May I punch your TS ticket Repubs?

(CNN)Democrats this week won a potentially major victory in Ohio -- months before the November election.

A federal court reinstated Ohio's "Golden Week" -- seven days of early voting with same-day voter registration that Republican state lawmakers struck down two years ago. The ruling looks like a clear victory for Democrats, who had sued to reverse the decision.
"It might only be a marginal impact, but in a very close election -- like ones that Ohio is known for -- then that 's something that is potentially significant. They're fighting a game of inches here," said Rick Hasen, an elections law expert and professor at University of California, Irvine.
Republicans reduced the state's early voting period from 35 days to 28 days before the general election and eliminated the "Golden Week." Democrats quickly challenged the law in court.
"In a swing state like Ohio, we're going to be fighting for every single vote, and the margin of victory in the presidential race, as well as our U.S. Senate race, could certainly come down to a few thousand votes. 80,000 Ohioans took advantage of early voting during Golden Week in 2012, and that could be the difference this fall," Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper said Wednesday.
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, immediately announced he would challenge the ruling.
Husted argued that lawmakers had the power to create early voting and should also have the power to limit it.
"For nearly 200 years, Ohioans voted for only one day," Husted said in a statement. "If it was constitutional for lawmakers to expand the voting period to 35 days, it must also be constitutional for the same legislative body to amend the timeframe to 28 days, a timeframe that remains one of the most generous in the nation."
But Federal District Court Judge Michael Watson, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush, sided with Democrats who argued that the law disproportionately affected African American voters.
eddie how does this disproportionately affect African American voters?.....if they gave me a week to get my vote in, it would be in or its on me....
"Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, immediately announced he would challenge the ruling."

Of course he would – that republicans are hostile to ensuring all citizens have an opportunity to vote comes as no surprise.
"Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, immediately announced he would challenge the ruling."

Of course he would – that republicans are hostile to ensuring all citizens have an opportunity to vote comes as no surprise.

It's so funny.

When we Republicans call liberals stupid, you are outraged. When you call your own people stupid, it's to make a point.

Why is it that Republicans can seem to figure out to vote on election day and Democrats can't?

Why is it Republicans are intelligent enough to obtain a Voter-ID and Democrats can't?

Why are Republicans intelligent enough to punch a hole in a card, but Democrats are not?

You liberals run around saying how stupid Republicans are all the time, but liberals can't seem to do the simplest things in life.
"Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, immediately announced he would challenge the ruling."

Of course he would – that republicans are hostile to ensuring all citizens have an opportunity to vote comes as no surprise.
Show me one shred of evidence that will support your claim...

Well, there isn't any, because what you just said is horse shit.

What republicans/conservatives do support is ensuring that all who do vote can do so LEGALLY.

Of course that truth doesn't fit your progtard line of bull shit, does it... sorry.
(CNN)Democrats this week won a potentially major victory in Ohio -- months before the November election.

A federal court reinstated Ohio's "Golden Week" -- seven days of early voting with same-day voter registration that Republican state lawmakers struck down two years ago. The ruling looks like a clear victory for Democrats, who had sued to reverse the decision.
"It might only be a marginal impact, but in a very close election -- like ones that Ohio is known for -- then that 's something that is potentially significant. They're fighting a game of inches here," said Rick Hasen, an elections law expert and professor at University of California, Irvine.
Republicans reduced the state's early voting period from 35 days to 28 days before the general election and eliminated the "Golden Week." Democrats quickly challenged the law in court.
"In a swing state like Ohio, we're going to be fighting for every single vote, and the margin of victory in the presidential race, as well as our U.S. Senate race, could certainly come down to a few thousand votes. 80,000 Ohioans took advantage of early voting during Golden Week in 2012, and that could be the difference this fall," Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper said Wednesday.
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, immediately announced he would challenge the ruling.
Husted argued that lawmakers had the power to create early voting and should also have the power to limit it.
"For nearly 200 years, Ohioans voted for only one day," Husted said in a statement. "If it was constitutional for lawmakers to expand the voting period to 35 days, it must also be constitutional for the same legislative body to amend the timeframe to 28 days, a timeframe that remains one of the most generous in the nation."
But Federal District Court Judge Michael Watson, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush, sided with Democrats who argued that the law disproportionately affected African American voters.

wonderful, illegal aliens voting or dead bodies.
It wasn't dems that stole the 2000 election eagle
(CNN)Democrats this week won a potentially major victory in Ohio -- months before the November election.

A federal court reinstated Ohio's "Golden Week" -- seven days of early voting with same-day voter registration that Republican state lawmakers struck down two years ago. The ruling looks like a clear victory for Democrats, who had sued to reverse the decision.
"It might only be a marginal impact, but in a very close election -- like ones that Ohio is known for -- then that 's something that is potentially significant. They're fighting a game of inches here," said Rick Hasen, an elections law expert and professor at University of California, Irvine.
Republicans reduced the state's early voting period from 35 days to 28 days before the general election and eliminated the "Golden Week." Democrats quickly challenged the law in court.
"In a swing state like Ohio, we're going to be fighting for every single vote, and the margin of victory in the presidential race, as well as our U.S. Senate race, could certainly come down to a few thousand votes. 80,000 Ohioans took advantage of early voting during Golden Week in 2012, and that could be the difference this fall," Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper said Wednesday.
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, immediately announced he would challenge the ruling.
Husted argued that lawmakers had the power to create early voting and should also have the power to limit it.
"For nearly 200 years, Ohioans voted for only one day," Husted said in a statement. "If it was constitutional for lawmakers to expand the voting period to 35 days, it must also be constitutional for the same legislative body to amend the timeframe to 28 days, a timeframe that remains one of the most generous in the nation."
But Federal District Court Judge Michael Watson, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush, sided with Democrats who argued that the law disproportionately affected African American voters.
eddie how does this disproportionately affect African American voters?.....if they gave me a week to get my vote in, it would be in or its on me....
I don't have an answer for you yet harry BUT it seems to me that many states by cutting down voting hours ,,days etc etc are doing it for the good of the republican party Why else would they be doing it??I always thought the idea is to get as many as you can to vote
I will work 9 hours on Election Day and then I will head over to the polling station and vote. Not hard at all. What's the problem democrats???
I will work 9 hours on Election Day and then I will head over to the polling station and vote. Not hard at all. What's the problem democrats???
How long will you wait on line?? In some dem areas the waiting time is many hours But that's all well and good ???
(CNN)Democrats this week won a potentially major victory in Ohio -- months before the November election.

