May Jobs Report Prooves That Austerity Doesn't Work!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Robust job growth in first quarter, 2012, is now also to be a consistent pattern of lesser job growth in second quarter, 2012. The housing market, however, has stabilized, and consumers have increased their spending. Lagging transport job increases are suddenly increasing, going into Third Quarter 2012.

Government employment, from austerity, has been lagging for months: Which has not been stimulating, even government employees: Or something(?)! Commentators and Teachers fail to remind anyone that one third of the Federal Stimulus went to prevent job losses in that sector. The money did not go to priming the tax base, so that state and local government could be in the lead of job growth recovery, like is usual. Government austerity, state and local: Doesn't work well, for the economy, trying to recover.

Employment Situation Summary

Again, consumers are not listening to the GOP Mantra of "No More Spending, Especially In The Stores!" Their Mantra continues, now like Romney, "Screw the general market place! Send all the money only to the rich, just like Romney of the equity business!"

What came after the "Reagan Trajectory," which also did that: Was the increase of unemployment under Bush I, Term I, Kaputsky! In Massachusetts, Romney's record of job creation put that state at the bottom, 47th in the nation.

What does Austerity really stand for! "Really Stupid! Spend No More! Keep the non-white population out of the market-place! That will bring Widespread Wealth For Everyone, Just like the 11% unemployment, in the EuroZone.

Especially, broadcast commentators fail to note the comparsion, of the economies, and the policies at fault. Stupid people still hire from the universities, and the Ivy League, for example! The rest of the market place is not to be thought on board, or American!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Donner Party of 200! Boehner Party of 10 mil.! Your Delicious Snacks Await, at the tables you most want for all the people!" RNC knows all about eating. . .and Bush II, Terms I & II, prooved that they also know about drinking(?)!
Robust job growth in first quarter, 2012, is now also to be a consistent pattern of lesser job growth in second quarter, 2012. The housing market, however, has stabilized, and consumers have increased their spending. Lagging transport job increases are suddenly increasing, going into Third Quarter 2012.

Government employment, from austerity, has been lagging for months: Which has not been stimulating, even government employees: Or something(?)! Commentators and Teachers fail to remind anyone that one third of the Federal Stimulus went to prevent job losses in that sector. The money did not go to priming the tax base, so that state and local government could be in the lead of job growth recovery, like is usual. Government austerity, state and local: Doesn't work well, for the economy, trying to recover.

Employment Situation Summary

Again, consumers are not listening to the GOP Mantra of "No More Spending, Especially In The Stores!" Their Mantra continues, now like Romney, "Screw the general market place! Send all the money only to the rich, just like Romney of the equity business!"

What came after the "Reagan Trajectory," which also did that: Was the increase of unemployment under Bush I, Term I, Kaputsky! In Massachusetts, Romney's record of job creation put that state at the bottom, 47th in the nation.

What does Austerity really stand for! "Really Stupid! Spend No More! Keep the non-white population out of the market-place! That will bring Widespread Wealth For Everyone, Just like the 11% unemployment, in the EuroZone.

Especially, broadcast commentators fail to note the comparsion, of the economies, and the policies at fault. Stupid people still hire from the universities, and the Ivy League, for example! The rest of the market place is not to be thought on board, or American!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Donner Party of 200! Boehner Party of 10 mil.! Your Delicious Snacks Await, at the tables you most want for all the people!" RNC knows all about eating. . .and Bush II, Terms I & II, prooved that they also know about drinking(?)!

Austerity measures? Here in the US? Do you have any idea wtf you are talking about?
Even According to Keynes, public sector stimulus is all about Public Works. The Romney Brand is different. That brand is all about rich, publically traded: Actually even in companies where nobody makes anything at all(?)! Romney is likely a "FaceBook" entrepreneur: Not a farm entrepneur, not a construction, entrepreneur, not a manufacturing entrepreneur, and famously not an auto-making, entrepreneur!

