Mayor Bloomberg inre: balancing budget

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
He has it right, end Bu$h- era tax cuts, end farm & energy subsidies, raise the eligibility age for SS, etc...

WASHINGTON - Everyone, not just the rich, should kick in more in taxes if the country is going to dig its way out of debt, Mayor Bloomberg said Tuesday.

The mayor called for the end of the Bush-era tax cuts not just for the wealthy, as President Obama wants, but for all taxpayers.

He said its estimated that @ $8 trillion could be saved by doing this instead of the bickering going on right now in the super Committee over a paltry $1 1/2 trillion

Read more: Mayor Bloomberg says everyone, not just the rich,*should pay more in federal taxes* - NY Daily News
Bloomberg on Taxes: End Bush-Era Cuts and ‘Millionaire’s Tax’ - Metropolis - WSJ
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I don't see mention in either article about " farm & energy subsidies".

He said it in his speech broadcast on CSpan. The article doesn't have everything verbatim. Are you for subsidies?

Here's a Rightie link:
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg called for eliminating Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy and farm and energy subsidies, and an end to what he called “tax loopholes” on carried interest enjoyed by hedge fund partners.

Read more on Bloomberg: End Bush-era Tax Cuts, Subsidies
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