Mazie Hirono

How did this lady get into Georgetown? She is dumber than a rock and it’s tough to understand her when she speaks. What is wrong with her?

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That doesn't say much for Georgetown now does it. Judging from the product Harvard isn't much either. In fact academia as a whole has degraded substantially in thus country. Pay your fee get your degree. It has become nothing than a money machine and a life support system for assholes who have nothing of worth to contribute.
then that actress that got caught paying off a college for her daughter to get in must have really pissed someone. Ok, I just recalled her name, Lori Loughlin.
I call that stupid bitch "The Pineapple"...because she looks, acts and thinks like a pineapple!
How did this lady get into Georgetown? She is dumber than a rock and it’s tough to understand her when she speaks. What is wrong with her?

She's one of the most repulsive people in Washington. She probably isn't even a person. I'll bet she's one of those lizard people.
How did this lady get into Georgetown? She is dumber than a rock and it’s tough to understand her when she speaks. What is wrong with her?

She's one of the most repulsive people in Washington. She probably isn't even a person. I'll bet she's one of those lizard people.
Thank you. I think you’re right.
How did this lady get into Georgetown? She is dumber than a rock and it’s tough to understand her when she speaks. What is wrong with her?

She's one of the most repulsive people in Washington. She probably isn't even a person. I'll bet she's one of those lizard people.

" She's one of the most repulsive people in Washington. "

Apparently booker needs to brush up on his appellate procedure bc doesn’t know the difference between voting to grant an en banc hearing versus ruling on the merits.
Didn’t he go to Yale!? What a moron ..
People have had their livelyhoods threatened, their businesses threatened, and all because of this legislating from the bench the demoncrats want, and worse we had a president in Obama that was complicit in enforcing unconstitutional rules and laws against the citizen's of this United States, and against their businesses. That's when it gets ugly, and the personal agenda's are then revealed... That then told everybody just how ugly it could get from this legislative take over of the courts, and then these power brokers abusing their powers by enforcing unconstitutional rules, and threat's on the people of this nation.
How did this lady get into Georgetown? She is dumber than a rock and it’s tough to understand her when she speaks. What is wrong with her?

View attachment 401151

Pretended to be 1/1025th native american?
That was that Warren wasn't it ?

That's why it's funny, a Japanese american pretending to be native american to get into a university.
Oh and her too... Wow... Yep they are hypocrites, and slanderers is all they are.

That Juan Williams is a complete moron also. He keeps saying Trump picked her for the court, and she is to do his bidding for Trump.... Pffft, he nominated her, but she has to pass the hearings, so no, Trump picked her because she is highly qualified, and he knew it. Nothing more, and nothing less. After seeing her in action, Trump knocked it out of the park. The Demoncrats trying to hold onto their radicalism is a sight to behold in this thing. LOL.
"i never plan out my life. shit just happens" - ACB basically told Hirono when asked if she would overturn Roe V Wade
I have watched all day, but I could not watch Hirono. She is a fucking retard and I couldnt deal with seeing her disrespect a great woman like Barrett.

Hirono has to be the dumbest person in washington. What does a COVID stimulus from the HOUSE have to do with a senate hearing? I dont think that dumb bitch even knows how the government works.

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