So that is the Anti-Market, Romney comparison, with the liberal approach of employing the ditching-digging private sector.

That the former Massachusetts Governor: Has tenaciously, refused to do: All his life!

There is austerity. When the rich houses finally came tumbling on down, devoid of the stimulated marketplace: Then that is the Romney, Anti-Business, Anti-Market, Brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many soon fight for public seating: Even at Back of Bus, Instead!)
Robust job growth in first quarter, 2012, is now also to be a consistent pattern of lesser job growth in second quarter, 2012. The housing market, however, has stabilized, and consumers have increased their spending. Lagging transport job increases are suddenly increasing, going into Third Quarter 2012.

Government employment, from austerity, has been lagging for months: Which has not been stimulating, even government employees: Or something(?)! Commentators and Teachers fail to remind anyone that one third of the Federal Stimulus went to prevent job losses in that sector. The money did not go to priming the tax base, so that state and local government could be in the lead of job growth recovery, like is usual. Government austerity, state and local: Doesn't work well, for the economy, trying to recover.

Employment Situation Summary

Again, consumers are not listening to the GOP Mantra of "No More Spending, Especially In The Stores!" Their Mantra continues, now like Romney, "Screw the general market place! Send all the money only to the rich, just like Romney of the equity business!"

What came after the "Reagan Trajectory," which also did that: Was the increase of unemployment under Bush I, Term I, Kaputsky! In Massachusetts, Romney's record of job creation put that state at the bottom, 47th in the nation.

What does Austerity really stand for! "Really Stupid! Spend No More! Keep the non-white population out of the market-place! That will bring Widespread Wealth For Everyone, Just like the 11% unemployment, in the EuroZone.

Especially, broadcast commentators fail to note the comparsion, of the economies, and the policies at fault. Stupid people still hire from the universities, and the Ivy League, for example! The rest of the market place is not to be thought on board, or American!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Donner Party of 200! Boehner Party of 10 mil.! Your Delicious Snacks Await, at the tables you most want for all the people!" RNC knows all about eating. . .and Bush II, Terms I & II, prooved that they also know about drinking(?)!

Austerity measures? Here in the US? Do you have any idea wtf you are talking about?

Proof to support one of my fave quotes: We don't see things as they are, we see them as "we" are.....:eusa_whistle:
No. We need MORE Banker Bailouts and MORE Austerity.

We'll be just fine when the Bankers have everything and We the People have nothing.
Hair of the dog, brah!!! Pump some more money in to the economy. Nothing cures an inflation hangover like more inflation!
Mostly, Little kids in California have long since known that the real path to riches and vacation second homes was through California Civil Service, and the California Public Education system. This would be said, "Cradle, To South of France, To Grave" state system employment.

In the manner of Matthew 25::14-30, the upper echelon pay grades got the same percentage pay raise as the lower echelon pay grades. At University of California, it was even called, "Cost-of-Living," plus maid service, the limo, the chauffer, and even benefits and an indexed pension.

Now they finally get a 5% pay cut:

California Governor, Lawmakers Get Pay Cut 5% by Panel - Bloomberg

How does that help(?), no one asks. See wherein they make more than comparable employees in other states, and with mega-protections.

In other words, even in California then Civil Service meant, "and never work again, one day in your life!" Governor Brown even made a campaign promise: To not retire while in office! The deficit debacle would have easily become overwhelming even for the nearly 40 mil. in California.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Le Etat, C'est Moi:" And even gone mad for millions! "This State is their state! It's not like your state! It's not a real state! It's in your mind(?). . . .! It's not your money! It's all their money! That state, . . .was made for them and theirs. . .some new kind of Octo-babies, as in Octopus! And there was Grandma. . . .With no tax base out there at all!")
FEATURE: Despite recovery, US public employees face more layoffs | Reuters

You've got Republican screaming "Shrink government" and since Obama has taken office, government is nearly 600,000 less.

