked away from homes they weren't qualified to buy on credit.
Maxine Waters has been mouthing off about Trump so she would be rewarded with a committee chairmanship so they can do it again. Waters has tipped off what she plans on doing.
Letting this criminal congresswoman get away with harassment of another branch of government is a crime against America. She is polarizing people here into leaving the DNC forever, because the ones here are leaving the DNC, joining the RNC, and will never go back to that level of criminality as to harassing the executive branch. People are mad here. If she keeps up her polarization, she is going to have people of her own race in the DNC, and I'm sorry, that polarization will soon be down racial lines completely, except for a few militant feminazis who wake up hating people of the opposite sex and same sex stay-at-home moms who love being mothers, homemakers, and Sunday School teachers.
thanks cyber buddies------but no one has actually stated (if it is POSSIBLE to state) ---just what Maxine wants to do to stop foreclosure on properties upon which the
mortgagee fails to pay. How about a surety ---underwritten by Maxine herself---that she will make up for the outstanding balance?
Just because she thinks she will head a committee doesn't mean those on the committee will go along with her stupidity.

I sure hope so anyway.
Just because she thinks she will head a committee doesn't mean those on the committee will go along with her stupidity.

I sure hope so anyway.

do you know what her agenda is other than "I'M GONNA GET BACK AT THEM" ??
Just because she thinks she will head a committee doesn't mean those on the committee will go along with her stupidity.

I sure hope so anyway.

do you know what her agenda is other than "I'M GONNA GET BACK AT THEM" ??

Nope. But consider the woman. She talks like she never made it out of grade school and is dumber than a box of rocks. In fact the box of rocks is smarter.

She's safe in her district because those numbskulls keep electing her. I doubt she could get elected anywhere else.
Just because she thinks she will head a committee doesn't mean those on the committee will go along with her stupidity.

I sure hope so anyway.

do you know what her agenda is other than "I'M GONNA GET BACK AT THEM" ??

Nope. But consider the woman. She talks like she never made it out of grade school and is dumber than a box of rocks. In fact the box of rocks is smarter.

She's safe in her district because those numbskulls keep electing her. I doubt she could get elected anywhere else.

adolf sounded idiotic too------but he manage to DO STUFF
Just because she thinks she will head a committee doesn't mean those on the committee will go along with her stupidity.

I sure hope so anyway.

do you know what her agenda is other than "I'M GONNA GET BACK AT THEM" ??

Nope. But consider the woman. She talks like she never made it out of grade school and is dumber than a box of rocks. In fact the box of rocks is smarter.

She's safe in her district because those numbskulls keep electing her. I doubt she could get elected anywhere else.

adolf sounded idiotic too------but he manage to DO STUFF

LOL She's not anywhere near as smart at Hitler was nor as charismatic.
Just because she thinks she will head a committee doesn't mean those on the committee will go along with her stupidity.

I sure hope so anyway.

do you know what her agenda is other than "I'M GONNA GET BACK AT THEM" ??

Nope. But consider the woman. She talks like she never made it out of grade school and is dumber than a box of rocks. In fact the box of rocks is smarter.

She's safe in her district because those numbskulls keep electing her. I doubt she could get elected anywhere else.

adolf sounded idiotic too------but he manage to DO STUFF

LOL She's not anywhere near as smart at Hitler was nor as charismatic.

true----my point was that neither actually made a whole lot of sense.
Take another example FARAKHARAH. He galvanized a big
"social" movement in the US
Just because she thinks she will head a committee doesn't mean those on the committee will go along with her stupidity.

I sure hope so anyway.

do you know what her agenda is other than "I'M GONNA GET BACK AT THEM" ??

Nope. But consider the woman. She talks like she never made it out of grade school and is dumber than a box of rocks. In fact the box of rocks is smarter.

She's safe in her district because those numbskulls keep electing her. I doubt she could get elected anywhere else.

adolf sounded idiotic too------but he manage to DO STUFF

LOL She's not anywhere near as smart at Hitler was nor as charismatic.

true----my point was that neither actually made a whole lot of sense.
Take another example FARAKHARAH. He galvanized a big
"social" movement in the US

All he galvanized was a bunch of African Americans into becoming Muslims.

He's a race baiter and he hates Jews. He's about as un-American as you can get.

Farrakhan is a sleeze who hates America. Why he doesn't stay in Iran is beyond me. He sure would do all Americans a favor if he never came back.
do you know what her agenda is other than "I'M GONNA GET BACK AT THEM" ??

Nope. But consider the woman. She talks like she never made it out of grade school and is dumber than a box of rocks. In fact the box of rocks is smarter.

She's safe in her district because those numbskulls keep electing her. I doubt she could get elected anywhere else.

adolf sounded idiotic too------but he manage to DO STUFF

LOL She's not anywhere near as smart at Hitler was nor as charismatic.

true----my point was that neither actually made a whole lot of sense.
Take another example FARAKHARAH. He galvanized a big
"social" movement in the US

All he galvanized was a bunch of African Americans into becoming Muslims.

He's a race baiter and he hates Jews. He's about as un-American as you can get.

Farrakhan is a sleeze who hates America. Why he doesn't stay in Iran is beyond me. He sure would do all Americans a favor if he never came back.

all true-----but he did it BIG------his idiocy is BIG in New York City------------and probably elsewhere. They even publish an imbecilic propaganda paper-------and SELL THE RAG

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