McCain meeting and directing troops now in the Ukraine as if Syria wasn't bad enough

McCain, as an U. S. Senator, may pretty much do as he wants in these kinds of matters.
McCain, as an U. S. Senator, may pretty much do as he wants in these kinds of matters.

Really? Promoting war with Russia doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy Jake. Now the Ukrainians are crazy enough to go for it. Nazis and all. And McCain wants to arm them to the teeth.

Do you really want to go there considering McCains bullshit in Syria was a massive failure. I really believe Rand Paul when he says McCain regards the planet as one big battlefield.

Let's see McCain has backed the Muslim Brotherhood, al Nusra, ISIS and now the Nazis in the Ukraine.

How is this man a Senator?

This handout photo released by the Ukrainian presidential press service shows President Poroshenko (C), Senators John McCain (C-L) and Lindsey Graham (C-R) posing during their working trip to the Donetsk region to meet with the Ukrainian marines, December 31, 2016.

PressTV-McCain visits Ukraine’s frontline troops
Wait a minute. McCain would rather spend New Year's eve with Lindsey? Holy toledo. I never beleived the jokes before. wow.
Why is this Senator allowed to run amok on the planet? Wasn't his "rebels" in Syria a big enough fuck up that now he's visiting HIS TROOPS in the eastern Ukraine on New Years eve?

This reallly isn't Infowars. This is USA today.

McCain visits frontline Ukraine troops in anti-Putin gesture

Putin needs to pull the Russian troops out of Ukraine.

Its Ukrainians fighting Ukrainians. You know this Toddster. Sigh. Like so many other times on the planet when those in charge decide to rewrite borders they screw up. Although with the eastern Ukraine you see when the USSR dissolved the Donestk region and Crimea only decided to stay with the Ukraine based on autonomy.

When we overthrew the choice of the nation in that coup we also overthrew the rights of those regions who no longer wanted to stay with the nazis in Kiev.
McCain, as an U. S. Senator, may pretty much do as he wants in these kinds of matters.

Really? Promoting war with Russia doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy Jake. Now the Ukrainians are crazy enough to go for it. Nazis and all. And McCain wants to arm them to the teeth.

Do you really want to go there considering McCains bullshit in Syria was a massive failure. I really believe Rand Paul when he says McCain regards the planet as one big battlefield.

Let's see McCain has backed the Muslim Brotherhood, al Nusra, ISIS and now the Nazis in the Ukraine.

How is this man a Senator?
Defending Russia against American interests would have made you a person of interest to the USA once upon a time. May do so again. Ukraine and Syria are out of your league. Just saying.
Why is this Senator allowed to run amok on the planet? Wasn't his "rebels" in Syria a big enough fuck up that now he's visiting HIS TROOPS in the eastern Ukraine on New Years eve?

This reallly isn't Infowars. This is USA today.

McCain visits frontline Ukraine troops in anti-Putin gesture

Putin needs to pull the Russian troops out of Ukraine.
with Trump as potus, Putin has no incentive for doing so. Putin's tactics are not new. He pushes against the West in any area he sees vulnerability. (He was in Ukraine long before the Euromaiden) IF confronted by overwhelming military and econ resources, he pulls back .... waiting for a new opportunity in that new area. And he pushes anti-western interests in a different area. It's pretty much classic strategy for a smaller opponent who has reason to expect his larger opponent will not expend the resources necessary to root out his geographic sanctuary.
McCain, as an U. S. Senator, may pretty much do as he wants in these kinds of matters.

Really? Promoting war with Russia doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy Jake. Now the Ukrainians are crazy enough to go for it. Nazis and all. And McCain wants to arm them to the teeth.

Do you really want to go there considering McCains bullshit in Syria was a massive failure. I really believe Rand Paul when he says McCain regards the planet as one big battlefield.

Let's see McCain has backed the Muslim Brotherhood, al Nusra, ISIS and now the Nazis in the Ukraine.