Listen to this story:

Three weeks ago, firefighters in Scranton, Pennsylvania, took 10 minutes to respond to a fire, instead of the usual four minutes or less. Lighter staffing was blamed, as the city had laid off 29 firefighters in January.

"We had been telling them ... there's a catastrophe that's going to happen here," said John J. Judge IV, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 60.

After the delay, 12 of the firefighters were rehired, but that's still a reduction of 17 workers.


That's how Republicans see the future of this country. Let it burn.

Something that should make Republicans really, really happy. From one of their "job creators":

Former GOP nominee lays off 27,000
So like any good private equity, anti-business, anti-market, "entrepreneur:" The California Merit System rewarded the rich, and degraded all successively lower incomes. What budget funds there were, went to upper level grades. That was slow, but successively more and more with each passing budget.

Now, in Matthew 25:14-30, the money went to the rich. The poor fellow finally gave up on the concept. In real life, into the foreclosure crisis the economy went.

Effectively, the California Civil Service hoarded the money, kept it from the market: Just like the Romney Brand, or Just like in the forclosure crisis. The Romney's were keeping the money even then, clearly supportive of that method, and that outcome.

Arithmetic is an intentional act!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Seven Come Eleven: Even More Intentional Act!)
Hair of the dog, brah!!! Pump some more money in to the economy. Nothing cures an inflation hangover like more inflation!

Inflation is the increase in prices. Typical measures of inflation include the CPI and the PCE.

The recession resulted in massive and unprecedented deflation. In November of 2008, deflation hit -20.7% annualized rate.

Overall, since the recession, the annualized rate for the three years has been 2.39%.

The last three years saw annual rates of

Year Inflation Rate Dec - Dec
2,011 2.96%
2,010 1.50%
2,009 2.72%

The target inflation rate is about 2.5%. Wow, look at that, the target is 2.5%, the actual rate has been 2.39%.

So, where is this "inflation hangover" you are talking about?
Hair of the dog, brah!!! Pump some more money in to the economy. Nothing cures an inflation hangover like more inflation!

Inflation is the increase in prices. Typical measures of inflation include the CPI and the PCE.

The recession resulted in massive and unprecedented deflation. In November of 2008, deflation hit -20.7% annualized rate.

Overall, since the recession, the annualized rate for the three years has been 2.39%.

The last three years saw annual rates of

Year Inflation Rate Dec - Dec
2,011 2.96%
2,010 1.50%
2,009 2.72%

The target inflation rate is about 2.5%. Wow, look at that, the target is 2.5%, the actual rate has been 2.39%.

So, where is this "inflation hangover" you are talking about?

Charts don't lie...


  • $AnyChartStock.jpg
    69 KB · Views: 117
May Jobs Report Prooves That Austerity Doesn't Work!

Yea, that's the problem, government just isn't spending enough money...:cuckoo:

Exactly if government spending had increased at the same rate under Reagan unemployment would be below 7%. Furthermore if monetary and other policies had implemented the same increases under Reagan unemployment would most likely be around 5%
Anyone recalls that the Romney Brand is Pro-Bankruptcy, for auto manufacturers--and therefore also dealers and their employees, also.

Widespread Bankruptcies are on record as the Romney Brand!

Compare and contrast the Obama Record! Robust growth in first quarter 2012 presents a stimulus to the economy. Clearly, the stimulus effect shows up later on. That, however, is stimulus and is not the Romney Brand. That brand is called Widespread Bankruptcy. On Day One in office, The Romney Brand intends to take all the health gains away!

And so, following the Obama, socialist market approach--all spending in the stores opposed by McConnell, opposed by Boehner, opposed by Cantor, and opposed by their Romney Brand--is compared with the socialist home sales increase, which is spending increase RNC/GOP opposes! The Obama socialist market approach has home equity values increasing. The Obama socialist market approach has fewer households underwater, and most households less underwater! The Socialist market approach finds increase of building permits, and of mortgage rates, portending increase of real, productive economic activity.

