McCabe shows how partisan the swamp really is


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Ex-CIA Boss John Brennan Tears Into Donald Trump Over Andrew McCabe Firing

It is interesting that everyone has already prejudged Trump and Sessions on this before hearing the official report on McCabe, like the CIA director essentially saying that Trump is unfit for office and needs to be removed.

Very telling.

From the New York Times

"Mr. McCabe is accused in a yet-to-be-released internal report of failing to be forthcoming about a conversation he authorized between F.B.I. officials and a journalist.

In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions.

The F.B.I. expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and accountability,” he said. “I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately.”

I also hear that the Dims want to give McCabe a job so that he can finish out his pension, all before they hear the official report on him.

Twitter ablaze, more Dems offer to hire McCabe to save his pension

Why would they at least first wait for the official report before making such judgments against Trump?

From out outward perspective, it would appear that the swamp is just one big old boys club where everyone is taken care of, like Charley Rangel, no matter how corrupt they actually become, so long as they tow the PC line.

If you sell your soul to the swamp, you can retire in style at an early age! That's right, McCabe will likely retire at age 49 with a full pension.

It must suck for everyone else who does not work in the swamp.
The FBI will forever be remembered as a tool of the DNC.
If nothing else Wall Street bankers will pay him huge speaking fees. He is a saint for the cause!
The offers prove who he was really working for.

So Hillary lied about her e-mails and the FBI did not throw her in jail as they criminally perused Flynn for one lie because why again?

It is like the IRS going after conservatives. To make it look like they were not targeting conservatives, they also went after a few left winged crazies like BLM.

Nope, not buying it. The fact that they released those e-mails does not absolve them, no, far from it. It proves once and for all that they were protecting Hillary.

And I have not even begun to talk about her criminal charity.

The left desperately needed Trump. They needed someone to rally against in order to try and revive a corrupt and dying party.
Ex-CIA Boss John Brennan Tears Into Donald Trump Over Andrew McCabe Firing

It is interesting that everyone has already prejudged Trump and Sessions on this before hearing the official report on McCabe, like the CIA director essentially saying that Trump is unfit for office and needs to be removed.

Very telling.

From the New York Times

"Mr. McCabe is accused in a yet-to-be-released internal report of failing to be forthcoming about a conversation he authorized between F.B.I. officials and a journalist.

In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions.

The F.B.I. expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and accountability,” he said. “I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately.”

I also hear that the Dims want to give McCabe a job so that he can finish out his pension, all before they hear the official report on him.

Twitter ablaze, more Dems offer to hire McCabe to save his pension

Why would they at least first wait for the official report before making such judgments against Trump?

From out outward perspective, it would appear that the swamp is just one big old boys club where everyone is taken care of, like Charley Rangel, no matter how corrupt they actually become, so long as they tow the PC line.

If you sell your soul to the swamp, you can retire in style at an early age! That's right, McCabe will likely retire at age 49 with a full pension.

It must suck for everyone else who does not work in the swamp.

brennan is on the hook for his lies to Congress. I hope they go after that prick too.
Interestingly enough, the idea to hire him for two days came from Andrea Mitchell...another branch of the ruling elite masquerading as press.
Probability of Brennan being charged with perjury: 0%

Probability of Trump being exposed as a corrupt demagogue and leaving office in disgrace: I would say, 30% and rising.
Why would they at least first wait for the official report before making such judgments against Trump?
Because a) they already know what is says, and b) Trump is an unethical liar who has made it easy to assume the worst.

I see, because they know everything and Trump is a liar.

Thanks for that.

But it seems to me that they were also calling Trump a liar for the accusation that he was being wire tapped by the Dims at Trump tower. Turns out he was right after being castigated by the press over it.

The FBI did wiretap Trump Tower—but not to spy on Trump

Incidentally, admitting that they bugged Trump Tower and that Trump was not the target does not fly.

He is obviously the target, which is why every other post on this sight is about Trump being impeached.
I was listening to an interesting interview this evening with Leon Panetta. McCabe's firing was likely not political - "lack of candor" is a very serious charge in the FBI, and the IG is known for being non-partisan and absolutely following the evidence. So what comes out of the IG's investigation is pretty solid. More solid then any of the political committees. Panetta also stated - and I totally agreed that Trump's tweet about McCabe is unseemly and degrading to the office of the presidency, Trump a bully, punching down. Typical and unnecessary.
You know, I think it's really messed up to fire someone 2 days before they are supposed to retire.

Shows a whole new level of no class.
Well I got news for ya, McCabe is on record as lying before on other things like Benghazi to cover Hillary.

FBI Chief Instructed Agents To Lie About Benghazi To Protect Hillary must be right on target since you cite Zero Hedge.....LOL

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You know, I think it's really messed up to fire someone 2 days before they are supposed to retire.

Shows a whole new level of no class.

Yup, almost as messed up as authorizing disclosure of sensitive information to the media about a Clinton-related case, and misleading investigators about his actions in the matter...especially for a former FBI Deputy Director who should have known better.

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