How is this man a Senator?
Defending Russia against American interests would have made you a person of interest to the USA once upon a time. May do so again. Ukraine and Syria are out of your league. Just saying.

America along with NATO and the EU pushed the envelope too far under Obama. Because I currently reside in Canada I went after Harper hard up here for backing the ventures to remove Mubarak, Gaddafi, Assad and Yanukovych.

Even though I am stuck with boy wonder, its better to be rid of Harper.

Look what our governments have done. We have rained hell on all these people. Children are raped and mutilated by those we have allowed to assume power. It's OUR fault that all those countries are ravaged by war with the exception of Egypt who came to their senses and arrested and jailed the Muslim Brotherhood that OUR governments supported even though they slaughtered Coptic Christians and were going to put a freaking terrorist in charge of a province.

How can anyone continue to allow what our governments are doing and still call themselves a good person?
War is hell, as Sherman said. Your take on the situation in the ME does not meet the facts. I won't quarrel with you because you won't listen. That is a fact. I want all troops home with the exception of South Korea and a few other spots, but I am in a very small minority of that, I gather.

Putin is no one's friend or ally.
Why is this Senator allowed to run amok on the planet? Wasn't his "rebels" in Syria a big enough fuck up that now he's visiting HIS TROOPS in the eastern Ukraine on New Years eve?

This reallly isn't Infowars. This is USA today.

McCain visits frontline Ukraine troops in anti-Putin gesture

Putin needs to pull the Russian troops out of Ukraine.
with Trump as potus, Putin has no incentive for doing so. Putin's tactics are not new. He pushes against the West in any area he sees vulnerability. (He was in Ukraine long before the Euromaiden) IF confronted by overwhelming military and econ resources, he pulls back .... waiting for a new opportunity in that new area. And he pushes anti-western interests in a different area. It's pretty much classic strategy for a smaller opponent who has reason to expect his larger opponent will not expend the resources necessary to root out his geographic sanctuary.

Both Crimea and the Donetsk regions were autonomous and ethnically Russian before the coup that put the nazi lovers in the west in charge.

They no longer want to stay with the Ukraine for obvious reasons. Western Ukrainians hate their guts and the east knows it.

Now if you want WWIII go ahead and force them to stay with the Ukraine.
War is hell, as Sherman said. Your take on the situation in the ME does not meet the facts. I won't quarrel with you because you won't listen. That is a fact. I want all troops home with the exception of South Korea and a few other spots, but I am in a very small minority of that, I gather.

Putin is no one's friend or ally.

Being a dual I trust no other countries on the planet. Only the US and Canada. But my faith in our own governments over the past decades is failing.

Hey I was the first to cheer going into Afghanistan and rebuilding what I prayed would be a brand new world. I was a huge activist pro Muslim women Jake since the 90's. Well then I started to understand our foreign policies.

And when you have a dangerous war monger like McCain with others who are now totally out of control you have to take a stand and speak up.

Where the hell is Code Pink when you need them.
Defending Russia against American interests would have made you a person of interest to the USA once upon a time. May do so again.
It's only a matter of time till you fascists gain enough support to begin squelching any and all dissent.
I thought supporting ISIS and al Nusra <you know the disenfranchised Sunni men> was bad enough but now we support this.

You see they left the Azov battalions flag out of the photo op. And people wonder why eastern Ukrainians want no part of the Ukrainian nazis in Kiev.

Sleeve badge of the Azov Regiment
Active 5 May 2014 – present
Branch National Guard of Ukraine
Type Regular military unit (Detachment/Regiment)
Role Light infantry, armored infantry, militia
Size Approx. 3 500 men
Garrison/HQ Urzuf, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine. Other HQs and detachments in Kiev, Berdiansk and Mariupol
Colours Blue and Gold
Anniversaries 5 May
USA today. It is Russian propaganda trying to sound like it's American opinion, and you know it. Absolute garbage. :trolls:
USA today. It is Russian propaganda trying to sound like it's American opinion, and you know it. Absolute garbage. :trolls:

Oh so McCain doesn't support the Azov Battalion in the Ukraine and the visit with pictures never took place newbie?

