"May God ruin Trump", Tlaib's grandmother says

I believe Tlaib is now misrepresenting the United States of America by (1) Working to lie about and damage the reputation of President Trump. (2) Failure to legislate important issues with Americans first in her thoughts, (3) Pretending to take the place of the state department by heading over to Israel to verbally tear apart its government with nastiness and threats.

If Tlaib ever comes over to your house, hide the silver.
I would think it would be allah that she would want to ruin him. Supposedly he is against all infedels so if he was going to ruin Trump he should have already done it.

Don't you just love how the left always uses family and tragedy to further an agenda?

Yup. Allah. Not God. Another death cult member who isn't worth the power to blow her old stupid ass to hell.
Trump supporters seem to be as thin skinned as their Messiah.
Trump supporters seem to be as thin skinned as their Messiah.
You would be, too, Coyote if you realized that 9/11/2001 was just the beginning of the Muslim assault on America.
They tried to send tens of thousands of Americans to the landfill they had planned against the USA,
And this is just the tip of the iceberg for what's ahead if we don't stop their damn missionaries:

Edit: and their never-ending hatred of us started when we intervened in Jewish massacres in Europe in WWII for which their Mullah of Jerusalem orchestrated. This happened 50+ years later.​
Not sure anyone’s cares what some elected officials grandmother says...
Not sure anyone’s cares what some elected officials grandmother says...
It shows familial influence of hatred for America in the mind of Radisha Tlaib will never end due to her idolatry of all things that destroy America, the American people, America's Constitution, Rashida's fellow Americans who intend to keep the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and her compound lies against President Trump for standing in her ill-begotten way.
Nothing like Tlaib showing that her hatred for Israel is greater than her love for her grandmother. Anti-Semitism over family.
It's a tradition in a place where parents use to wire their children up as human bombs and then send them into Israel to blow up buses, pizza parlors, discos, etc.
They would still be doing it if Israel hadn't stopped the free flow of Palestinians into Israel (the so called "apartheid" of Palestine).
This thread title, "May God Ruin Trump," Tlaib's grandmother says

I have this prayer: Dear God, please help us act in such a way that all of us send you a prayer to strengthen our President, Donald Trump, to help him strengthen our country, pay its debt, and that he pray to you also for that strength every day for the rest of his present and future prayer-inspired life. Thank you for helping us through his conversion to your precepts for taking care of the American people. We know his victory surprised even him, but it also gave us hope that he has worked so hard to make America not only great again, but a land of hope that will inspire other governments to adopt a Constitution that will bless their people and give them leaders who will work to the better end of mankind in this world. Help us be good monitors of cleaning up the oceans that are filled with plastic that floats around and brings death to the oceans that feed the world with good protein and iodine for energy; give us strength to grow gardens for beauty and peace of mind, to grow vegetables and grain for sustenance for your gift of cattle and beasts of the field in our diets. And thanks for everything. Amen.
God will deal w/Donald Trump, one day.

For his sake, I hope he gets his affairs in order.
God will deal w/Donald Trump, one day.

For his sake, I hope he gets his affairs in order.
Actually, since you've had your nose in the messes made by Obama and Clinton in tripping up a sitting President, you failed to notice President Trump's conversion to his family's faith on his inauguration day, and his welcome into the family of faith very shortly before or after the inauguration day festivities. There were laying on of hands of men pledged to do all they could to make the world a better, more prosperous, and more peaceful foreign relations. Unfortunately, there are those in the Muslim world who still celebrate that they killed 3,000 Americans and their friends in the Twin Towers and in the Pentagon, not to mention al those people on planes they sent unfairly to their deaths by diverting planes and using them as missiles to destroy America's economy.

Now that the Democrats are firmly in their pockets, they are going to get as many state secrets into their technologies as Taliab and Omar can steal with their access to our technologies, and they will hamstring us with that. Are you goddamn happy with that Mr. MarcATL. How dare you hate President Trump and curse him using God. You just broke the commandment of do not use the Lord's name in vain.

And you are vain creep from the deep.
Tlaib's grandmother thinks God will ruin Donald Trump.


"May God ruin Trump", Tlaib's grandmother says

You can tell that the fruit didn't fall far from the tree when it comes to "squad" member, Rashida Tlaib.
Her grandmother is your typical Palestinian.....normal in many ways, but insane when it comes to the Jewish State.
This is what these people specialize in......propaganda. Palestinians have been taught from birth to hate Israel and hate America. I think the Democrats have adopted this tactic. Teach them to foam at the mouth at the mere mention of a word.

  • Jew
  • Sarah Palin
  • Israel
  • Republican
  • conservative
  • White People
  • Bush
  • Donald Trump
This is what Democrats are doing in this country. Causing hatred with unprecedented abandon. Teaching people to hate a false image......what better way to keep the focus off of your glaring deficiencies than by creating a straw-man for the voters to beat on and hate instead of you.

Honestly I can't blame the masses....because it's clear that they don't know they're being manipulated by evil people who only want to get rich off of murder and violence. Democrats and Hamas think their voters are stupid as shit, and maybe they're right. They don't respect their base. They despise them. But that doesn't stop them from begging for donations by patronizing them every time an opportunity arises.

Democrats act like Palestinians.....a people that have chosen to exclude themselves from their own country with their constant violence and hatred. People that could have had their own country but were expelled because they couldn't learn to get along with their neighbors.
These people that support Hamas, who use civilians as human-shields to fight Israel. They launch missiles from mosques and schools knowing that children will end up dying if Israel responds.
I can see why the despicable Democrats in Washington refuse to condemn the anti-Semitic speech of Tlaib and Omar. They agree with it 100%
Tlaib and her grandmother are simply products of Islam's core teachings, basically, hate those that are not true Muslims.

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