That is not about the Romney Brand, easily sending private equity into Facebook, helping to foster even more bankruptcy!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes finally making battleship of Land of Lincoln into California museum, at Port of Los Angeles. Many will see: Not good investment into buffalo herding on Lands of Many Nations!)
Last edited:
Robust job growth in first quarter, 2012, is now also to be a consistent pattern of lesser job growth in second quarter, 2012. The housing market, however, has stabilized, and consumers have increased their spending. Lagging transport job increases are suddenly increasing, going into Third Quarter 2012.

Government employment, from austerity, has been lagging for months: Which has not been stimulating, even government employees: Or something(?)! Commentators and Teachers fail to remind anyone that one third of the Federal Stimulus went to prevent job losses in that sector. The money did not go to priming the tax base, so that state and local government could be in the lead of job growth recovery, like is usual. Government austerity, state and local: Doesn't work well, for the economy, trying to recover.

Employment Situation Summary

Again, consumers are not listening to the GOP Mantra of "No More Spending, Especially In The Stores!" Their Mantra continues, now like Romney, "Screw the general market place! Send all the money only to the rich, just like Romney of the equity business!"

What came after the "Reagan Trajectory," which also did that: Was the increase of unemployment under Bush I, Term I, Kaputsky! In Massachusetts, Romney's record of job creation put that state at the bottom, 47th in the nation.

What does Austerity really stand for! "Really Stupid! Spend No More! Keep the non-white population out of the market-place! That will bring Widespread Wealth For Everyone, Just like the 11% unemployment, in the EuroZone.

Especially, broadcast commentators fail to note the comparsion, of the economies, and the policies at fault. Stupid people still hire from the universities, and the Ivy League, for example! The rest of the market place is not to be thought on board, or American!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Donner Party of 200! Boehner Party of 10 mil.! Your Delicious Snacks Await, at the tables you most want for all the people!" RNC knows all about eating. . .and Bush II, Terms I & II, prooved that they also know about drinking(?)!

USA.... The mecca of austerity.
How can one describe a country $16 trillion in debt and with a $1.6 trillion yearly deficit as austere? This is more shere liberal insanity.
Robust job growth in first quarter, 2012, is now also to be a consistent pattern of lesser job growth in second quarter, 2012. The housing market, however, has stabilized, and consumers have increased their spending. Lagging transport job increases are suddenly increasing, going into Third Quarter 2012.

Government employment, from austerity, has been lagging for months: Which has not been stimulating, even government employees: Or something(?)! Commentators and Teachers fail to remind anyone that one third of the Federal Stimulus went to prevent job losses in that sector. The money did not go to priming the tax base, so that state and local government could be in the lead of job growth recovery, like is usual. Government austerity, state and local: Doesn't work well, for the economy, trying to recover.

Employment Situation Summary

Again, consumers are not listening to the GOP Mantra of "No More Spending, Especially In The Stores!" Their Mantra continues, now like Romney, "Screw the general market place! Send all the money only to the rich, just like Romney of the equity business!"

What came after the "Reagan Trajectory," which also did that: Was the increase of unemployment under Bush I, Term I, Kaputsky! In Massachusetts, Romney's record of job creation put that state at the bottom, 47th in the nation.

What does Austerity really stand for! "Really Stupid! Spend No More! Keep the non-white population out of the market-place! That will bring Widespread Wealth For Everyone, Just like the 11% unemployment, in the EuroZone.

Especially, broadcast commentators fail to note the comparsion, of the economies, and the policies at fault. Stupid people still hire from the universities, and the Ivy League, for example! The rest of the market place is not to be thought on board, or American!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Donner Party of 200! Boehner Party of 10 mil.! Your Delicious Snacks Await, at the tables you most want for all the people!" RNC knows all about eating. . .and Bush II, Terms I & II, prooved that they also know about drinking(?)!

USA.... The mecca of austerity.

Germany too, that why it has the money to bail out the rest of Europe.

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