You know the pictures I put up with McCain and Graham visiting the troops.
Why is this Senator allowed to run amok on the planet? Wasn't his "rebels" in Syria a big enough fuck up that now he's visiting HIS TROOPS in the eastern Ukraine on New Years eve?

This reallly isn't Infowars. This is USA today.

McCain visits frontline Ukraine troops in anti-Putin gesture

Putin needs to pull the Russian troops out of Ukraine.

Its Ukrainians fighting Ukrainians. You know this Toddster. Sigh. Like so many other times on the planet when those in charge decide to rewrite borders they screw up. Although with the eastern Ukraine you see when the USSR dissolved the Donestk region and Crimea only decided to stay with the Ukraine based on autonomy.

When we overthrew the choice of the nation in that coup we also overthrew the rights of those regions who no longer wanted to stay with the nazis in Kiev.

It is not. Hacks of one of Putin's top aides shows that the separatists are a fiction controlled by Russia. The fact is that Crimea is a part of Ukraine whether you like it or not.

There was no overthrow. The Ukrainian President was legally removed by the Parliament through the process of impeachment. I would suggest you read up on it. Many countries including the US have such laws. You are the Nazi who supports a Nazi like Putin.

We are already in WWIII with Russia. This is being fought through guns in Ukraine, elections in the US and Western Europe, and war by Russia and Iran in the middle east. Trump and his supporters apparently don't understand this.
USA today. It is Russian propaganda trying to sound like it's American opinion, and you know it. Absolute garbage. :trolls:

Oh so McCain doesn't support the Azov Battalion in the Ukraine and the visit with pictures never took place newbie?

You know the pictures I put up with McCain and Graham visiting the troops.
It's a thing all Russian trolls have in common, whether minister, journalist, blogger or a TV host, that they do not understand the meaning of the word propaganda. So they always try to wriggle away of such accusations by pointing out things that are true of a subject at hand, but the word propaganda has no such demands as that the whole thing ought to be fictive.
Why is this Senator allowed to run amok on the planet? Wasn't his "rebels" in Syria a big enough fuck up that now he's visiting HIS TROOPS in the eastern Ukraine on New Years eve?

This reallly isn't Infowars. This is USA today.

McCain visits frontline Ukraine troops in anti-Putin gesture

Putin needs to pull the Russian troops out of Ukraine.

Its Ukrainians fighting Ukrainians. You know this Toddster. Sigh. Like so many other times on the planet when those in charge decide to rewrite borders they screw up. Although with the eastern Ukraine you see when the USSR dissolved the Donestk region and Crimea only decided to stay with the Ukraine based on autonomy.

When we overthrew the choice of the nation in that coup we also overthrew the rights of those regions who no longer wanted to stay with the nazis in Kiev.

It is not. Hacks of one of Putin's top aides shows that the separatists are a fiction controlled by Russia. The fact is that Crimea is a part of Ukraine whether you like it or not.

There was no overthrow. The Ukrainian President was legally removed by the Parliament through the process of impeachment. I would suggest you read up on it. Many countries including the US have such laws. You are the Nazi who supports a Nazi like Putin.

We are already in WWIII with Russia. This is being fought through guns in Ukraine, elections in the US and Western Europe, and war by Russia and Iran in the middle east. Trump and his supporters apparently don't understand this.

I'm third generation Ukrainian living in the largest out of country community on the planet next to Russia.

I know my shit. I know all the players. I know the politics. It was a violent coup in Kiev controlled by Poroshenko and Pinchuk. Backed by the west. And the Rada did not follow the Constitution.

Everything was illegal. As to being a Nazi although my family does come from the west, they were never followers of Bandera.

You know. Stepan. Whose troops slaughtered over 70,000 Poles. Yes ethnic cleansing by a good old western Ukrainian hero.

Oh and the west is also famous for the Holocaust of Bullets.

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