A federal court reinstated Ohio's "Golden Week" -- seven days of early voting with same-day voter registration that Republican state lawmakers struck down two years ago. The ruling looks like a clear victory for Democrats, who had sued to reverse the decision.
"It might only be a marginal impact, but in a very close election -- like ones that Ohio is known for -- then that 's something that is potentially significant. They're fighting a game of inches here," said Rick Hasen, an elections law expert and professor at University of California, Irvine.
Republicans reduced the state's early voting period from 35 days to 28 days before the general election and eliminated the "Golden Week." Democrats quickly challenged the law in court.
"In a swing state like Ohio, we're going to be fighting for every single vote, and the margin of victory in the presidential race, as well as our U.S. Senate race, could certainly come down to a few thousand votes. 80,000 Ohioans took advantage of early voting during Golden Week in 2012, and that could be the difference this fall," Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper said Wednesday.
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, immediately announced he would challenge the ruling.
Husted argued that lawmakers had the power to create early voting and should also have the power to limit it.
"For nearly 200 years, Ohioans voted for only one day," Husted said in a statement. "If it was constitutional for lawmakers to expand the voting period to 35 days, it must also be constitutional for the same legislative body to amend the timeframe to 28 days, a timeframe that remains one of the most generous in the nation."
But Federal District Court Judge Michael Watson, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush, sided with Democrats who argued that the law disproportionately affected African American voters.
eddie how does this disproportionately affect African American voters?.....if they gave me a week to get my vote in, it would be in or its on me....
I don't have an answer for you yet harry BUT it seems to me that many states by cutting down voting hours ,,days etc etc are doing it for the good of the republican party Why else would they be doing it??I always thought the idea is to get as many as you can to vote
i dont know eddie,if i have 28 days to get my vote in and i dont.....thats on me.....the only people i can see having problems with that amount of time are certain handicapped people who would have to rely on someone else to help them get it are you saying that only republicans can actually figure out how to get their vote in in that amount of time?....years ago election day came and you got your ass out there and voted or else you dont vote......and it did not matter what party you belonged too.....
I will work 9 hours on Election Day and then I will head over to the polling station and vote. Not hard at all. What's the problem democrats???
How long will you wait on line?? In some dem areas the waiting time is many hours But that's all well and good ???
37 states have early voting and ALL states will mail an absentee ballot to certain voters who request one.....
I will work 9 hours on Election Day and then I will head over to the polling station and vote. Not hard at all. What's the problem democrats???
How long will you wait on line?? In some dem areas the waiting time is many hours But that's all well and good ???
37 states have early voting and ALL states will mail an absentee ballot to certain voters who request one.....
So once more WHY are repub run state gov'ts decreasing voting time and in some cases voting machines????Is it like a simile of ""follow the money??
I will work 9 hours on Election Day and then I will head over to the polling station and vote. Not hard at all. What's the problem democrats???
How long will you wait on line?? In some dem areas the waiting time is many hours But that's all well and good ???
37 states have early voting and ALL states will mail an absentee ballot to certain voters who request one.....
So once more WHY are repub run state gov'ts decreasing voting time and in some cases voting machines????Is it like a simile of ""follow the money??
does that not affect republicans too?...
I will work 9 hours on Election Day and then I will head over to the polling station and vote. Not hard at all. What's the problem democrats???
How long will you wait on line?? In some dem areas the waiting time is many hours But that's all well and good ???
37 states have early voting and ALL states will mail an absentee ballot to certain voters who request one.....
So once more WHY are repub run state gov'ts decreasing voting time and in some cases voting machines????Is it like a simile of ""follow the money??
does that not affect republicans too?...
Can you really imagine in Republican run gov'ts trying to keep repub voting down??? Most of the crap they're throwing happens in dem areas of voting
And one more ot thing Harry if and when sanders drops out Hillary will be picking up 3-5 %
I will work 9 hours on Election Day and then I will head over to the polling station and vote. Not hard at all. What's the problem democrats???
How long will you wait on line?? In some dem areas the waiting time is many hours But that's all well and good ???
37 states have early voting and ALL states will mail an absentee ballot to certain voters who request one.....
So once more WHY are repub run state gov'ts decreasing voting time and in some cases voting machines????Is it like a simile of ""follow the money??
does that not affect republicans too?...
Can you really imagine in Republican run gov'ts trying to keep repub voting down??? Most of the crap they're throwing happens in dem areas of voting
oh it does? 28 days is different in one area and another? by mail is different?....hey just asking....
People have to work and I think it is a good idea for them to be able to come in when they're off. Of course, the republicans hate people that work and only want them to work so they can watch them suffer.

"Of course, the republicans hate people that work and only want them to work so they can watch them suffer".

I told you this in confidence....
You promised you wouldn't repeat it.....

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