Maxine Waters ready to battle over cuts to housing aid in Biden's bill because without the housing money the plan "would not advance race equity"

Cuts? You mean cutting out reparations.
excessive spending causes inflation, which hurts the poor the most, to be serious for a minute
I don't oppose the couple of things mentioned in the article, but what are they wanting to spend the other $300M on....
Maxine Waters is a hopeless whiner. The only good thing she could do for this country is to Super Glue a Covid mask on her face.

If blacks would spend half as much time working and saving as they do whining and demanding ever more FREE STUFF, they'd be able to buy all the stuff they now spend all their time begging for.

See folks, that's how it works. Get a fucking job and pay for your own shit. Quit expecting other people to give you money and support your lazy, worthless asses.
Waters is the chair on the Fiat Currency Banking/Finances Committee. The people at the top at the federal Reserve and other ways mostly Jewish people who have IQ's 50 point higher then her. Most of us peasants are in the middle and suffer because of all of this.

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