Mayor Bloomberg Says Cops Should Go On Strike Until Americans Give Up Their Guns

This from the same genius that wants to fine private citizens $200 for every container of soda sold larger than 16oz


Have you ever gone to work understanding it might be your last day alive? Have you ever gone to work to attend the funeral service of a colleague who went to work and in their daily routine was shot to death? Have you ever looked into the eyes of the wife of a colleague or there kids at the funeral of their 28 year old husband/father?

You're not only an idiot Lovebears, you're an asshole too.

Have you ever gone to work understanding it might be your last day alive? Have you ever gone to work to attend the funeral service of a colleague who went to work and in their daily routine was shot to death? Have you ever looked into the eyes of the wife of a colleague or there kids at the funeral of their 28 year old husband/father?

You're not only an idiot Lovebears, you're an asshole too.

The police are no longer the police. They have become another form of military, an end run around Posse Comitatus. And a certain thug nature has manifested itself among their ranks. Too many steroids or something. Not all of them, mind you, but enough that the populace is starting to turn against them.

So to ask US citizens to unilaterally disarm is more than ridiculous.

And as retired military, I can answer yes to your questions. So spare us the self-righteous crap.
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The Border Patrol should go on strike until the administration decides to prosecute the attorney general for his part in the murder of a Border Patrol agent as a result of a federal gun running mess. Do radical liberals actually think that the criminals appointed by democrat administrations should revise the 2nd Amendment?
This is the problem with the gun debate: Extremists on both ends.

Bloomberg vs. NRA. Sanity lies somewhere in-between their extremist views.

The NRA isnt nearly as close to the extreme of Bloomburg, that guy is a fucking hack, and I'm glad you put him on the left......
I thought it was "until armor piercing ammo was outlawed""...- would be typical Pub switcheroo for the dupes...

In all fairness I would like to start a campaign for Mayor Bloomberg to go on strike until we all tell him it's okay to go back to work. (NEVER). It's only fair. Mayor Bloomberg..... Stay Home. ;) Don't worry about us. ;)

What an Asshole. Like if the Police Strike, we won't be needing to defend ourselves? We would need to defend ourselves more you Idiot. How much blood do you want on your hands you sanctimonious blithering Jackass? Respectfully, -Intense. :eusa_whistle:
WTF is wrong with this guy and why do New Yorkers keep electing him?
If it was so bad, I would say they are getting what they deserve for voting for him.
If Bloomburg would go on strike, if I boinked Franco, I'd seriously consider it...Whay cant Bloomburg go on strike.
Quote from the linked article
"Bloomberg, the commander of "the seventh biggest army in the world"
God, NY has a lot of cops. Figure their pay and pensions, no wonder the city can't balance their budget.
so he said something stupid. How is this shocking?

It's not that he said something stupid, it's that he told the police to strike because people arent listening to him and he wants to pout like a baby. and Fuck him, I like my 20 oz cokes that big brother commie.
This is the problem with the gun debate: Extremists on both ends.

Bloomberg vs. NRA. Sanity lies somewhere in-between their extremist views.

The NRA isnt nearly as close to the extreme of Bloomburg, that guy is a fucking hack, and I'm glad you put him on the left......

I am very PRO 2nd Amendment and even I can Admit the NRA takes some pretty damn Extreme Positions. I mean I understand that they feel if they give on anything it will start a slow march toward the loss of our Rights, but come on. some Reasonable Limitations are only Rational, and it's pretty damn irrational of them to fight them all.

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